16 JANUARY 1841, page 9

There Will Be A Cabinet Council This Afternoon, At Which

the whole of the Ministers will be present ; when the Speech from the Throne twill be agreed upon. Viscount Melbourne gives a Cabinet dinner in the evening, at his mansion in......

There Are At The Present Time No Fewer Than 1,691

persons in the 'Workhouse of Marylebone, who are fed, clothed, and lodged at the ex- pense of the ratepayers ; and 5,000 receiving , out-door relief, partly in bread, which is......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCEANOZ. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. As is usually the case upon the payment of the Dividends, money has be- come much more plentiful; and though the Funds have received a check by......

Madrid Papers And Letters, To The 6th Instant, Have Been

received. They contain no news of importance. The ex-Minister Arrazola had addressed a memorial to the Regency, in which be demanded to be allowed to return to Spain. He......

From A Dover Letter, Dated Last Night, It Appears That

the English snail-bags were lost at Boulogne yesterday morning, by the pilot-boat capsizing on the bar. Some of the crew, it is reported, were drowned.......

One Of Our Paris Letters States That The Announced...

of the dichiance of Mehemet Ali by the Porte, and the recognition of his here- ditary sovereignty over Egypt, was considered officiak—Times, Jan. 16.......


SATURDAY NIGHT. The Paris papers of Thursday are filled with the report of the Com- mittee on the fortifications of Paris, which was presented by M. Thiers to the Chamber of......

From The Account Of An Inquest Held At St. George's

Hospital last night, we learn that Mr. Charles Harman, a solicitor retired from prac- tice, has lost his life from a fractured leg, caused by so simple an acci- dent as a fall......

A Paris Correspondent Of The Augsburg Gazette Writes—"...

Ambassador had an interview a few days ago with M. Guizot, on the Sulphur question. The Ambassador asked if the Cabi- net of St. James's had lately made advances to that of the......

The Following Programme Of The Proceedings Of The Leeds Re-

form Festival, which is looked forward to with great interest in Yorkshire, is published in the Leeds Times of this morning- " The proceedings at the great meeting on Thursday......