It Is Said That Efforts Are In Progress At Liverpool
to establish a new company to run screw-steamers from that port to Calcutta. The proposal is to build iron boats for the service, of 2500 or 3000 tons, with 600-horse power.......
It is announced upon the orthodox authority of the Tablet, says the Dublin correspondent of the Times, that the performances enacted with such marked success by the father of......
Intrigu An Cninirtt.
FBANCE. — In the Legislative Assembly, on Monday evening, the reprouentatives were surprised by the actual presentation of the Dotation Bill. M. Germiny, the Minister of......
An unusual interest was attached by the temper of the times to the meeting of the two Houses of Convocation, in the Jerusalem Chamber, on Wednesday. There seems even to have......
The Daily Journals Have Reprinted From The Constitution...
Sentinel a correspondence between Mr. Thompson, a Protestant butcher of Dublin, and the Duke of Wellington. Mr. Thompson is the spokesman of some memorialists who call the......