7 JULY 1849

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Baron Lionel de Rothschild is still Member for London; and

The Spectator

if his reelection has been endowed with the graces of a victory, he has to thank his enemies rather than his friends, for his foes have served him most effectively by setting up...

NEWS OF THE WEEK. , ft • I, THE Protectionists

The Spectator

have ventured on two dem n itr a tio n s this week, and have been somewhat ignominiously foiled in both,— Mr. Disraeli's move on " the state of the nation '; and Lord John...

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Debates anti littneebings in glarliamtnt.

The Spectator

PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OF THE WEER. Emits or Loans. Monday, July 2. Australian Colonies : Conversation and state- ment by Lord Grey—Audit of Railway Accounts Bill, read a second...

Oudinot "de Reggio" has again been baulked of his victory,

The Spectator

by the cession of Rome. His slow approaches had at length given him a position within the city, and on the 30th of June the Triumvirate yielded, rather than expose their...

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Zbe etropolis.

The Spectator

The reelection of Baron de Rothschild for the City of London was not uncontested; for on Saturday night Lord John Manners accepted an invi- tation to come forward to oppose the...

Ibt Gourt.

The Spectator

THE Queen visited the Dutchess of Kent, at Clarence House, on Satur- day; and received a visit at Buckingham Palace, from the Queen of the Bel- gians and the Dutchess of...

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The Spectator

The Commissioners of her Majesty's Woods mid Forests have allotted two pieces of ground in the Park of Holy-rood at Edinburgh, each between tlree and font acres in extent, to be...

Soretgn ants orolonta.

The Spectator

Fnafrcz.—The French papers are occupied chiefly with the Roman news. It is understood that General &ideals has been sent to Rome, with a command to be assumed or not at...


The Spectator

At the meeting of the Dublin Corporation, on Monday, the Town-Clerk read an official letter from Mr. Redington, enclosing a copy of a letter re- ceived by the Lord-Lieutenant...

flbe Vrabinces.

The Spectator

The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company gave an ex- cursion on Saturday last, from Southampton round the Needles, to a large party of their friends, in the...

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The Spectator

The Select Committee appointed by the House of Commons to continue the inquiry undertaken last year concerning the best means which Great Britain can adopt for the final...

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The French Government received, on Thursday, telegraphic despatches from Rome

The Spectator

to the 2d instant, stating that the Roman deputation had made overtures of submission; that the gates of San Paolo, Portese, and San Pancrazio, had at that instant been opened...

In his speech on the State of the Nation, Sir

The Spectator

Charles Wood vaunted the increase of the Sugar-duties in 1847: a fallacious reference, very clearly explained in the following note, which we have just received. The influence...


The Spectator

SATURDAY. In the House of Commons, last night, before the resumption of the ad- jburned debate on the State of the. Nation, Mr. HERRIES gave notice, that on the motion for...


The Spectator

STOCK EZCEIANOE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The City election absorbed the attention of almost everybody on Monday and Tuesday, and on those days but little business of any kind...

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The concert given on Monday evening at the Hanover Square

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Rooms by Messrs. Ernst and Halle, may be regarded as the last benefit concert of the season, worth notice. Oar musical readers are acquainted with the merits of both these...

A short vaudeville has commenced at the St. James's; where

The Spectator

Madante Doche and Arnal appear in some of their finest pieces. Novelty does not seem to be attempted.

Madame Persiani has retired from the stage. . Her final

The Spectator

appearance was on Tuesday, in the character or the Countess Almariva in the Nozze di Figaro. The performance was announced- as her last, and the theatre was very full; but no...

The half-comic half-sentimental story of the Polichinelle who makes a

The Spectator

fortune by his profession, but practises it in secret lest he should wound the feelings of his aristocratic wife, has been transferred from the form of a French opera into that...


The Spectator

After seeing a battle well fought., it is some satisfaction to find that the object of that - battle is worth the fighting; and this is certainly , the case with the...

It is an advantage in practical jokes that the greater

The Spectator

number of them cats be transferred from one country to another without difficulty; pro- vided always they are not connected with bals masquds, houses with a pone cocb6re or the...


The Spectator

London, ad July 1849. Sin—In your last number you point out the apparent inconsistency of several persons who, avowedly opposed to the Communists as a party, yet unadvisedly...


The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. 6, Upper Brook Street, 2d July 1849. SCR—In your paper of Saturday last you say," Mr. Horsman volunteers the de- claration that the object of a...

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The Spectator

LORD GREY AND MR. ADDERLEY AS CONSTITUTION-MAKERS. THE latest dodge of the Colonial Of f ice has been to attribute to Sir William Molesworth a suggestion which he never made,...


The Spectator

Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 5th July 1848 and 1849, showing the Increase or Decrease thereof. Customs Excise...

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The Spectator

Qualm VICTORIA is to visit Ireland, to anchor at various parts of the shore, and exorcise the bad spirit of the land by the mesmeric touch of the Royal keel. Well, much may be...


The Spectator

" THE first use which you will make of it, [the law of June 19,] Monsieur le Prefet, will be to interdict throughout the whole ex- tent of your department all clubs and public...

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The Spectator

A GREAT pleasure-party left the Eastern Counties Railway station at Shoreditch on Monday, to spend the day in the pleasant neighbourhood of Havering-atte-Bower. Every year the...


The Spectator

A GOOD deal of interest has been excited by the case of Captain George Douglas, an officer of the Sixteenth Regiment, who has been sentenced to be cashiered for conduct...

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The Spectator

AUERBACH'S VIENNA FROM LATOUR TO WINDISCHGRA.ETZ. * Timis cannot be a greater proof of the German unfitness for praotie.al affairs, especially government, than the conduct of...


The Spectator

IT is remarkable that pebple of all countries hate instinctively jumped to the conclusion that Rome should be spared at what- ever sacrifice of military policy ; Rome as she...


The Spectator

IN his plan for a great drain a hundred feet below the surface, Mr. Philips has thrown out a challenge that must be fully ac- cepted. He proposes a vast main pipe, eight feet...

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T rig CONQUEST Os' CANADA. * Ir, as we believe, the travels

The Spectator

in Amerio under the title of " Hochelaga were as completely by Mr. Eliot Warburton as, his Eastern tour, The Conquest of,.Ceetatla, taken in conjunetien,with the historical...

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JAMES'S WOODMAN. * Tux effect of this historical romance is scarcely

The Spectator

equal to what might have been expected from Mr. James and the subject. Although any portraiture of Richard the Third is of necessity subject to a comparison with Shakspere's "...

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The Spectator

Bowan The Prayer-Book, Considered especially in Befereoce to the &Anis!: System. Nineteen Sermons preached in the Chapel of Lincoln's Inn. By Frederick Denison Maurice, ILA.,...

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The Spectator

.. Number of ' Sming,, a. . . ve Zymotle Diseases . De aths A , 345 .... 196ra ge. Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or, variable sent 59 .... 46 ' Tubercular...


The Spectator

July G.-Royal Regt. ,Horse Guards-Cornet W. J. II. Gambier to be Lieut. by purchase, vice the Hon. L.A. Grant, who retires. Scots Fusllier Guards -Lieut.-Col. C. St. Lo -...


The Spectator

TARTNESSIILPS masertven. Neuter and Watkins, New Oxford Street, varnish-manufaetnrere,-Blampied and Fowler. Sherborne, tailors-W. Tenntck jan. and J. Tennick, Gainford, Durham,...


The Spectator

Qn the 18th June, at Mount Rivers, county of Waterferd, the Lady of Colonel Sir Chailea Shaw, of a son. On the 28th, at Thornton Steward, near Bedale, North Yorkshire, the Wife...

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The Spectator

Segued. Monday Yoram,. Wawa'. Naar a. BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) .1 per Cent Consols shut -- — -- — 92* exit. Ditto for Account 3 per Ceuta Reduced ha eita 911...