13 FEBRUARY 1892, page 2

Mr. Morley Refused The Information Desired, Upon A Ground...

only of the rankest demagogue. Rossendale, he said openly, had not desired it; it knew enough. In other words, as the constituencies were willing to " go it blind," the......

The Influenza Has Nearly Gone. In The Week Ending Satur-

day last, the deaths in London from that cause were only 314, as against 436 and 506 in the two previous weeks ; and a still greater falling-off was apparent in the deaths from......

Wednesday's Times Gives Prominence To The Communication...

in which it is stated that " Mr. Schnad- horst has lately informed the Liberal leaders that, after reckoning all contingencies, he can only promise that the next General......

The Spanish Government Has Adhered To Its Resolution To Make

anarchy in action a capital offence. Four of the men belonging to an Anarchist Society, who shared in the attempt to capture and plunder Xeres, have been sentenced to death, and......

The Belgians Will, It Is Believed, Try The Experiment Of

the Royal Referendum. The opposition to the proposal has been fierce, not only from the Liberals, headed by M. Frere-Orban, a statesman of acknowledged moderation, but from some......

The Debate Of Thursday Was Livelier, The Great Gods Getting

excited in the fight. Mr. Chamberlain, speaking for the first time as leader of the Liberal Unionists in the Commons, delivered a speech of admirable oratorical force, and......

Mr. Morley, Speaking At Newcastle On Saturday To A Meeting

of the Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds, made a very effective criticism of Mr. Chamberlain's scheme for old- age pensions. We have dwelt elsewhere on the main portion of his......