19 MAY 1860, page 10


SATURDAY AFTERNOON. A report derived from Paris this morning, via Brussels, states that the Emperor Napoleon had left his capital without any suite, and had gone none knew......

The Queen Held A Drawingroom At St. James's Palace...

her birthday. It was very numerously attended in spite of weather, that did not harmonize with the day. She has returned to Windsor Castle. The State Ball on Wednesday was very......

According To Information From Vienna, Austria, Prussia,...

agreed on the new Russo-Turkish question. If there is to be an in- quiry into the state of Christians in Turkey, it must be based on the re- ports of all the powers and not on......

• The Latest News From Sicily Is Of A Nature

to feed the excitement oc- casioned by Garibaldi's expedition. Our Paris correspondent reports as follows :-- "Paris, Thursday evening. "Garibaldi's safe landing and success in......

Money Market.

STOGIE EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The continual decline on the Paris Bourse, amounting at times almost to a panic, has kept the Markets on this side in a constant state of......

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A deputation, headed by Mr. Milner Gibson, and including a number of distinguished, scientific, naval, and commercial men, waited Kam Lord Palmerston to ask assistance in......