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The Master Cutler at Sheffield has afforded Mr. Roebuck but

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a meagre and unsatisfactory revenge on the " brazen roar of one portion of the press and the penny whistle of another," for their assaults on his Austrianizing views. He gave...

The British Association are holding their séance at Manchester, under

The Spectator

the presidency of Mr. Fairbairn. Mr. James Smith, "of the Mersey Docks," has not omitted his annual ceremony of memorializing them on his discovery of the squaring of the...

• The debates in the Austrian Parliament on the dissolution

The Spectator

of the Hungarian Diet have not been nominal. In the Lower House, es- pecially, the Poles and Czechs haveinade a fair fight for the absent 'Hungarians, M. von Schmerling,...

The death of Lord Mount-Edgcumbe removes Lord Valletort to the

The Spectator

Vpper House, and so leaves a vacancy in the representation of Plymouth.

M. Michel Chevalier and other distinguished Imperialists have been delighting

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the various provincial councils in France, with the usual panegyrics on the present regime. M. Delangle speaks with manly pathos of the Emperor's pleasure in rewarding the...


The Spectator

THE week has been one of great fatality to the metropolis. Be- 1 sides the North London catastrophe, which has cost fourteen lives, and an almost indefinite amount of pain and...

During a meeting of the National Union, at Heidelberg, a

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society which represents about 20,000 Germans, and is intended to promote German fusion, a brawl arose between some young Englishmen pre- sent and the Germans. It seems pretty...

The intelligence from America is devoid of any new feature.

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North Carolina seems to be completely divided. Both North and South adopt the most stringent measures with the press of the opposite party, and the mob, we are sorry to see, are...

The Report of Mr. Hubbard's committee, appointed to inuire into

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the inequalities of the income tax, has been presented to Par- liament. It is called a Report, but it is rather an apology for not reporting. Mr. Hubbard's scheme was examined,...

One of the unique phenomena of the imperial regime in

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France— a tentative pamphlet, suspected of official origin, has appeared this week. The production is anonymous, and is devoted to demon- strating the necessity of an immediate...

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/ ra p e .—On the last day of August a pamphlet was published

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in Paris, which, under the impression that it is intended to foreshadow the Emperor's polio- towards Italy, has produced a considerable im- pression. It was stalled I2Empereur,...

Stalq.—The news from Italy is still by no means reassuring.

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Miughetti, the Home Minister, whose devotion to the regional theory of Italian government had rendered him very unpopular before the death of Count Cavour, and who only retained...

$iisik—The only news from Spain is an article in the

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Epoca, stating that "in view of the present state of things in Europe, it is necessary to evacuate Tetuan on honourable conditions, in order to allow of the concentration of...

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1361 kuigsrq.—From Hungary there is no important news subsequent to

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the dissolution of the Reichsrath, except that the int. perial Government is now launching into the despotic policy with a will. It has suspended the meetings of the committee...

Tunas.—The news from Prussia is chiefly important as showing that

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the tendency to German amalgamation is going forward, and that Prussia keeps the lead in that movement. The Congress of the National Union, which represents more than 20,000...

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VrtlanIt.—The Czar has appointed a new and unknown man, Count

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Lambert, Governor of Poland, with instructions to try concili ation on the Poles. The terms of his appointment are the following: " Count Lambert,—I have appointed you...

bond fade news from the United States is almost nil.

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It is clear that the battle of Wilson's Creek, in Missouri was, in physical though not in moral effect, a defeat.. Major-General Fremont has no little difficulty in holding his...

Nnutt .

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MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ND. ANOTHER great warehouse fire took place on Friday evening in London. The large sugar-works and refinery of Messrs. Harrison and Wilson, Upper East...

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t fund.

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Mucknoss, MILLAR:NMI, AUG. 29.—Her Majesty the Queen, with the Prince Consort,-the Prince of Wales, the Princesses Alice and Helena, and Prince Alfred,.drove out yesterday...


The Spectator

THRDE MORE FIRES YESTERDAY. ABOUT half-past four o'clock a fire occurred on the premises of Mr. G. Green, a builder, Paul-street, Finsbury, surrounded by numerous houses in...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. TEE demand for money this week has been limited, owing to the ge-. neral suspension of business operations. In the open market the.rate of...


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ENGLAND AND THE SOITTHERN STATES. fear -there is no little reason to apprehend that the leading members of' the English Government have already under their consideration the...

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T HE London and Brighton tragedy was, if that is any comfort to the sufferers, a comparatively simple one. The cause is as plain as day, and is easily remedied. Too many...

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A N old fable relates that Apollo once dictated to his Sibyl a long and divine prophecy of what was destined to befal the world, together with other immortal truths which he...

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W HILE some sections of the English press are lecturing the Hungarians on the duty of accepting the consti- tutional boon now offered by Austria instead of her historical...

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WATERING-PLACES. E NGLAND is now in the very middle of that

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idle season which is sacred to sea-bathing, to pie-nits, and to donkey-chairs. We are at present almost universally engaged in the pursuit of health and recreation. Some of us...

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T HE apparently docile among young people are frequently coun- selled to " steer clear of the trash of the day, and to confine their reading to the perusal of good books and...

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THE BIRMINGHAM MUSICAL FESTIVAL. Tins, the Norwich Festival, and the meeting of the Three Choirs of Worcester, Gloucester, and Hereford, are the three great provincial...


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T HE Attorney-General of Ireland, in his very able address at the recent meeting of the Social Science Association, raised a very old question, which, however, is ever new, and...

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$iirt Irto.

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Tile statements made by the witnesses in the recently published Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords, appointed. to consider and report on Turner's will and...

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Tars popular establishment opens to-night with the Hunchback, Mr. Phelps playing Master Walter, and Mrs. Bowers, an American lady, of considera ble reputation as a tragedienne,...


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CAVOUR.* Mn. DICEY, in-this simple, manly, and graphic memoir of the greatest statesman of -our own if not of any age, relates a curious saying of the Emperor's daring...

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public will read eagerly any book which bears his name on the title-page ; but they will not gene- rally be as much pleased with this translation as they have been with any one...

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SIGNOR VILLARI'S History of Savonarola is so good that it bids fair to be classical. The researches of the author have thrown a flood of light on the dark or doubtful passages...

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SCHOOLS OF SCIENCE AND ART.* SerzNeE and Art have been

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brought into an unnatural kind of union by the creation of a department embracing under.one head and one management two subjects which are manifestly distinct in many essential...

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tures. At vonport the number is 788, being a decrease

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of 69 in THE Magazines for September seem to reflect very faithfully the the year • 7 of them are children, 63 pupils from private schools, condition of the public taste. Almost...

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The Memory Work of Arithmetic: a complete Compendium of Arithme- tical Tables, D efi nitions, and Rules. By William Davis, B.A. one of the British and Foreign Schools Society's...

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Bankrupts.- James Thomas Sheldrick, Stainsby-terrace, Stainsby-road, Poplar, and Woodbridge-street, Clerkenwell, timber merchant -Francis North Clerk Jardine,...


The Spectator

Friday . die din din BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Friday. 2 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced New 3 per Cents Annuities 1880 Annuities 1885 Bank...


The Spectator

On the 30th Aug., at Merton Hall, Thetford, the Lady Walsingham, of a daughter. On the 3rd inst., at Uffington House, Stamford, the Hon. Mrs. Bertie, of a son. MARRIAGES. On...

Irish History and Irish Character. By Goldwin Smith. (J. H.

The Spectator

and James Parker.) The Messages of the Prince, and How they were Received. (J. H. and. James Parker.) The Nights of Aristopluenes. With short English Notes for the Use of...