The SpectatorLLNDA TRESSEL.* TME author of Nlina Balatlra-and of not a few other works, we imag~ine, which are still greater favourites with the English public -has never written any study...
[Mr. Gladstone's criticisms on Mr. Disraeli's statement on...]
The SpectatorMr. Gladstone's criticisms on AMr. Disraeli's statement on I Monday night, and indeed all his speeches throughout the fierce I conflicts of the week, were in the most admirable...
[If Tuesday night was like a conflagration of petroleum,...]
The SpectatorIf Tuesday night was like a conflagration of petroleum, Thursday was like the explosion of nitro-glycerine. The sitting had been at first unusually calm, and even the debate on...
[Mr. Gladstone's two last resolutions on the Irish Church,-the...]
The SpectatorI -iAr. Gladstones two last resolutions on the Irish Church,-the last of them somewhat altered, so as to make perfectly clear that he asked the Crown only for leave to discuss...
[Mr. Disraeli made his statement on Monday evening to a...]
The SpectatorMTfr. Disraeli made his statement on Monday evening to a I thronged and excited House of Commons. It occupied about ten minutes, and revealed nothing. Mr. Disraeli, to make it...
[Lord Malmesbury made a still shorter but similar statement in...]
The SpectatorLord Malmesbury made a still shorter but similar statement in I the Lords, reading it, says one observer, from a memorandum by MNr. Disraeli; but later in the evening the Duke...
[But the anger of Monday was nothing to the anger of Tues-...]
The SpectatorI But the anger of Monday was nothing to the anger of Tues- day, when the Duke of Richmond's. menace hal been clearly apprehended. Mr. Gladstone croes-examined 'Mr. Disraeli as...
[POLITICAL excitement has been increasing all through the...]
The SpectatorNEWS OF THE WEEK. POLITICAL excitement has been increasing all through the week. The reunited Liberals, warming to their work, have carried Mr. Gladstone's Resolutions, but...
Simple Interest Tables. By Bernard Tindal Bosanquet.
The SpectatorI Simple Interest Tables. By Bernard Tindal Bosanquet. (Effinghanm Wilson.)-The two tables in this book are constructed on the principle that any given number of days at any...
Studies of Character from the Old Testament. By Thomas Guthrie, D.D.
The SpectatorI Studies of CGaracter from the Old Testament. By Thomas Guthrie, I D.D. (Strahan.)-There is much interest in these papers of Dr. (Guthrie's, but that interest does not ariso...
French Thoughts on Irish Evils. Translated from the Revue des Deux Mondes, with Notes. By a Son of the Soil.
The SpectatorFrench Thoughts on Irish Evils. Translated from the Reiue des Deux | Mondes, with Notes. By a Son of the Soil. (Longinans.)-This essay is worth reading, though perhaps it was...
Personal Reminiscences of Eminent Men. By Cyrus Redding.
The SpectatorPersonal Reminiscences of Eminent len. By Cyrus Redding. 3 vols. I (Saunders and Otley.)-It is not so very long since Mr. Redding published a similar work in two volumes, and...
The Art of Wood Carving. By George Alfred Rogers.
The SpectatorTheArt of Wood C(m-ting. By George Alfred Rogers. (Virtue.)- I Mr. Rogers has had much experience as a practical teacher of the art of wood carving, and has been called in by...
Karl's Legacy. By the Rev. J. Woodfall Ebsworth.
The SpectatorK Karts Legacy. By the Rev. J. Woodfall Eb3worth. 2 vols. (Edin- burgh, Edmonston and Douglas.)-Parts of this book are pleasant enough to road, and our verdict upon them would...
Recollections from 1803 to 1837. By the Hon. Amelia Murray.
The SpectatorRecollections fi-oni 1803 to 1837. By the Hon. Amelia Murray. (Longmans.)-This is an entertaining little book, so far as it goes, and the recollections genuine, not made up out...
Recollections of the Paris Exhibition of 1867. By Eugene Rimmel.
The SpectatorI Recollections of the Paris Exhibition of 1867. By Eugine Rimmel- (Chapman and Hlall.)-So far as we can judge, this is a careful and complete account of the last great show,...
The SpectatorSl ROUNDELL PALMER'S RENUNCIATION. S IR ROUNDELL PALMER is the only distinguished S Liberal who has refused his support to Mr. Gladstone ,on the question of the Irish Church....
[Perhaps the most telling speech was the Archbishop of York's, who...]
The SpectatorI Perhaps the most telling speech was the Archbishop of York's, who after the usual taunt about party purposes proceeded to harp on the cruel position in which the Queen will...
[We have two current beliefs to correct about Sir Robert Napier.]
The SpectatorfWe have two current beliefs to correct about Sir Robert Napier. I Deceived by his long service of 42 years we have called him an old man, but though old for India, where men...
[The trial of President Johnson has concluded, the Senate has...]
The SpectatorThe trial of President Johnson has concluded, the Senate has adjourned till Monday, and the final verdict will be delivered on Tuesday by public voting. It is certain, of...
[The Bishop of London enlarged on the danger of substituting...]
The SpectatorThe Bishop of London enlarged on the danger of substituting the Pope's authority in Ireland for the Queen's,-but did not explain how disestablishment is likely to increase the...
[Mr. Bright, no doubt, wishes to compel the resignation of the...]
The SpectatorMIr. Bright, no doubt, wishes to compel the resignation of the Government tie is year,-whethler after dissolution or otherw ise,-for he asserts very justly that the delay to...
[The Unionist Members of the German Customs' Parliament...]
The SpectatorIThe Unionist Members of the German Customs' Parliament have proposed an address to the King of Prussia begging him to complete the work of unification, and declaring that...
[The great meeting at St. James's Hall on Wednesday in sup-...]
The SpectatorThe great meeting at St. James's Hall on Wednesday in sup- port of the Union between Church and State was, as a clerical demonstration, a great success. As regards a lay...
[The American journalists gave Mr. Dickens a farewell dinner...]
The SpectatorThe American journalists gave Mr. Dickens a farewell dinner on April 18, and MNr. Dickens, who is said to have made 40,0001. by his hundred readings in the States, delivered an...
[The Tribunal of Commerce, Paris, has decided that the meet-...]
The SpectatorThe Tribunal of Commerce, Paris, has decided that the meet- ings of the Cr6'lit Mobilier, oll the 12th of February and the 1st of Mfarch, 1866, at which 60 millions of new...
[A telegram from Sir Robert Napier announces that he has...]
The SpectatorA telegram from Sir Robert Napier announces that he has I destroyed Magdala, probably to convince unbelievers who thought it impregnable, and on April 21 had reached Talanta on...
[Although the amount of business transacted in home stocks...]
The SpectatorAlthough the amount of business transacted in home stocks this week has been only moderate, the quotations have ruled firm throughout. Consols are quoted at 94 to i, with...
[Mr. Disraeli was very happy, here and there, in his speech at...]
The SpectatorMr. Disraeli was very happy, here and there, in his speech at I 4he Literary Fund Dinner on Wednesday. He spoke of himself as an athlete " cominig from the heat of combat to...
[The Royal Academicians held their annual dinner on Saturday,...]
The SpectatorThe Royal Academicians held their annual dinner on Saturday, twith the Prince of Wales in the chair. This is the centenary of the Academy, which, before next year, will take...
[The Times is not very great on finance.]
The SpectatorThe Times is not very great on finauce. A few years ago it discovered that Prussia had just joined the Zollverein, Prussia having always been the essence of the Zollverein. A...
[We have noticed elsewhere a remarkable speech delivered by...]
The SpectatorWe have noticed elsewhere a remarkable speech delivered by I Prince Ladislas Czartoryski before the Polish Historical Society in London. It contaius a newv and workable...
[A sharp debate arose on Monday night on the going into Com-...]
The SpectatorA sharp debate arose on Monday night on the going into Com- mittee on the Income-Tax. Mr. Gladstone. in a powerful speech, ~declared that whereas his government had left the...
[The manufacture of dignities has gone on pretty rapidly of late...]
The SpectatorT The manufacture of diguities has gone on pretty rapidly of late years. W}ithin the last thirteen years the Crown has created 61 peers and 71 baronets, a few of the peerages,...
[The colliers convicted of terrorizing Wigan by riots have...]
The SpectatorThe colliers convicted of terrorizing Wigan by riots have I received sentences of five years' penal servitude. That seems energetic, but a steady determined execution of a mild...
The SpectatorBOOKS. MEM1OIRS OF BARON BUNSEN.* [FIRST NOTICE.] Titis is a book of genuine biography, for which, as it seems to us, the accomplished authoress may anticipate the gratitude...
The SpectatorTHE NEW PROGRAMME FOR POLAND. THE score or so of men whom the Emperor of the French is obliged for different reasons to "consult " when he contemplates any considerable...
[A chromolithographed copy of Filippino Lippis' fresco in the Brancacci...]
The SpectatorA chromolithographed copy of Filippino Lippis fresco in the Brancacci : chapel at Florence, representing in one compartment the Apostles Peter and Paul before Nero and the...
The Origin of the Chinese. By John Chalmers.
The SpectatorThe Origin of the Chinese. By Johu Chalmers. (Triibner.)-MNr. Chalmers dates his little book from Canton, and endeavours to show 1 that the language, religion, and traditions...
The SpectatorHnD. OO " CIVTIIAN'S " AND THEIR VALUE. VERY few people, we fear, have read the short debate of V Tuesday upon the admission of natives into the Indian Civil Service....
The SpectatorTHE ORGANIZATION OF LITERATURE. l,[R. FROUDE and Mr. Disraeli, both littlrateurs of merit and All renown, differ rather widely, it would seem, as to the pre'sent position of...
The SpectatorMASSIMO D'A ZEGLIO.* WHEN these autobiographical Recollectiows appeared about a year ago, they were greeted in Italy with a popular applause that had befallen no purely...
The SpectatorTHE PROVINCIAL IIISTORY OF ENGLAND. LXII.-SUFFOLK AND NORFOLK: TInE Towv-Ns (CONTINUED). I WE have already referred to the appearance of Xorthivic (the W modern Norivich) in...
The SpectatorTHE RITUAL COMMISSION ON "ESTABLISHED USAGE." T HE Ritual Commission have presented a second Report to the Queen on the best mode of protecting the members of our Churches...
The SpectatorWORKIN(G-MAEN'S CLUBS IN, RELATION TO LEGISLATION FOR PUB3LIC-11OUSES. [lo TII, EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATor.."] Siri,-In the recent debate on Alr. Abcsl Snitii's Bill for the...
The SpectatorA I r TH1E ROYAL ACAI)IMYl. IT may be left to the Anrehbisllop) of York and the PrcsiidcIt of thle Acauleiy to settle l)txweenl thre time knotty (ijilestioll whether the...
The SpectatorAIR. SALA ON THE PARIS EXHIBITION.* IF we were asked to give a definition of the right man in the right place, we should at once pitch upon Mr. Sala in the Paris Exhibition. So...
The SpectatorWHAT TIHE IRISH SAY AT IOME.-Il". [FRoMl A CORRESPONDENT.] Sim,-I think an analysis of the statements made in Ireland on the subject of the Established Church would show that...
The SpectatorTOPICS OF THE DAY. CONSTITUTIONAL COMA. I" F the House of Commons votes on the Irish Church according to its conscience, it shall be fined unnecessarily a million sterling."...
The SpectatorTHE BOY CRIMINALS. HElE extraordinary nature of the attempt to murder which was T made yesterday week in the City by two brothers,-niere cbildren,-aged either 15 and 13, or 11...
Four Lectures on Subjects connected with Diplomacy. By Mountague Bernard.
The SpectatorCURRENT LITERATURE. I Four Lectures on Subjects connected with Diplomacy. By Mountague I Bernard. (.1acmillan.)-These are singularly interesting lectures, so able, clear,...