Rob of the Bowl. A Romance of the Days of Charles the Second. By J. P. KENNEDY. III three volumes.
Francia's Reign of 7'error. Sequel to Letters on Paraguay. By J. P. and W. P. ROBERTSON. In three volumes. Vol. HI.
[The conclusion of an instructive and interesting work, descriptive of a curious state of society, a remarkable tyranny, and a remarkable tyrant ; to which we shall take an early opportunity of recurring. We see, by tire preface, that the antliors—rare occurrence—are perfectly satisfied with every critical notice which the two first volumes received, and that, so far as they are concenied, every notice was unbiassed by influence.]
1Pild Scenes in the Forest and Prairie. By C. F. HOFFMAN, Esq., Author of" A Winter in the Far West." in two volumes.
• Love's Exchange. A Tale. By CIIARLES JOHN BOYLE. LI three volumes.
The Bubbles of Canada. By the Author of "The Clockmaker." Incidents of 7'ravel in Greece, 2'urlu7, Russia, and Poland. By JOHN G. STEPHENS, Esq. [A neat reprint in a single volume, by Mr. CURRY of Dublin, of an amusing American work, that we noticeal at length a fortnight ago, when sent forth by Mr. BENTLEY in two volumes.] Curiosities of Medical Experience. By J. G. Illrutixons, 14.D., M.A., Surgeon to the Forces, Autltor of "Tine Army Medical Officer's Ma- nual," &c. Second Edition. Revised and considerably augmented.. In one volume.
[The chief feature that calls for notice in this very pleasant collection of medical curiosities, learned gossip, curious facts, and professional quackery regular and irregular, is the compression of the two volumes into one handsome book, without double columns, which some object to, or a small type, which is equally objectionable to the eyes of others.] Gleanings from Germany; or Select Specimens of German Romance and flistory. Comprising the Productions of the most esteemed Authors of that Country ; including Clauren, Madame Pichler, Heinse, Castelli, Tschokke, Mueller, Borne, Deinhardstein, Hohbrausch, Carl Maria Von Weber, &c. From the German. By JAMES D. Haas. [A collection of translations from the German, various in subject, style, and authors—now a talc; now a tour of personal adventure ; now the character of a great man, with anecdotes of a great monarch, FREDERIC of Prussia.]
Stanley ; or, the Recollections of a Man of the lVorld. In two volumes. [An American " philosophical" novel; composed of a meagre love-story, with monstrously melodramatic incidents, stuffed out with the prosy twaddle of ts superficial reader, whose sntartness does not conceal his vulgarity and preten- sion.]
relay° ; a Story of the Goth. By the Author of " Mellichampe," " Martin Faber," &c. In two volumes.
[An "historical" novel, in the prose-poetry style of the 'Minerva Press; also of American manufacture.]
Tales and Legends of the Isle of Wight: with the Adventures of the Author in S'earchof them. By ABRAHAM ELDER, Esq. Part the First. Caret/a; or Rilcaz the Wanderer. A Poetic Romance of the Isle of Wight. In five cantos. By FRANIS WOltSLEY.
Scenes at Home and Abroad. By HERBERT BING HALL, Esq. Author of" Spain, and the Seat of War in Spain."
My l'irst Concealment ; or the Confessions of an Exile. By W. A. CURRIE, Esq.
[A tale of a schoolboy, who from concealing a first fault is led step by step into the commission of more than puerile delinquencies : the moral is well deduced, but the style is somewhat overcharged.]
A Manual of Private or Ball-room Dancing; with Remarks on Spinal Derbrmity and Physical Education. By BARCLAY DUN, Teacher of Diming and Calisthenics.
[A teacher's murk; containing some useful hints, original and appropriated, on the carrik,"e of the body, and the preservation of a Shapely figure. One pre- cept is worth quoting—" The motion of the feet is but littlf the art of dime- ing."]
The Book of Fables and Instructire Stories; adapted to the Capacity of Young t;hildren. By the Authoress of " Sebella," "A Tale of Ve- nice," &c. [ Short, simple, and lively, though not always very pointed.]
The British and Foreign Review. January 1839.
Edinburgh Review, January 1839.
The Christian Teacher: a Theological and Literary Journal. January 1839.
The Novelist. Part II.—" Lionel Lincoln."
[Another cheap reprint, of a quarto size, close type, and double columns, illustrated with indifferent wood-cuts.] Self-Knowledge : a Treatise, showing the Nature and Benefit of that
important Science ; with various Reflections and Observations on Hu-. man Nature. By JOHN Atmore, A.M. Prefatory Essay, by the Rev. JAMES GIBSON, of Kingston Church, Glasgow. (4' The People's Li- brary of Select Christian Authors.") The .Book of Family Proper; a Guide to Devotion. Selected chiefly from standard works of eminent Christian Authors. Prefatory Essay on Family Worship, by the Rev. JOHN G. LORIMER, of St. David's Church, Glasgow. (" The People's Library of Select Christian Au- thors.")
[Two more specimens of another popular periodical or serial publication. The difference between these and the majority of the others we have lately been called upon to notice is this—the price is less, the style of printing not quite so neat.]
A Few Words to the Author of a Letter to the Queen. [Whig twaddle—'-the very sweepings of Downing Street.] Contribution to a Natural and Economical History of the Cocoa-Nut- Tree. By BEERY IdAnsnane, Deputy-Inspector-General of Army Hospitals.
Justice to Corn. Growers and to Corn-Eaters.
The Education of the Middle Classes. Its Defective System at present, and the Means of livroviny it. With some Remarks on the compa- rative merits of Classical, Mathematical, and Scientific Studies, Moral and Religious Training, Home Education, School Discipline, &c. By JAMES WHARTON, RA. of St. John's College, Cambridge.
Don Juan in Search of a Wife : with Other Poems.
[A fair imitation of the style and manner of BYRON, as well in his point as his looseness of thinking,—with this difference, that Don Juan has a story, and a varied and interesting one, the digressions being occasional, whereas the brochure before us is all digression. It consists of two Parts ; the first written in 1825, by an Oxonian, and containing such a one's notions on women and marriage: the Second Part produced in 1834, and dealing in the main with politics. The thing, as an imitation, is not devoid of point and spirit, and would have promised well had it been all the production of a student. Looking at the necessary age of the party, we most say that we cannot excuse the publi- cation in 1839 of the writing which was pardonable in 1825.]