The Rural Cottage Problem.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOIL."] SIIL,—In your last issue 3s. a week is mentioned as the outside rent that an agricultural labourer can afford to pay for his cottage, and I......
(to The Edtior Of The "speciatoii.n Sin,—mr. Ewing's...
your issue of January 18th gives two cases of schemes for rural housing, both of them examples of the grave danger that attends the solution of the question. In his own district......
Taxing Builders' Profits.
[To TEE EDITOR. OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR, — Your excellent article on "Taxing Builders' Profits " does not mention that builders are not allowed a farthing for deferred interest......
Liberal Churchmen And Welsh Disestablishment.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR "] SIR, — May I, as Chairman of the Liberal Churchmen's Protest League, appeal through your columns to all fair- minded men, and especially to......