13 FEBRUARY 1988, page 52


A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 (or, for UK solvers, a copy of Chambers Dictionary, value £13.95 — ring the words 'Chambers Dictionary' above) for the first......


Clichés from the box Jaspistos I N Competition No. 1509 you were invited to provide an extract from a sport- ing commentary rich in clichés. This was, I acknowledge, a male-......

Solution To 842: Two-by-eight Mime Ill S Ci

BO R E SONO A T U R A.L TACCIII; • :P' I' Ll'M OL S AT MEI A IAA AA 11 AIR E,ER P'E 0 AK CESS ST PER I NA R 0 I NE OAR,ED E In ii515 . R 1515 ■11111111119 EP en -- I I A EH I .......

No. 1512: Fantasy Five

In one of those omniscient articles, I learnt that the five things people dream about most are: doors, teeth, mountains, snakes and the Queen. A narrative poem of a dream,......