Domestic Service And Nursing
[To the Editor of Me Siincevron.j Sin.- -It 'seems a curious survival of snobbery and one that militates against two honourable vocations, that when selecting candidates for......
The Hospital Savings Association
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sol, --Has not the time arrived when the principles and practice of the Hospital Savings Association be applied to every Hospital in the......
Points From Lerreus
Tun GREAT CIO:, Ili, 1.1tEBE. During 19311 we have attempted to Imike a survey "r the Great ('rest -it Gran. throligliont England. Scotland and \Valk , . 01,..f.n.ers ii,......
Hospital Libraries [to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir...
the Public Health Congress which was held at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, during the third week in November, there was a meeting on the Red Cross and Order of St. John......
A Hundred Years Ago
TM; " SI.K.TATfilf," DEfEnitylir Ilium, 15:111. • THE STATE fly Tilll 0,, Sr,,,. Lord W3116,1.11 . .1 motion for referring the vonsideration of illo state of the eountry to it......
Late Afternoon
Tun rain comes down, gray curtains coldly drawn By Autumn fingers on the weeping bill ; Mist, like a weasel, lurks about the lawn ; The garden drips, disconsolate and chill. And......