, Loid Granard Was Attacked In The House Of Lords
on Monday by Viscount Midleton concerning a letter he had addressed to a Dublin meeting, in which he had violently assailed Mr. Justice Keogh'Ei judgment, even before he had......
The "old Catholics" Have Got A Bishop At Last. The
Arch- bishop of Utrecht, a schismatic and Jansenist heretic, but whose "orders" are, we believe, acknowledged to be regular at Rome, has gone to Munich to confirm the children......
It Seems Pretty Celtain That, Much As Prince Bismarck Wished
for a modes vivendi with Rome, the folly of his Roman opponents and the bigotry of his Liberal supporters, have pretty well re- moved the hope of all understanding into the far......
Two Very Strange Murders Have Been Committed At Horton. Two
women named Squires, mother and daughter, one aged seventy-three and the other thirty-five, kept a small shop in Hyde Street for the sale of prints and stationery, and had, it......
The Proprietors Of Provincial Newspapers Are Complaining...
their position. Everything used in the trade, from printers' ink to editors' brains, is rising in price, and still they are- compelled by the public to adhere to the uniform......
The Submarine Telegraph Companies' Agent At Aden Has...
to London to announce Mr. Stanley's arrival on 11th July.. He has with him, it is stated, letters from Dr. Livingetone to the Government and to his personal friends. He found......
It Appears That The Upper Ten Thousand Do Not Like
visiting the Bethnal Green Museum when the people of Bethnal Green are there, and have been accustomed to obtain tickets from Mr. Cole, enabling them to inspect the pictures on......
Mr. Eyre's Conduct In Jamaica Has Come Up Again In
Parliament on the vote of 14,133 for the defence of Mr. Eyre in the actions brought against him. The ground of the vote was a virtual promise from the Conservative Government of......