25 JANUARY 1930, page 1

[signed Articles Do Not Necessarily Represent The Views...


. The King Described Agreement Between The Maritime...

the limitation of navies as " one of the most important columns in the edifice of peace." These words take us to the heart of what is being attempted at the Naval Conference. In......

That Would Not Have Been Admitted Ten Years Ago. It

is only a question now of providing the alternative war' - -:a Machinery cif - peace - - Caiiiiiit" - at any point break down. Public opinion, so far as we can judge, has gone......

News Of The Week The Naval Conference T He Opening Of

the Naval Conference on Tuesday was the occasion of an unparalleled appeal to the con- science and reason of the world, made audible by wireless to many millions of listeners.......

The Prime Minister's Speech Was Admirable. His Pacific...

no doubt what they have always been ; but what a difference in the expression, in the sense of responsibility, and in the businesslike recognition of difficulties, from the......

• * * * * It Is Essential To Set

an example in agreed reduction. This is the only way to persuade to disarmament those other nations which do not believe in any security which they . find to dependent upon a......

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Subscription to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on this......