Colonel Hodges, according to the Morning Post, is a' out
to depart on a mission to Belgrade, and the Post wants to know what for? We should suppose, to enter upon the duties of his Consulship, and pro- mote the British interests in that quarter : or perhaps to convert the Turks—who knows? On the latter supposition there might be a job for a staff of pious Churchmen. We regret to learn that the health of Lord H. B. is not improving since his Lordship left his regiment in Ireland.—Morning Chronicle.
Mr. Bunion Scott, father of Mrs. Maurice O'Connell, died a few days ego. By the decease of this particulars Mr. Maurice O'Connell will come into possession of a considerable property.
The Gazette of Tuesday contained the Royal permission to Colonel Evans to wear the insignia of the Order of St. Ferdinand, presented
to him by the Queen of Spain. It seems rather unseasonable for the Colonel to be solicitous about gewgaw's just at present, when his ill-success and inactivity are spoken of everywhere. lie should have kept back the Order of St. Ferdinand till he had soundly beaten the Carlists.
A valuable addition has been made to the stock of deer in the Roysl. Parks, by the munificent gift by Earl Spencer of the whole of his
Lordship's fine herd from Althor p Park; consisting of 743 deer, and
comprising selections from the most approved breeds in the country, of various sizes and ages, but with more than the ordinary portion of full-grown deer. With the loss of only fifteen out of the whole herd,
they were safely conveyed from Althurp, and distributed in such por- tions as were found to be most desirable in the several Royal Parks of Windsor, Hampton Court, Bushy, Richmond, and Greenwich ; and having also within the last few years made some exchanges of deer with the Duke of Bedford, the Earl of Essex, and others, we trust that by these means there may in future be less grounds for the com- plaints so areqaently made of the quality of the venison supplied from the Royal Parks.-- Twelfth Report qf the Commissioners if Woods and Forests. [ We sincerely hope that the " trust " of the Commissioners may be well-founded.]