The Albert Bridge Sir,—surely The Solution Of This...
to re- erect the present bridge in Battersea Park. Mr. Betje- man can then enjoy it in peace and it would provide a splendid monument to Mr. Morrison who did so much to preserve......
'the Moon And Sixpence'
SIR,—The melodic phrase Mr. Colin Mason refers to at length in his article on The Moon and Sixpence does not, as he so dogmatically states, occur for the first time at the end......
Sir,—coim Brogan's Excellent Account Of One Per- Son's...
a secondary modern school was, alas! only too true, and I Mink that it would be true to say that a goodly proportion of grammar- school pupils in many areas, particularly in and......
Sir,—i Think Mr. Brogan's Secondary Moderns Sound A...
They are shrewd and good-humoured—' "Miss So - and - So is too good for us."' They are inde- pendent and resourceful—`A large number of them had interesting hobbies and......
Betjem Anism
SIR,—May I add a further word on this subject, as I happen to be in Rome where the noise and amount of traffic seem to me to put London to shame? At the moment, however, 1 have......
Secondary Modern Sir,—last September, After Five Years'...
entered a secondary. modern school in this town. I have learnt a great deal in that time : that five years was certainly not wasted. Of course, the concentration of children in......
Local Government Secrecy Sir,—the Employment Of Mr....
your columns in calling attention to the extent to which secrecy prevails in local administration will be welcomed, particularly by those who have for years advocated amendment......
Rani Of Mans!
SIR,—While it will hardly be of value as material, it may interest Mr. Tahmankar (Spectator, June 7) to learn that the Rani of Jhansi was cut down by a trooper of the VIII......
Fresh Food
SIR,—The freshness and quality of British food was sacrificed during the war as it was necessary to cen- tralise supplies to operate rationing. The continuation of controls by......