3 JUNE 1905, page 15


rTo THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR,"' SIR, - I venture to send you the enclosed, asking you to do us the great kindness of publishing it in your valuable paper. "With the idea of......

[to The Editor Of The " Spectator.,1 Sie, — As You Have

allowed me to call attention in your columns (Spectator, May 20th) to the above subject. I hope you will find room for the answers of the Prime Minister to questions addressed......


OXFORD REVISITED. TIMID and strange, like a ghost, I pass the familiar portals, Echoing now like a tomb, they accept me no more as of old; Yet I go wistfully onward, a shade......

(to The Editor Of The " Spectator.") Sie,—the Article In

the Spectator of May 20th upon the above subject opens up a wide field for investigation into the comparative anatomy of the nervous system, an aspect of scientific research......

Mo Tue Editor Or Tiis "spectator.") • May Interest Your

Free-trade readers to know that a remarkably successful meeting was held at Spencer House on Thursday, June 1st, by the Women's Free-Trade Union, a body composed of Unionist......

Cheap Cottages Exhibition Fund.

THE amount of subscriptions and fees received up to Juno 1st for the Cheap Cottages Exhibition is £1,210 3s. 6d, in addition to £420 promised to the Prizes Fend, making a total......