26 MAY 1933, page 32
Behold The Hebrides "
CC Searching the Hebrides with a Camera. By Alasdair Alpin MacGregor. (Harrap. 7s. 6d.) EVER since Neil Munro fashioned for himself an "Aebudean English"- a stylized way of......
Travels Far And Near
IN The Flying Carpet Mr. Hallibniton's "Royal Road to Romance " of a previous book gets broader and more flowery than ever. He is a hierophant of the 'Americin cult of going......
The Modern Scot
The Modern Scot: Summer, Autumn, Whiter, 1932. Spring, 1933. (The Abbey Book Shop, St. Andrews. 2s. each number.) The Modern Scot in the last two years has assumed the toga......