13 OCTOBER 1917, Page 12


Eorrus or TEE II SPECTATOR:] SIH—SprilkillE at the Connaught Rooms on October 4th, General Sleets accused the enemy of being still at that elementary stage el development which knows no higher justice than that of the Mosaic Law, " An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth." He rightly holds up sock a conception to the scorn of Christendom, and stigmatizes it as a form of that Kuhnr which tee refuse to admit to be a true equivalent of Western culture. The very " dooms " of our Anglo-Saxon forefathers had advanced beyond such n law of retaliation when they ordained payment in lieu of maiming an offender, and so stamped out the blood-feud, thirteen hundred years ago.

It is all the more amazing to find the General, in the very eenteeee in which he condemns this practice, advocating its adoption by ourselves. " Because the Hun is still a savage," he virtually says, " let its return to the same stage of barbarism." We and our Allies, who thOught we stood for liberty, for justice, for a new- and purer Christendom, are to take the Hun for pattern, and that in his last and worst atrocity. It is not even military necessity that is urged, but apparently the Ministers' fears of their own people. " A very hitter temper is growing up in this eonettry," says he, "with winch the Government will lave to reckon," and adds, ' I am afraid the Government has no longer any choice in the matter." His colleagues will hardly thank him for such a frank avow-al of impotence. Let them reckon with the bitterness they fear—aye, even if it takes the form of adverse votes. Let Mr. Lloyd George, to whom Ids bitterest opponents hate always credited ideals, even if mistaken ones, approve him- self a sincere believer in the power of righteousness. Let him even risk popular disfavour if need be. Why has he " no choice "? Surely he has a noble opportunity to affirm his faith before the world. General Smuts speaks of "the people and their leaders understanding' and trusting each other on that high moral basin," which consists, an far as we can see, in repudiating the code of Christ and returning to the Mosaic Law. What does he mean? lie was eager to encourage his audience to believe that victory is already assured. " Germany is beaten already, and her leaders know it." The damage done by her air raids does not even :ompere with the such of our own Residents through traffic. Is this, then, the moment when we can claim to be "compelled" to folkei'eur enemy's dastardly suit and to Murder the women and children in cold blood ? Surely his facts point directly the other say. We have only to persist, only to maintain our fight with clean ]lands and a clear conscience for one More round, and we ahull Win. Are we at the eleventh' hour' to lower our Ileg•to the Devil and admit that "necessity knows no law"? If there is to he no difference between the enemy's methods and our ow-n, hose can we exact train him, when he is reduced to sue for peace, standard which we ourselves have soiled ? To yield now to the dictates of fear, or hate, or revenge would he to grant the advocates of might a moral victory in the very hour of defeat.

Loyalty- to Government is a subject's first defy, bet as a man he owes obedience to higher law, and if Ministers really contem- plate such a betrayal of the nation's honour. it is the right and urgent duty of every honest citizen to protest. For what have we endured and suffered if not to secure for posterity that God's law shall ride among nations as among individuals, and put an end for ever to the hideous rivalry in Force under which Christendom

has groaned and travailed until, now ?—I am, Sir, &re J.