(TO Tar EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR...I SIR,—Will you allow me to explain two matters on which I see I have been misunderstood by critics, both of whom I know to be perfectly fair and friendly ?
1. I had no intention whatever of advocating " armed " inter- vention on behalf of the Jews.
2. I agree with the whole drift of Mr. C. E. Maurice's letter. I must have failed terribly in making clear my true meaning, if I conveyed to him or to any other friend the notion that I wished Liberals to affect a sentiment which they did not feel.
Nothing would be more deplorable and, in my judgment, more detestable, than that a movement purporting to be made on behalf of humanity should in reality be an attempt to outflank
the Conservatives.—I am, Sir, &c., A. V. DICEY.