9 JULY 2005

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PORTRAIT OF THE WEEK T he G8 leaders (of the United

The Spectator

States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Canada and Russia) assembled in Gleneagles to discuss Africa, climate change and that sort of thing. The Live 8 concert for...

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Chirac is right, and wrong

The Spectator

F or those who are fed up with the guff-filled platitudes of European diplomacy, there was something magnificent in the remarks of M. Chirac about British cuisine. Not since...

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Banff, Alberta, Canada

The Spectator

I ’ve been invited to address the annual meeting of the Canadian Investment Dealers Association on the subject of ‘why China isn’t going to be a global superpower’ — a...

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A pointless, grotesque and quite repulsive act of grandstanding

The Spectator

T he agenda for the G8 is now clear: economic revival through better trading conditions; the elimination of corruption; the humbling of dictators; possibly even regime change....

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W hat a scramble for Africa. A full-page advertisement in Monday’s

The Spectator

Guardian , rather cautiously worded, said that its signatories ‘supported the overall aims’ of those lobbying the G8 leaders and recognised ‘the complexities of the...

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Why not an Etonian for Prime Minister?

The Spectator

Vicki Woods says Eton is probably the best school in the world, and does her best to forgive OEs their grating charm and intimidating good manners T he craze for internet...

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Un-American activities

The Spectator

Mark Steyn says that the plans for Ground Zero are a wimp-out and a betrayal of Western values New Hampshire I n the summer of 2002 I wrote in this space that the President...

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The flat-tax revolution

The Spectator

George Osborne on the lessons we can learn from Eastern Europe D ucking into the mediaeval Church of the Holy Ghost in Tallinn last week to escape the Baltic rain, I stumbled...

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The voice of Africa

The Spectator

Aidan Hartley went on a pub crawl to find out what ordinary Africans think about such weighty matters as debt forgiveness and Bob Geldof Nairobi H ardly anybody bothers to ask...

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I love my bad neighbours

The Spectator

Danny Kruger lives next door to the so-called ‘Asbo family’, and reports that in many ways they are an example to us all ‘E leven kids hell family!’ yodelled the Sunday...

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Let’s be elitist

The Spectator

Alan Ryan tells Sholto Byrnes why he thinks state schools should be abolished I f the Prime Minister really wants some of that ‘blue sky thinking’ of which he is so fond,...

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The war will be won

The Spectator

From William Shawcross Sir: It is nonsense to suggest, as Michael Wolff tried last week (‘The nation wobbles’, 2 July), that the war in Iraq is almost lost. Terrorists are...

Trust the celebs

The Spectator

From Giles Watson Sir: The Spectator has recently contained a fair amount of criticism of the Live 8 concert in aid of Africa (‘How African leaders spend our money’, 25...

Latin lover

The Spectator

From John Jenkins I enjoyed James Buchan’s review of Guy Deutscher’s The Unfolding of Language (Books, 25 June), particularly his jeu d’esprit at the expense of staider...

Bembo and Borgia

The Spectator

From Sarah Bradford Sir: Ian Thomson, in his review of Gaia Servadio’s Renaissance Women (Books, 25 June), makes two factual errors. He asserts that ‘when Lucrezia...

Public parts

The Spectator

From Anthony Weale Sir: Max Hastings tells a story about two well-known MFHs who argued at dinner about the relative size of their private parts (Diary, 2 July). In the 1930s...

Boswell’s tipple

The Spectator

From James Hogg Sir: The drinking of gin and treacle, or whistlejacket, was not confined to Yorkshire (The Spectator’s Notes, 2 July). On 8 September 1792 Boswell recorded in...

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The histrionic Jane slipping in and out of the limelight

The Spectator

I t is remarkable that the English, so reserved in their emotional displays in ordinary existence, should have always shown such capacity, even genius, for enacting them on the...

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Why won’t anyone listen to my views on the distillation of seawater?

The Spectator

M y last column on this page was about pasta. The column testified to a lack of enthusiasm for boiled flourand-water paste, accused pasta followers of pandering to fashion, and...

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HSBC should lend a clerk to the summit to help count the cost of biscuits

The Spectator

M eetings can be a substitute for work, and an expensive one, at that, which is why the thrifty bankers at HSBC had a rule about them. A note had to be kept of every meeting,...

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Are we wasting money on defence?

The Spectator

Backing the Americans in Iraq has not served the national interest, says Paul Robinson ; we’d be more secure if we adopted a less interventionist foreign policy and reduced...

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Mad, good and dangerous to know

The Spectator

Sam Leith T HE L ETTERS OF R OBERT LOWELL edited by Saskia Hamilton Faber, £30, pp. 852, ISBN 0571202047 ✆ £26 (plus £2.25 p&p) 0870 800 4848 ‘T omorrow morning some...

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Friends, rivals and countrymen

The Spectator

William Rees-Mogg D AVID AND W INSTON by Robert Lloyd George John Murray, £20, pp. 303, ISBN 0719565847 ✆ £18 (plus £2.25 p&p) 0870 800 4848 T his is an ideal John Murray...

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The curious case of the slashed horse

The Spectator

Sebastian Smee A RTHUR BL G EORGE by Julian Barnes Cape, £17.99, pp. 352, ISBN 0224077031 ✆ £15.99 (plus £2.25 p&p) 0870 800 4848 H e’s damn good, Julian Barnes; no...

From faintly weird to fiercely eccentric

The Spectator

Alexander Masters T EN S ORRY T ALES by Mick Jackson Faber, £9.99, pp. 160, ISBN 0571225489 HERMIT WANTED Free meals and accommodation. Situated on grand estate. Would suit...

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Hanged on a legal quibble

The Spectator

Byron Rogers HAW-HAW by Nigel Farndale Macmillan, £20, pp. 374, ISBN 0333989929 V £18 (plus £2.25 p&p) 0870 800 4848 W ho killed Lord Haw-Haw? It was I, said Hartley...

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Of fulmars and fleams

The Spectator

James Fleming F INDINGS by Kathleen Jamie Sort of Books, £6.99, pp. 190, ISBN 0954221745 K athleen Jamie is a poet. This might be described as her occasional book, in the...

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A war of attrition

The Spectator

Alan Judd T HE S OMME by Robin Prior and Trevor Wilson Yale, £19.95, pp. 358, ISBN 0300106947 T HE S OMME by Peter Hart Weidenfeld, £20, pp. 589, ISBN 0297847058 ✆ £18...

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Back to the beginning

The Spectator

Andrew Lambirth on the Courtauld’s superb exhibition of work by Gabriele Münter I n this country we’re not familiar with Gabriele Münter (1877–1962). Some may know her...

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Master of deception

The Spectator

Michael Tanner Otello Royal Opera Così fan tutte Royal College of Music The Birds St Andrew’s, Holborn S upposing many of the Royal Opera’s recent productions of Verdi...

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Celebrating Bournonville

The Spectator

Giannandrea Poesio Royal Danish Ballet Sadler’s Wells Theatre T he preservation of specific choreographic styles from the past is the main obsession in today’s world of...

The missing sixth

The Spectator

Marcus Berkmann I ’m confused. Did five-sixths of the world’s population really watch Live8? If so, what did the other sixth think they were doing? Did they ask permission?...

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Out of touch

The Spectator

Mark Steyn War of the Worlds 12A, selected cinemas H ollywood is in the middle of its worst box-office slump in decades. Well, they hope it’s the middle, if not halfway...

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Sabotage in the third row

The Spectator

Lloyd Evans Three Women and a Piano-Tuner Hampstead The Canterbury Tales Southwark Playhouse H ere’s a phrase you don’t hear very often. High drama at the Hampstead...

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Celebrity culture

The Spectator

Michael Vestey I ’m glad I avoided listening to or watching any of the Live8 concert in Hyde Park last Saturday because the report about it on Radio Five Live’s Weekend...

Compelling viewing

The Spectator

Simon Hoggart L ast Saturday. BBC1 was showing the most exciting women’s Wimbledon tennis final for many years and Sky Sports had what turned out to be a thrilling tied...

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Fashion stakes

The Spectator

Robin Oakley A n American Treasury official was commenting recently on Tony Blair’s efforts to get one item on the G8 agenda. ‘We said no over dinner,’ he declared. ‘We...

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First-rate educator

The Spectator

Taki A note from Jeremy Sykes enclosing an article about a friend of mine who died 40 years ago last Tuesday, on 5 July 1965. In his kind letter, Jeremy Sykes assumes that I...

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Mutilated and miserable

The Spectator

Jeremy Clarke W hen I flicked on the telly at one o’clock on Saturday and there was Bono, our first living secular humanist saint, in pink goggles, I’d seen all I wanted to...

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These are the days!

The Spectator

FRANK KEATING I fancy that quite a few of the apparent zillions who turned up at, or tuned into, what someone on Radio 5 described as ‘Bob Gandalf’s pop festival’ spent...

Q. Our son and his fiancée are getting married in

The Spectator

Pretoria, South Africa, later this year, although they both live in London, where they have their established home. They would prefer guests not to give them presents they would...

Q. My wife and I regularly attend the cinema. There

The Spectator

have been occasions when we see seats in the middle of the rows. The seats near the aisles are taken, necessitating us moving past people already seated to get to the vacant...

Q. Two people have written to you and asserted that

The Spectator

rectors and vicars have equal status and have tried to back up their argument using only the vulgar modern yardstick of money. In fact, the two letters disclose that,...