15 DECEMBER 1877, Page 1

The Turkish Parliament was opened on the 13th inst., amid

a splendid ceremonial, with a speech from the throne of the usual kind. Turkey had been compelled to defend herself from aggres- sion, and had defended herself so as to call forth the admiration of mankind. The Government had resolved to enlist non- Mussulman subjects, and its dearest wish was to secure perfect equality among all creeds ; to make financial reforms and perform its engagements ; and to carry reforming measures for the Press, taxation, civil procedure, general elections, and all the rest of it. The Members were reminded that they enjoyed perfect liberty of discussion, and were enjoined to use it. The interesting point is, of course, to see what line the Chamber takes upon the question of peace or war, as that will indicate the general tone of Mussul- man feeling. A Chamber generally fights, as witness the Pied- montese votes after Novara, but the French Assembly accepted hard conditions of peace.