Foolish Posturing . . ."
Sw,—Many of your readers arc in your debt for your characterisation of Dr. Maclntyre's defiance of Parliamentary usages, with its humiliating sequel. Doubtless you will agree......
Gifts For Holland
SIR,—I wonder how many of your readers know that gifts of non- perishable food, clothing and other necessities can be sent to, and are gratefully received by, The Royal......
Children's Care Committees
sm,—I n The Spectator of April zoth, I see ;hat, in 'commenting on the voluntary service people might do in helping reconstruction, " Janus " says: " The work of Children's Care......
The Nigerian Student
SIR, —Mr. Ajibola wishes to refute Mr. Henson's statement. that the majority of Nigerians live in villages accessible only by tracks through the forest or bush. He endeavours to......
. The Needs Of France
SIR,—May I support the admirable article of Miss Irene Ward on " The Needs of France." She makes two constructive suggestions: firstly, the appointment of a Minister - of......
General Pile
Sin,—Captain Nevile Wallis's tribute to General Sir Frederick Pile is well deserved. I can endorse it because many years ago I had the honour and privilege of " instructing "......
Malta's Cathedral
Sta,—May I add a detail or two to " Janus's " remarks in your issue of April 27th about the founding of St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral at Malta? Queen Adelaide, widowed by the......