7 AUGUST 1909

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The Spectator

J ACK CADE will never go far in England if you face him. He is, however, the worst man in the world to run away from. We should have thought that this was a principle...

Against our advice that the House of Lords should cut

The Spectator

out the land clauses and pass the rest of the Budget the argument which is most generally used is to the following effect. The Lords are accused of being a house of landlords as...

We are glad to say that these counsels of what

The Spectator

we may call optimistic despair find no echo in the rest of the Unionist Press. The Daily Telegraph, the Daily Express, the Standard, the Morning Post, the Globe, and the Pall...

* e * The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

The Spectator


The news from Spain at the end of the week

The Spectator

is distinctly better. Tranquillity appears to have been restored at Barcelona. Some accounts represent the Courts-martial as sending large bodies of men daily to firing parties,...

The news from .Melilla is scanty. The Spaniards have paused

The Spectator

in order to obtain fresh reinforcements, and the Moors . have been somewhat inactive, partly from the same reason, but also because they prefer the tactics of defence to those...

What is the cause of the doctrine of panic expounded

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by the Daily Mail ?—for some cause there must be. Apparently it is to be found in the fact that the Opposition candidate did not win the High Peak election. The plain facie of...

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According to the Times correspondent at Constantinople, the Turkish Ministry

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will remain in office till the return of the Deputies from London in the third week of August. Mimi Psalm will probably then resign and be asked to form a new Cabinet more...

The second reading of the Labour Exchanges Bill was moved

The Spectator

in the Lords on Tuesday by Lord Hamilton of Dalzell, who dwelt on the desirability of having the machinery it sought to establish ready before the winter. In the ensuing debate...

The Mafia of Wednesday published a very interesting inter- view

The Spectator

with M. Pichon, the French Foreign Minister. M. Pichon said (we quote from the Times): " There is complete unity of views between France and Russia, and complete unity of effort...

Friday's telegrams from Washington announce that the Senate passed the

The Spectator

Tariff Bill as amended by the Conference by 47 votes to 31, and that later it was signed by the President. It is too early to say what will be the exact working of the new...

The Tsar and the Empress of Russia arrived at Cherbourg

The Spectator

on board the ' Standart ' last Saturday to visit the President of the French Republic. M. Fallieres, who had come to Cherbourg for the purpose, was accompanied by the Ministers...

On Monday the Tsar left Cherbourg and was met in

The Spectator

mid- channel by three British cruisers, which escorted the' Sta,ndart ' into the Solent. The Victoria and Albert,' with King Edward and the Tsar on board, then passed through...

The question of our threatened supremacy in destroyers was raised

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in the Navy debate on Tuesday by Mr. Pretyman, who pointed out that only four had been completed for sea-service since 1905. Mr. McKenna, who said that the majority would be...

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Mr. Lloyd George was in his most bellicose mood on

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Friday week at Limehouse, when he addressed a large meeting under the auspices of the Budget League. After charging the Opposition with always wishing to be generous at the...

On Saturday last the King held a naval review at

The Spectator

Cowes. Though no ships were specially mobilised for the review, and though the third division of the Home Fleet remained at Portsmouth, the Fleet was composed of a hundred and...

The great landlords, according to Mr. Lloyd George, compared unfavourably,

The Spectator

where mining royalties were con- cerned, even with capitalists, for the capitalist at any rate risked the whole of his money. But when the beneficent Government asked them for...

After some further sarcastic references to the great Dukes and

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their pseudo-altruism, Mr. Lloyd George declared that the Government were placing the burdens on the broad shoulders. As one of the children of the people, he would never add to...

Mr. Roosevelt, who was entertained at a public dinner at

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Nairobi on Tuesday, made a brief but sensible speech on the prospects of British East Africa. Few people, he observed, realised that here under the Equator—excluding the coast...

These great reviews, of which that of last Saturday was

The Spectator

the third, are undoubtedly useful in popularising the Navy and making people understand the nature of sea power. At the same time, one must not dwell upon the splendour of the...

We sincerely trust that the governors of the Whitgift Foundation,

The Spectator

headed by their chairman, Sir Frederick Edridge, a citizen of Croydon, well known and much respected for his public spirit, will be successful in their attempt to prevent the...

Bank Fate, 21 per cent., changed from 3 per cent.

The Spectator

April 1st. Console (28) were on Friday 844—Thursday week 838. Bank Fate, 21 per cent., changed from 3 per cent. April 1st. Console (28) were on Friday 844—Thursday week 838.

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The Spectator

A SECOND-CLASS JACK CADE. " F IDDLEDEE, my dear, fiddledee," was Dr. Johnson's comment to the young lady who addressed him in a highfalutin speech. Our first impulse is to...

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The Spectator

Our condemnation of the tactics of the extremists is in no sense due to any cynical disregard of the cause of liberty, or to any wish to deprive the people and the Press of this...

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THE FUTURE OF SPAIN. F OR the time being the revolutionary

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movement in Catalonia has been suppressed, and the Spanish* Government has of course retrieved a proportionate amount of its prestige. We hope that by its wisdom it will deserve...

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BRITAIN AND AERONAUTICS. T HE debate in the House of Commons

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this week on the vote for aeronautical experiments 'rather served to demonstrate the anxiety of the public with regard to the conquest of the air than to bring out any new facts...

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The Spectator

T HE device of imagining a political situation a long way ahead, and describing it with circumstantial care as though it existed, is a literary exercise which has always...

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The Spectator

A RE golfers becoming better-tempered? It sounds an admirable topic for discussion in the season which belongs to the sea-serpent and the giant gooseberry. It is suggested by a...

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The Spectator

W E listen now and again to a lecture on the stars. As . a rule, it consists of a theory to account for their presence in the heavens, and an effort to convey some idea of their...

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The Spectator

CAN WE AFFORD TO BE DIVIDED? [TO THE EDITOR OF SPEOCATOlt.'1 Srn,—I am sure many of your readers, both Free-traders and Moderate Tariff Reformers, are with you in your...


The Spectator

IN 1778. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR." j SIR,—It may be interesting to your readers, now that the question of Imperial defence is being considered at the Colonial...

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The Spectator

centenary of two such men as Darwin and Tenny- son occurring in the same year is a notable coincidence. The former was born February 12th, 1809, the latter six months later on...

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The Spectator

[TO TOR EDITOR Or TIER " SPECTATOR....1 SIR,—May I claim the hospitality of your columns to proffer as a solution of the above problem the advocacy of a multipli- cation of...


The Spectator

fTo 'Mu /EDITOR. OP TICS 'SPIV:MILTON...I Sin,—" Malik Umar Hyat Khan of Tirvana condemned the practice of educating low-caste men, as such education turned their brains, and...


The Spectator

LTO THE EDITOR OF THE " EPTOTAT011.1 SIR,—Your remarks upon "An Alternative Budget" in your last issue have been read with much interest. It seems to me that as the call for...

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The Spectator

rro THE EDITOR OF TUB " SPZCTAT011.1 Sin,—All agree that we must be able to defend the country adequately from invasion, and to do so with the least incon- venience to business;...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR." J Sxn, — In your issue of July 31st you devote much space to the debate on the Colonial Office Vote, and you congratulate Mr. Balfoui" on...


The Spectator

ITO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:A ' SIR,—It may be alleged that, owing to the International Exhibition in London, the American Presidential Election, and the depression of...

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The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPRC rAro rt."1 SIR,—A foreigner travelling in England said that he was especially struck by the fact that Englishmen of the upper classes, in addition...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin.—Thank you for your splendid article on country school "education" (Spectator, July 24th). The country parson's wife knows bow true it...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OP T " SP ECT ATOR.1 SIR,—I am much interested in the article in the Spectator of July 17th on the choice of a site for a house in the country. The aspect...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—The question whether animals reason is largely one of psychological terms. One contributor, Mr. C. A. Wells, seems to infer that reason...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, — It seems difficult to be certain how far Mr. Stephen Reynolds's article in your issue of July 24th is descriptive, or how far it...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] BIR,—The gentleman who wrote

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to your paper under the name of "An Outsider" (Spectator, July 24th) seems to have drawn his impressions of school cricket from a poor source. I know the system on which several...


The Spectator

SAILING SHIPS.* MR. CHATTERTON has the right temper and inclinations for writing a book of this sort, and we congratulate him on the successful conclusion of his diligent—we...

NOTICE.—When Articles or "Correspondence" are signed with the writer's name

The Spectator

or initials, or with a pseudonyM, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of...


The Spectator

MARTELLO NO. I. (log.) Tully built me round, and they built me thick, With a skin of stone and a heart of brick, And they circled me with a yawning ditch, And topped my roof...

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The Spectator

THE Count Liitzow is already well known to English readers by his work on Bohemian literature, and his claims to the distinction of an honorary doctorate have been recognised by...

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The Spectator

WHEN Mr. Hudson names a new book Afoot in England, and begins it with a chapter on guide-books, we come very quickly to wishing that he would write a guide-hook himself. It...

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The Spectator

THE second volume of the scholarly and careful history of the Archbishops of St. Andrews of which Professor Herkless and Mr. Hannay are the joint authors is entirely occupied by...


The Spectator

HERE we have the ipsissima verba of the eloquence with which the Public Orator has for more than a quarter of a century past wielded at will the fierce democracy of...

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The Spectator

Rzennus of Mr. Edgcunibe Staley's interesting and valuable bask, The Guilds of Florence, published about three years ago, will be at once attracted to his new work, Famous'...


The Spectator

WE must begin by rendering a tribute of respectful admiration to the indefatigable industry of the compiler of this book. The first volume—the volumes are quartos, measuring...


The Spectator

Sin BAMPFYLDE FULLER has a valuable paper on "The Fouhdations of Indian Loyalty" in the August Nineteenth Century. He discusses the policy of the partition of Bengal and the...

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Mr. Opp. By Alice Hegan Rice. (Hodder and Stoughton. Os.)

The Spectator

—Although the hero of this book cannot claim to be an abso- lutely original figure, the creation of his character is a notable piece of work. Mr. Opp has points of . family...


The Spectator

THE CAPTAIN'S DAUGHTER.* The Captain's Daughter falls under the category of novels of which the titles are misleading, or at any rate partial misnomers. If such a novel is bad,...

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Antonio. By Ernest Oldmeadow. (Grant Richards. 6s.)— This is a

The Spectator

very interesting story which deals with Portugal in the "thirties" of the nineteenth century. Tho hero is a monk, who on the morrow of his profession suffers, with his...


The Spectator

[Under this heeding les notice such Books of the nook as have not Wan reserved for roving in (Alter forms.] An Egyptian Oasis. By H. J. Llewellyn Beadnell. (John Murray. 10s....

The Transmigration of Souls. By D. Alfred Bertholet. Trans- . lated

The Spectator

by tho Rev. H. J. Chaytor. (Harper and Brothers. 2s. 6d. net.)—This volume belongs to the publishers' "Library of Living Thought." We are inclined to doubt whether the subject...

Agriculture in the Tropics. By J. C. Willis, Sc.D. (Cambridge

The Spectator

University Press. 7s. 6d. net.)—There are many things which can be grown only in the tropics, and these things can be grown more effectively and profitably by European than by...

A Vindication of Warren Hastings. By G. W. Hastings. (H.

The Spectator

Frowde. 6s. net.)—Posterity has accepted with approval the verdict of acquittal with which the long trial of Warren Hastings was terminated. Still, there is a general...

Old English Towns. By William Andrews. (T. Werner Laurie. 6s.

The Spectator

net.)—Mr. Andrews treats of twenty-seven towns,—twelve of them, by the way, are cities, without reckoning those which hold' the cathedrae of Suffragan Bishops. Some of these are...

Musical Monstrosities. By C. L. Graves. Illustrated by George Morrow.

The Spectator

(Pitman and Son. Is. net.)—Since not one of the witticisms of this amusing little volume appeared originally in the Spectator, we are perhaps the better able to appreciate and...

READABLE Novsts.—The Perjurer. By W. E. Norris. (A. Constable and

The Spectator

Co. 6s.)—A modern story, of which the characters all belong to the world which Mr. Norris describes so ad- mirably.—The Red Saint. By Warwick Deeping. (Cassell and Co. Gs.)—A...

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The Thames from Putney to Cricklade. (Ward, Lock, and CO.

The Spectator

19.)—This is one of the series of "Illustrated Guide-Books." It gives an account of what can be seen on or by the river over what is practically the available part of its...

"The Church Pulpit Commentary" (J. Nisbet and Co. 7s. Gd.

The Spectator

per vol.) is now completed by the appearance of two volumes, Philippians — Idebrews and St. James — Revelation, making up a total of eight for the New Testament. The Old...

In the series of "Tudor Facsimile Texts " (T. C.

The Spectator

and E. C. Jack) we have The World and the Child, from the edition of 1522 ; The Story of King Darius, from the edition of 1565; and A Contract of Marriage between Wit and...