11 APRIL 1958, Page 23
By PHILIDOR No. 148. A. KARLSTROM ('British Chess Magazine,' 1939)
fiLACK (9 men) WHITE (I I men) WHITE to play and mate in two moves: solution next week. Solution to last week's problenrby Morra: Kt -B 4, threat R x P. I ... Kt (5) x •Kt;21Ct x Kt P. I ... B x Kt; 2 Kt-Q 3. I ... Kt P x *Kt; 2 Q x Kt P.
1 K P x Kt; 2 Q-K 7. 1 ...Kt (7) x Kt; 21' x Kt. 1 . . . B-R 7; 2 Kt-Q 3. Straightforward 'threat' problem with some good play in the variations.