Sin,—I send the following quotation from Maeterlinck. It is with
the hope that it may interest other mothers who may be slowly realising the necessity of not faltering "in our own task of joy and thanksgiving," spoken of in the Spectator of June 17th by "A Modern Mary Bond" :—
"Let us beware lest we act as he did in the fable, who stood watch in the lighthouse, and gave to the poor in the cabins about him the oil of the mighty lanterns that served to illumine the sea. Every soul in its sphere has charge of a lighthouse, for which there is more or less need. The humblest mother who allows her whole life to be crushed, to be saddened, absorbed, by the less important of her motherly duties, is giving her oil to the poor, and her children will suffer the whole of their life, from their not having been in the soul of their mother, the radiance it might have acquired."
—I am, Sir, &c., L. W. B.