30 JULY 1948, page 17

Greece And Her Neighbours

SIR, —It may be news to Colonel Woodhouse that long before 1942 Greece and Turkey fostered the idea of a Balkan Federation. In 1935 the Greek Premier, A. Papanastasiou, and......

Women In The Priesthood

SIR, —After considering the question for many years the Methodist Con- ference in Bristol decided by a substantial majority against the admission of women to the ministry. The......

A Fair Island

Politics have brought Newfoundland, our oldest colony, into the lime- light ; and I find myself objecting strongly to some accounts of the country and its people that the crisis......

In The Garden

At a recent show of the R.H.S., some special emphasis was set on Clive Greaves. This scabious is, of course, a useful enough garden flower of no peculiar salience, but it has......

Reunion Of The Churches

SIR, —In The Spectator of July 23rd both the letters from Mr. McNeile and Mr. Crossman (on Women in the Priesthood) as well as the review by Canon Smyth (on Anglicans and......

Neglected Creatures

You would have thought that, in an island so thick with naturalists as this, every sort of subject would have been well treated in literature, but it is one of the first......

The Implications Of Nuremberg

Snt,—Captain Russell Grenfell's letter deserves serious attention. The date of the change in the regulations is significant. Under para. 443, Chapter XIV, Manual of Military......

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The Sound Of Whales

Sut,—Your correspondent who refers to the roaring of blowing whales is, I'm afraid, a little off the track. When we were coming up from the Horn towards the Channel for orders......

Country Life

HARVEST has begun, and though nothing is sure till the grain is threshed— on the field or off—the yield is likely to be bumper. Since Sir John Boyd Orr with other specialists......

To Readers On Holiday.

LET US POST A COPY OF THE SPECTATOR TO YOUR HOLIDAY ADDRESS. Send instructions with a remittance—Md. for each issue—to THE SALES DEPARTMENT. THE SPECTATOR, 99 Gower Street,......