7 APRIL 1906, page 16

The "spectator" Experimental Company.

[TO TIM EDITOR OP TIID " SPRCTATOR."3 Sia,—Our progress since my last letter was written has con- tinued to be highly satisfactory ; the drill improves apace, extended order and......

Poe Try.

VESPERS. THE day long have I toiled at oars, The river broadened as I went, And now each herb of evening pours Upon the air its inmost scent. Fast gathered to their mother bill,......

The "spectator" Experimental Company. We Have Received...

a subscriptibn of £2 for our Militia Experiment.' The fact that one whom we may describe without the least fear of being accused of exaggera- tion as among the greatest of......

Lewisham Schools Rifle Association. [to The Editor Or The...

SIR, — Bearing in mind the Spectator Experiment in Militia Training, will you allow me to send you the enclosed booklet, which gives some details of this Association ? I feel......


BRITISH IMPERIALISM THROUGH FRENCH SPECTACLES.* FRENCH publicists have been much concerned during the past few years with the developments of Imperialism in Britain, and the......