Elbe (Court.
THE Court has left town for Windsor Castle ; whither the Royal invi- tation and Ascot Races have drawn a numerous circle of visiters. The Queen and Prince Albert, accompanied by the Counts Mensdorff, and followed by the suite with the infants, left Buckingham Palace in four carriages and four, at noon on Monday, and arrived at Windsor at two o'clock. An escort of Hussars guarded the Queen's carriage. A number of spectators assembled to welcome the Sovereign as she ap- proached the town with hearty cheerings.
The Dutchess Of Kent went down to Frogmore about two hours earlier. Each day witnessed fresh arrivals at the Castle : on Tuesday, Sir Robert and Lady Peel were among the new comers ; on Wednes- day, Lord and Lady Stanley; on Thursday, the Duke and Dutchess of Saxe Meioingen, and the Duke of Wellington ; and by that day the evening dinner-party had grown to an unusual number. Among the visiters were the French Ambassador and the Countess St. Aulaire ; who returned to town on Wednesday. Sir Robert and Lady Peel re- turned on Thursday; the Duke and Dutchess of Saxe Meiningen, and the Duke of Wellington, yesterday.
The Queen and Prince Albert, attended by a numerous party, went in several Royal carriages to Ascot Races on Tuesday and Thursday.
Prince Albert and some of the distinguished foreigners at the Castle bathed in the Thames yesterday afternoon, at a private spot near a building in the shrubbery by the weir.
The Princess Royal rode out in the enclosure in the Home Park, yesterday, on a Shetland pony, attended by her preceptress, the Dowager Lady Lyttelton. The children are much in the open air.
On Saturday, the Queen and Prince Albert left Buckingham Palace at an early hour, in an open barouche and four, with Count Mensdorff, and proceeded to Wormwood Scrubs ; -where, having mounted on horseback, the Queen and Prince reviewed the First and Second Regi- ments of Life Guards and the Eighth Hussars. Prince George of Cana- bridge was also on the 'ground. The party returned to Buckingham Palace at half-past one o clock.
The Globe says that the Queen's health has visibly suffered from the anxiety which the late attempt upon her life has excited ; and that in- dications of alarm were perceptible in her countenance during the ride from. Buckingham Palace to the Chapel Royal on Sunday. It is ob- served, that the escort clustered more closely than it used to do round the Monarch's carriage in the ride to Windsor ; so closely, that the horse of the officer in command was grazed by one of the wheels, and became restive : the Queen stopped the carriage, and the officer mounted the horse of a private.
Upwards of two thousand callers inscribed their names at the Palace last week.
The Queen Dowager, with the Duke and Dutchess and the Heredi- tary Prince of axe Meiningen, and the Dutchess Ida of Saxe Weimar, were present at the great choral meeting of Mr. Hullah's singing-classes, in Exeter Hall, on Saturday. Her Majesty took the same party on Monday to Bushy Park ; where a dejeuner was prepared for their entertainment ; after which they returned to town.
The Duke of Sussex and the Dutchess of Inverness and a select party were entertained by Viscount Palmerston at dinner on Saturday, at his house in Carlton Terrace.
The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, Prince George, and Princess Augusta, went to the French Theatre on Tuesday. . The Duke and Dutchess of Saxe Meiningen attended at the Italian Opera on Saturday.