Arrived—At Gravesend. June 6th, Wild Irish Girl. Graham, from Madras. At Li- verpool, 10th, Eart Foals, —, from Mauritius. Off C-rk, Zih; S. Collings, White, from Mauritius. At -Mauritius, Feb. 25th, John King. Bri,tuwe; from Southampton; 27114 °recital, Richards. from London; 28th, Cassiupea, Hodson, from Liverpool. At Bombay, previous to May 2d, Lord &dun, Weisel' ; Mary, Trehaven ; Orator, Terry ; Elizabeth, Weatherby; and AgylesInre. Scott, from Loudon. Jane Anderson. Scott ; Saxe Gotha. White; Wave Snottily; Crown, Kerr; Uuiverse, Mettle; Caledonia, Council; Lintuu, Gillman; and Parsee Merchant, Poole, from Liverpool ; Hope. Kerr; Burephalus. Small; and Velum, Aymock, from the Clyde ; and Mount- guart Elphivatoue. Lawton, from Shields. At Ceylon, April 19th, Fairy Queen. Cousens, fri.rn London. At Madras, previous to April 23d, Priuce Albert, Brutus ; and M. S. Elphiustoue, Lawtou, from London ; and vvilliam Lockerby, Braithwaite, from Liverpool. At Bengal, pensions to April 21st, Rookery. Bourne; Zeuobia, Owen ; and Echo, Borstal!, from London ; Tigris, Gill; and Lord Western, Lock. hum Liverpoor•' Uuicoru. from Clyne; Madura, Mylue ; Selma, Leckie; and Thetis. White, from nuudee • Earl Durham, Crouch; and John George, story. from Newcastle. At Singapore, Feb. 17th. Nerve, Melville, from Clyde; and March 9th, Thomas Lee, Wourf, from Liverpool. At China, Feb. 11th, Orixa, Ager, from Liver- pool.
Sailed—From Gravesend. June 2d, Viscount Sandon, Lancaster. for Bengal ; 4th, Tyr-cr. Shadwell. for Bombay; 8th, Asia, Fawcett, for China; Madagascar, for Betwixt; and Geueral Kyd, °taloa', for Maoris. From Liverpool, 8d, D'Arcy, Garrick, for China; Gleueira. Newby, for Singapore ; and Devon, Mallory, for Bengal; 4th, Ripley, Norman ; and 5th, Athena, White, for ditto.