7 MARCH 1874

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The Spectator

P A.RLIA.MENT was formally opened on the 5th with very little ceremony, but of course no business will be trans- acted till the 19th, when it is announced the Queen's Speech...

Mr. Gladstone's appearance was received with loud cheering by the

The Spectator

Liberals, renewed when he took his seat at the head- of the Opposition Bench. It seemed to be understood that he thus gave a formal denial to the rumour that he had retiredfrom...

The Colonial Secretary of State on Thursday forwarded to the

The Spectator

papers a statement received at the Colonial - office from Goldsworthy, second in command under Captain Glover, and dated H.M.S. ' Victor Emmanuel,' Cape Coast, February 8th. It...

• - Sir Garnet Wolseley's report to Lord Kimberley on.

The Spectator

the battle of Amoaful, or Accromboo, was published on Friday. It is short, straightforward, and soldierlike. Sir Garnet confirms our guess that the King had carefully deceived...

The selection of Lord Pembroke as Under-Secretary for War -completes

The Spectator

the list of new appointments of any consequence. The appointment is a curious one, Lord Pembroke being only twenty-four, having no experience of war, and being known chiefly by...

The Tichborne trial, which has so weighed upon newspaper readers

The Spectator

for the last nine months, came to an end on Saturday. The Lord Chief Justice finished his charge, which, though it bore with frightful severity on the defendant, was still all...

-*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

The Spectator


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The Viceroy of India has forwarded a telegram to the

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Secre- tary of State, in which he states that the area of severe distress covers parts of Tirhoot, Sarun, Chumparun, Bhagulpore, Burmah, and Dinajpore, and the area of distress,...

Sir H. Thompson has another article on Cremation in the

The Spectator

Contemporary, in which he answers his critics, and among them the Spectator. He makes, however, one or two curious mistakes. He says, or implies, that we attacked his veracity...

Piecing all the information carefully together, we should say that

The Spectator

Government was fairly aroused, and willing to fight the famine as it would an invader, but that it was three months too late ; that transport, in spite of Sir R. Temple's device...

M. 011ivier, an orator of some ability, but otherwise scarcely,

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fit for the French Academy, was in the last days of the Empire admitted as Napoleon's Premier into that august body. During the war which he had advocated he fled into Italy, to...

The true pinch has not come yet, but Mr. Forbes,

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though he reports Northern Tirhoot as on the whole not so bad as he ex- pected, telegraphed on Wednesday that in Eastern Tirhoot suffering was rapidly increasing, that eighteen...

The Reaction has again been defeated at the polls in

The Spectator

France. In Vienne, which was supposed to he entirely Conservative, the electors have obeyed the hint in M. Thiers' letter, and have sent up the moderate Republican, M. le Petit,...

Professor Huxley has made the best pun of recent years.

The Spectator

He has been elected Lord Rector of Aberdeen, and delivered an installation lecture on Universities, what they are, and what they ought to be, his object being as usual to press...

The Carlists in Spain have gained a somewhat serious victory..

The Spectator

General Moriones, with 20,000 men, has made a desperate attempt to break the Carlist lines round Bilbao, and announces (February 25) that he has been defeated. He is said to...

Liverpool, Manchester, Preston, and York have all declined to subscribe

The Spectator

towards the Bengal Famine Fund, and we believe, upon the whole, they are right. So far as such subscriptions tend to show English sympathy with the people of India, they may be...

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We do not know that it is of much use,

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in these days of flaccid policies, to pretend to keep up " influence " at Constan- tinople, but if he wishes to keep it, Lord Derby should look strictly into the personnel of...

The dream of many good men that the Church of

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England /night one day become really national by the comprehension of 1111 the large Protestant sects, fiuds no favour with Lord Shaftes- bury. His lordship on Monday took the...

The Memorial Diplomatique published last week a long article -affirming

The Spectator

that France and England.are effaced, and that Germany, Russia, and Austria are preparing a new solution of the Turkish, or rather Eastern question. They will allow the Christian...

The new Press Law introduced by Prince Bismarck into the

The Spectator

German Reichstag is nearly, though not quite as oppressive as the recent ecclesiastical laws. The main clauses punish any one who by means of the Press shall set forth...

A very disagreeable telegram from China was received in Lon-

The Spectator

don last Saturday, announcing that the Chinese Government had informed the Ministers at Pekin that it would not. be responsible for the safety of foreigners in Tien-tsin, they...

The Committee of Thirty have nearly finished their discussion of

The Spectator

the French electoral law, and have introduced an amendment which, if it is carried, will be fatal to the prestige of all future Assemblies, by directly expelling all...

The Whiskey War continues in Ohio and Indiana, but the

The Spectator

force of the movement would appear to be on the wane. The agitators are already advising each other to rely more on legal means, and the publicans have hit on a plan of defence...

Consols were on Friday O2i to 92:1.

The Spectator

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The Spectator

THE PARTY FUTURE OF THE LIBERALS. N OTHING can apparently be more vain than to predict, or even to consider, the immediate future of the Liberal party in Parliament. It has...


The Spectator

T HERE is not very much remaining to be said about the Tichborne Case. Nothing can be added to its history, for the Lord Chief Justice has related that with a painful lucidity...

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The Spectator

T HE pinch of the Famine has begun in Bengal, where children are dying in Sarun ; where, in Eastern Tirhoot, one-third of the population are "dying in their villages of slow...

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MR. JENKINS AT DUNDEE. AIISFORTUNES are thickening around Mr. Gladstone's

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devoted head ; the English constituencies have returned a majority against him, Ireland has revolted, and even the allegiance of Scotland has been shaken. His resignation is a...

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It is a relief to turn from Mr.Jenkins's constitutional criticism

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ship which seemed to us irrational or morbid, and with some of Mr. Gladstone's Dissolution policy—we have had so much of his social views we are never likely to agree ; but he...

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A S regards the general question of what we may call the higher Tory policy in Ireland, there is, of course, little danger that the accession of a Conservative Cabinet will be...

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in the remarkable statement of AL his own creed which he has published in this month's Con- temporary Review, under the title of " Cm3arism and Utramontan- iam," seems to us to...

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T HE well-meaning advocates of the "Maids" will drive their hobby a little too far, if they do not take care, and produce a furious reaction. "E. L. L.," for instance, in this...

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The Spectator

A S our readers know, a great stir was made in Paris recently by the appearance of two thick volumes of letters which Prosper Merimee had written to an unknown lady. Who the...

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The Spectator

THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN. [To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, —The words which I have just written at the head of this letter are as disagreeable to me as any words can be. I...

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The Spectator

(TO THU EDITOR OP THIS "SPROTA.T011.) SIR,—Your correspondent "S. D. C." asks at what time within- the historical period I suppose the Southern part of Northern Africa was...


The Spectator

[TO TEM EDITOR OF THR SPROTATOR:.] Sin,—Are we fatalists, or are we simply too lazy and helpless to make a vigorous move towards diminishing the danger of travelling by railway...

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edition of "Men of the Time" (1872) is under the

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head " Maxwell." So is the account of himself and his family which appeared last year in Burke's "Peerage and Baronetage." In the "Post-Office London Directory " for the present...

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The Spectator

HENRY THOMAS BUCKLE.* IT is difficult to see what good purpose the editor of these "posthumous works" thought would be served by publishing them as they stand. Of the three...


The Spectator

LOVE-FLOWERS. Oii ! who was watching when Love came by, When Love came here in the glad spring hours ? The scarf was torn from his laughing eye, And he wore instead a wreath...

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ROUND Asour THE ISLANDS.* Tam is a handsome-looking book, and

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Mr. Scott's estimate of its value may perhaps be fairly gauged from the fact that he has thought it well to imprint his autograph upon the corner. On opening the volume, the...

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interested in Missionary work, Mr. New's name is chiefly known in connection with the Living- stone Relief Expedition of 1872, and we had some fears on open- ing his...

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PROBABLY it was the Country department of this joint-stock company that undertook Heather. We think the Town would have nipped it in the bud; and the Country is naturally more...

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Two Queens, so that the end has come sooner than

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we thought, and in many respects the last state is better than the first. The earlier part of the work, which appeared about a year ago, brought Katharine's life down to her...

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A HISTORY OF TORONTO.* Nor quite two centuries ago the

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name of "Toronto" was probably first known to Europeans as that of a portage on Lake Ontario, the exact locality of which was not very clearly defined, the head- quarters of...

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The Spectator

Address of the Retiring President, Rev. H. W. Crosskey, F.G.S., delivered at the Annual Meeting, 1873. (Birmingham : Printed by E. C. Osborne).—This is a very interesting paper...

Lord Harry Bellair ; a Tale of :he Last Century.

The Spectator

By the Author of "Mary PowelL" 2 vols. (Bentley.)—If the author had said a " pic- ture" rather than a tale, we should have had no adverse criticism to offer. The story is of the...

An Etymological Dictionary of the French Language. By A. Brachet.

The Spectator

Translated by G. W. Kitchin, M.A. (Clarendon Prees.)—M. Braclaet's work, which he describes as "a natural sequel to the 'Historical Gram- mar," is a book of uncommon merit. The...

Kate Savage. By Douglas M. Ford. 3 vols. (Charing Cross

The Spectator

Pub- lishing Company.)—Mr. Ford's novel is in three volumes, it is true, but then they are three of the thinnest that we ever saw, and we feel proportionately grateful to the...

Romantic Annals of a Naval Family. By Mrs. Arthur Traherne.

The Spectator

now-a-days, bringing fictitious wares with the most solemn asseverations that they are genuine, that we are bound to be suspicious. Still we shall believe these "Romantic...

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Great African Travellers. By W. H. G. Kingston. (Routledge.)— Mr.

The Spectator

Kingston begins his series with Mango Park, and carries it down to Livingstone. Here, perhaps, we may object that Bruce is not in- cluded in the list. Bruce had the good-fortune...

The Book of the Axe. By G. P. R. Pulman.

The Spectator

(Longmans.)—Should any " long-vacation " tourist wish to spend a part of his holiday in the West country, he will find in the work before us a pleasant guide and companion. The...

The House that Baby Built. By the Author of "Dame

The Spectator

Europres School." (Salisbury : Brown and Co.)—"Baby" is a charming little creature, whose love and goodness stir up a careless father to good works, which he is too indolent and...

A Life's Reward. By H. M. Lysons. 2 vols. (Tinsley

The Spectator

Brothers.)— We have unfortunately failed to perceive whose "life" it is that gets or does not get a "reward." The chief personage in the story we take, for here also we are not...

The Mishmee Hills. By T. T. Cooper, V.R.S. (Henry S.

The Spectator

King and Co.)— This is an interesting book, relating how the writer endeavoured to open a trade-route from Assam to the jealously guarded Thibet. A previous attempt to reach...