11 MARCH 1911, Page 3

Mr. Will Crooks made some excellent remarks on the betting

evil at the Harringay Congregational Church on Sunday. He said that the man who had the moral courage to keep his money in his pocket when he was given a " certainty " for the Grand National ought to be glad. Some working men declared that they must back horses and support racing, because if they did not do so the breed would die out. Some said, " We are only imitating the aristocracy," whereas they should set the aristocracy a better example. Mr. Crooks is quite right to ask the aristocracy to set a good example, but why stop there P Wby does he not go on to ask the millionaire philanthropists of the Liberal Party, Mr. Cad- bury and Mr. Rowntree, to refrain from publishing in their widely read newspaper, the Star, furious incitements to betting P