13 MAY 1916, Page 12


"SPECTATOR."] gin,—I have read lately in letters of officers and privates serving at the front that newspapers are highly prized by them. From personal experience in reading the Spectator weekly, getting comfort and confidence from the war articles in that paper, I am now sending you £25 to be spent by your manager in distributing as many copies of the paper as this sum will cover to the *base hospitals on the-Continent weekly. —Thanking you for your kind attention, I am, Sir, &o.,

[We gladly accept our correspondent's gracious and generous gift, and will begin the distribution without delay. We may add that, inspired by his good example, we have decided to match every copy sent by him by another sent by the proprietor of the Spectator. Our correspondent's £25 will enable us to send out thirty-five copies a week to the hospitals for six months. We will send another thirty-five on our own account. If any other correspondent likes to follow the example of " Philadelphos," we will back his bill in similar fashion- -En. Spectator.]