11 JUNE 1842, Page 20


Tuesday, June 7.


Page and Smallbone, Long Acre, pawubrokers-J. and T. Dimmock, Stoke-upon. Trent. timber•merchauts-Fairbairus and Co. Newbottle, Durham-Gottheimers and Co. Newgate Street. dealers in foreign goods-Malcolm and Co. Liverpool, merchants -Woodhouse and Hague, Manchester, commission-agents -D'Amant and Mackrill, Kingeland, seedsmen-Barbour and Lobley. Liverpool, general agents-Brearey and Ere. Derby. auctioneers-Nichols and Roscow. Salford. Lancashire, dyers-J. J. and S. J. Smith, New Bridge Street, Blackfriars. wine-merchants-Davies and Eggingtou, Birmingham, silver-platers-Hiscocks and Co. Ramsgate. hotel-keepers; as far as re- gards Z. Hiscocks-Fixsen and hieesou. Queen Street, Cheapside, wholesale grocers- Henderson and Emerson, Berwick-upon-Tweed, wine-merchants-G. and A. Podmore, Threadueedle Street. stock-brokers-Chanter and Wrigley, engineers-T. and S. Han- cock, Sheffield, manufacturers of razors-Hanson and Co. St. Martin's-le-Grand, Man- chester warehousemen ; as far as regards G. Heather-Taylor and Haworth, Sheffield, manufacturers of edge tools. INsOLVENT. WATTS, THOMAS, Rugby, licensed-victualler, June 7.


BARLOW, JOSIAH, Manchester, batter, to surrender June 21. July 19 : solicitors, Messrs. Bower and Back, Chancery Lane; and Mr. Bunting, Manchester. BARTER. Terraria, Poole, surgeon, June 25, July 19: solicitors, Messrs. Holme and Co. New Inn; and Messrs. Parr, Poole. BarrrAaaa. Jame. Pendleton, timber-dealer. June 20. July 19: solicitors. Mr. Nether. sole, Essex Street, Strand; and Mr. Foster, Manchester. GINGER, Turmas, Leighton Buzzard, iunkeeper, June 17, July 19: solicitors, Mr. Je Wright, Furnival's Inn; and Mr. Day. Woburn; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old wry. JONEs, THOMAS. Brecon, woolstapter, July I, 19: solicitors, Messrs. Bicknell and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Messrs. Vaughan and Co. Brecon. Krieger!, GuDvirsi PILSWoRTH, and SAMSON, AUGUKTUS. Manchester, calico-printers. June 21, July 19: solicitors. Messrs. Baxter, Lincoln's Intl Fields; Messrs. Sale and Worthington, Manchester; and Mr. Lycett, Manchester. LAURENCE, WILLIAM, King William Street, City, money scrivener, June 18, July 19: solicitor, Mr. Cox, Size Lane; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane. M'LEOD, NoamAm, and YARROW, CORNELIUS Bitowsz, Liverpool, ship-brokers, June

25. July 19: solicitors. Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row ; and Messrs. Crump and Hassell. Liverpool.

WALKER. HENRY MATTHEW, and CASSON, TII0MAS, Manchester, corn-factors. June 14, July 19: solicitors, Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Row; and Messrs. Taylor and Westmorland, Wakefield. DIVIDENDS.

June 28, T. and W. Sty an, Great Tower Street, tea-brokers-June 30. Coward, Bath, linendraper -June 30, Shea and Pion. Great Pulteney Street, tailors-June 30, P. and J. Herbert. London, merchants-June 30, Grant. Hatton Garden, merchant-June 30, Roes and Murray, Leadenhall Buildings. merchants-June 30, Wienholt, Old Swan, City. merchant-June 30, Williams, Finsbury Square, merchant-June 28, Lee, Guildford, banker-June 28, Cadbury, New Bond Street, clieesemonger-Juue 29, Gifford. Parson's Green, Fulham. schoolmistress-June 30. Parsons, Worthing, wine. merchant-June 30, Partridee. Birmingham. victualler-June 29, Webster, Liverpool, tailor-July 8, Matthews, Little Town, near Leeds, dyer-July 6, Hughes, Wrexham, licensed-victualler-July 6, Beardsworth, Wrexham, timber-merchant-June 29. Pot- ter, limaiton, Devonshire, victualler-July 6, Webb, Forebridge, Staffordshire. corn. dealer -June 28. Hulke and Co. Deal, bankers-June 29, Legge, Birmingham, builder-June 30, Coles, Bedwelty, Moumouthshire, apothecary. -June 29, Neume-

gen, Highgate, bookseller. CERTIFICATES

To be granted, unless cause tie shown to the contrary, os or before June 28. Tel*, Nelson Square. Blackfriars Road, victualler-Ross. Long Alley, Moorfields, victualler-Cox, Nottingham, silk-throwster-Pidgeon, Shrewsbury, tobacconist- Foster, Bridgewater, draper-Bayley. Lothbury, stockbroker-Ridge and Co. Chiches. ter, bankers-Williams, Liverpool, merchant. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.

ALLAN. Rum Edinburgh, grocer. June 17. July 15. ALEXANDER. ANDREW, Glasgow, builder, June 10. July 1. PAIRLEY, GEORGE, Glasgow. builder, June 13, July 4. Homes, WILLIAM, Glasgow, merchant, June 13, July 5. TAYLOR. THOMAS, Perth, ironmonger, June 10, July 1. WILKIE, WILLIAM, Edinburgh, paper stainer, June 14, July 5.


Atkinson and Rumney, Manchester, brewers-Taylor and Hope. York, wholesale druggists-M•Turk and Spence, Kingston-upon-Hull, woollen-merchants-Jarvis and Kemp, Rotherham, Yorkshire, mercers-Laird and Kitson, Leeds, engineers-Heap and Thornton, Melbourne, Derbyshire, glovers-Brown and Lloyd, New Cross, Kent. ladder-makers-Middleton and Getting, Lime Street, wine-merchants-Carloe and Fitzgerald. Buckingham Street, Adelphi, surveyors-Angus and Co. Brampton, coach.

builders; as far as regards C. R. Walter-T. and T. P. Trendell, Reading, pork-

butchers-Hudson and Linsfield, Wakefield, ironmongers -Huffman and Woodbury, Manchester, men's-mercers-Collett and Thomson, Goldsmith Street, mousseline-de- laMes printers-Halls and Co. Plymouth, grocers-Child soul Co. Bradford, York- shire, machine.makers-Cetti and Stoppani, Red Lion Street, Holborn, merchants. INSOLVENTS.

ARMSTRONG. TH0MAS, Conduit Street, Paddington. merchant, June 9. STEOGALL, Joint, Guildford Street, bookseller, June 9.


ATEINsON, THOMAS. Lancaster. druggist. Beams, HENRY, Manor Street, Clapham Road, coal-merchant.


Arum:sox. JAM Es. Leeds, joiner, to surrender June 17, July 22: solicitors, Messrs. Bettye and Co. Chancery Lane; and Mr. Shackleton, Leeds. BAIRD, HANSEL, Gloucester. grocer, June 17, July 22: solicitors, Mr. Nicholls, Cook's Court, Lincoln's Inn; and Mr. Lovegrove, Gloucester. BOWER, MANOAH, Birmingham, toy-manufacturer, June 20. July 22: solicitors, Mr. Bigg, Southampton Buildings ; and Messrs. Haywood and Webb, Birmingham. Formren, STEPHEN. Gateshead, ironfounder, July 6,22: solicitors, Meggison and Co. King's Road. Bedford Row; and Brackett and Philipson, Newcastle-upou-Tyne. JOHNsON, Osmortn, Malden, Essex. corn-dealer, June 21, July 22: solicitors, Messrs. Stevens and Co. Queen Street, Cheapside ; official assignee. Mr. Gibson, Basinghall St. EEMPSTER, Wna.ram, South Weald. Essex, inykeeper, Juue 25. July 22: solicitor, Mr. Rawliug,s, Bamford; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.

Mims, JOHN. Clapham, shipowner. June 23, July 22: solicitors, Messrs. Dods and Linklater, St. Martin's Lane; official assignee, Mr. f urquand, Cepthall Buildings.

Moss, DAVID. Rochdale, draper, June 21, July 22: solicitors, Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple; and Mr. Sutton, Manchester. PARKIN, Bear and Co. High Town, Yorkshire, cotton-warp-doublers, June 25, July 22: solicitors, Messrs. Makiuson and Sanders, Temple; and Messrs. Atkinson and Saunders, Manchester. PEARsON. Ram. Kiugswinford, Staffordshire, maltster, June 21, July V: solicitors, Mr. Church, Bedford Row ; and Mr. James, Birmingham. RUSSELL, ROBERT, Bradford, Yorkshire, provision-dealer, June 25, July 22: solici- tors, Messrs. Walter and Pemberton, Symond's Inn; and Mr. Tolson. Bradford. Sierra, WILLIAM GREY, Vauxhall Walk, surgeon, June 21, July 22: solicitor, Mr. Binns, Essex Street, Strand; official assignee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury. STEVENS, HENRY and Joust. Willian, Hertfordshire. builders, June 17, July 22: so- licitors, Messrs. Stevens and Co. Queen Street. Cheapside; official assiguee, Mr. Pen- nell. Basiughall Street. TATHAM, THOMAS, Burton-in-Lonsdale, Yorkshire, lime-burner, June 18, July 22: solicitors, Messrs. Gregg and Jey es, Harper Street, Red Lion Square; and Mr. Cow- burn, Settle. THOMPSON, RonEa2 BENNETT. Wood Street. warehouseman. June 17. July 22: solici- tors. Reed and Shaw, Friday Street; official assignee, Mr. Meager, Birchiu Lane. TRIGGS, JAMES, Southampton, upholsterer. June 16, July 22 :solicitors, Messrs. Sharp and Harrison. Southampton • and. Mr. Barber. Furuivul's Inn. WHATLEY, DAVID. Cirencester, scrivener, June 20, July 22: solicitors, Mr. Ledford, Cireucester ; and Mr. Crouch, Southampton Buildings..

DIVIDENDS. July 4, County, Cheltenham, oilman- Julfl. Green, Clifford Street. tailors -July Matthews, Crooked Lane, tin-plate-merchant-July 1, Fearnley, Bradford, Yorkshire, woolstapler-July 1. Curtis, Tokenhouse Yard, merchant-July 1, Bromfield, Black- friars Road, brush-manufacturer-July 1, Schofield, Kingston upon-Thames, timber- merchant-July 1, Ratcliffe, Blackman Street, stationer-July 1, Saunders, Chesham, grocer-July 2, Staffell, Strood, druggist-July 2, Farmer. Tavistock Street. Covent Garden, jeweller-July 4. Hunt, ti atling Street, stationer-July 4. M'Cleave, London Road. lineudraper-July 2, Dittritch. Kingston-upon-Hull. merchant-July 4, Hicklin, Nottingham, printer-July 2, Low, Liverpool, attorney-July 28, White and Broad, Newport, Isle of Wight, wine-merchants-July 2, M'Alister, Liverpool, upholsterer- July 5, Ford, Bristol, cooper.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or befje My 1.

Payne, Hand Court, Holboru, victualler-Bell, Norton Folgate, linendraper, -Miller, St. Martin's Lane, wine-merchant-J. C. and T. Lucas, Aldersgate Street. druggists- Ballinger, Cheltenham, livery-stable-keeper-Guilford, North Shields. shipowner- Atkinson, Monkwearmouthshure, hardwareman-James, Bangor, druggist.

satyr= SEQUESTRATIONS. ALEXANDER, THOMAS, and M'A mum, Comm, Glasgow, smiths, June 15, July 6. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM, Glasgow, cartwright, Juue 20, July 11. Dumnax, Joint JAMES, Edinburgh, writer. June 15, July 8. . HALLIWELL, GEORGE and !Aram, Greenock, contractors, June 13, July 4. HAY. WILLIAM, Kilsyth, Stirlios,shire. merchant, June 7, July 15. HENDERSON, ANDREW. Glasgow, builder, June 16, July 6. Morn, ROBERT. Kippen, merchant, June 16. July 17. MORRIS0N, PETER, Banff, merchant, June 15, July 15. SHARP, Wu.mAst and CRARLEs. Montrose, merchants, June 15, July 6.