28 JULY 2007, page 15

Why We Need Boris

Sir: I'm very encouraged to see you doing such wonderful work supporting Boris Johnson in his bid to be Mayor of London (Leading article, 21 July). Yes, it'll be a great laugh......

Re Writing History

Sir: I am astonished by Robert Stewart's review of my most recent book, The Fears of Henry IV (Books, 21 July). Why exactly is it 'graceless' of me to point out that Henry IV is......

Call To Arms

Sir: I disagree entirely with Gavin Beck (Letters, 21 July). Major Maxwell's letter suggesting the reintroduction of National Service was sensible and imaginative The lack of......


Sir: It comes as no surprise to hear that the EU has classed the tomato as a 'World vegetable' (Life, 14 July). The EU operates in a world of its own but in the real world the......

Defence Against The Dark Arts

Sir: Deborah Ross's review of Hany Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was unworthy of The Spectator (Arts, 21 July). I had better set out my stall: I'm afraid I am among those......