Fads And By-elections.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."' Sin,—Probably most people will agree with you in your con- demnation of the introduction of "fads" at the time of a General Election ; but......
The Logical Necessity Of Miracle.
[To THE EDI 10E OF THE "SPECTATOR. ,. ) you allow me to accentuate and lend further force to an argument which you have already suggested in your articles on Mrs. Humphry Ward......
Dr. Abbott On Cardinal Newman.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "srscrkTon."3 SIR, —The controversy raised by Dr. Abbott's book seems to be passing into one of personal rather than of public interest ; and I should not,......
Letters To The Editor.
FREE EDUCATION. [re TUB EDITOR OF TUB " SPEOTATOR.1 Sin,—Of town schools I cannot speak, but in the country the introduction of compulsory education—a change forced sud- denly......