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* * * * Last Saturday Ziwar Pasha's Government accepted

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the British conditions with regard to the protection of foreigners in Egypt. They promised to preserve the powers and privileges of the Financial and Judicial Advisers whose...

What we may hope was the last of the anti-British

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outbreaks in the Sudan occurred on Thursday, Novem- ber - 27th, when two platoons of the 11th Sudanese left their barracks and marched eastwards until they were stopped near the...


The Spectator

E GYPT is quiet. . The great justification of the British Government's policy: is its success. The dangers of riot and . assassination seem to have been averted, and this has...

We must now set on record a few of the

The Spectator

principal events. On Thursday, November 27th, three important Egyptian politicians were arrested : Mahmud Effendi Nekrashi (until a few days . ago ,Under-Secretary of: State for...


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13 York Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C. 2. A SUBSCRIPTION to THE SPECTATOR COSI, Thirty Shillings per annum. including postage to any part of the world.

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Readers of the Spectator who arc interested in problems of

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finance and currency (and we know that there are. many such) should certainly read an article in this month's National Review by Mr. J. F. Darling, called. " The Anglo-American...

It has_ been a pleasure to.notiee in general. that several.

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Ministers and'supporters of the Government — Sir Kingsley Wood, for instance—have lately brought into their speeches references to the disgrace of the-slums. Fore- casts of the...

On Thursday, Nove mber 27th, Mr. Neville Chamberlain, the Minister of

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Health, made a really admirable speech about the functions of his Department and about housing. The Unionist Party, he said, regarded themselves as " trustees for the national...

The National Farmers' Union have sent to Mr. Wood, the

The Spectator

Minister of Agriculture, a letter about the Agricultural Conference. Mr. Wood's scheme is, of course, to bring together the -landowners, the farmers, and the labourers to draw...

He had no doubt that a far greater number of

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houses would be built this year than last year. Not all the houses by any means had been built by the Trades Unions. The number of non-union workers was in- creasing. Turning to...

* * * .1 , - On Tuesday the new regime

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of Tangier under the recent Convention came into operation. Only the Governments which drew up that Convention—that is, Great Britain, France, and Spain—have ratified it, and so...

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* * * * The need for alternative transport facilities

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in London was further emphasized on Monday by Sir William Joynson-Hicks, the Home Secretary, in a speech at the opening of 'the reconstructed Tube which will now be called the...

When Mr. Darling writes of the danger of a return

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to the gold standard he is, as usual, admirable, and points out more clearly than we have yet seen it stated that it would be a return not to our gold standard, but to an...

On Tuesday the London County Council rejected Sir Samuel Instone's

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attractive scheme for running a motor-boat service on the Thames. The decision followed upon the unfavourable report of the Committee which had inquired into the proposal. The...

On Tuesday Lord Darling gave judgment in the astonishing Bank

The Spectator

Case. He decided that the £150,000 paid into the Midland Bank (out of which the plaintiff, Mr. Robinson, had sought to recover £125,000) had been in practice stolen from the...

A provisional arrangement has been made for the sale of

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the Foundling Hospital. With the decision of the Foundation to accept a million and a half pounds for its present estate in Bloomsbury, and to move the charity to the country,...

Although the jury were not required to find specifically who

The Spectator

the blackmailers were—for the trial was a civil not a criminal one—the notes of evidence have very pro- perly been handed to the Public Prosecutor. The impu- dence and the...

Bank Rate, 4 per cent., changed from 3 per cent.

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July 5th, 1023. 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 101g ; Thursday week, 1011 ; a year ago, ]001. 3 per cent. Conversion Loan was on Thursday, 79g.; Thursday week, 79 ; a...

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BY J. RAMSAY MACDONALD [Copyright in all Countries.] and that could only fit into a system of government which chaos, and - suspicion to help him out of his was personal and...

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giy *Mater.

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We are compelled by lack of space to hold over Mr. Julian S. Huxley's fourth article of his series, " America ReVisited." The series will be continued next week. The Spectator...

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[COPYRIGHT IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA EY THE Independent.] I T has been said in the realm of medicine that diagnosis is the only thing that matters. If you can come to know...

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W HEN a country for the safety and order of which • we are ultimately responsible is on the verge of sliding into chaos and red ruin, it is no time for polishing and refining...

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BY STEPHEN GWYNN T HERE died last week an old man whose life if it could be faithfully written would illuminate the whole history of Ireland, beginning at the great famine. I...

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THE RUSSIANS I LIKE the .Russians to come in the winter. Among other London productions their performance. is like a sudden sharp snap of cold in the middle of the usual...


The Spectator

W E hope to make Lord Newton's admirable article on the smoke evil, which we published last week, the forerunner of a short series of expert opinions upon this subject. -It...

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[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Slit, — In the Spectator . of

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November 22nd you suggest that when any. dwelling is declared to be unfit for human habitation the rents should automatically cease with a view to its being demolished. I...

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] am one of those

The Spectator

unfortunates who own well-built working-class tenement houses of one and two rooms and kitchen. They are all let, and thanks to careful factors, and the fact that there is only...


The Spectator

THE SLUM AND THE EMERGENCY HOUSE [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Your battle cry will put heart of hope into every one of us ! You exaggerate nothing. There is an...

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[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Is the abolition of

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the slums as simple a question as your recent article would suggest ? Have we any guarantee that when we do rebuild these new buildings will not, before many years, be again...


The Spectator

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, —I am wondering after reading your correspondent's reply to my letter whether he observed the necessary pre- liminary thereto by first...

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In your very businesslike

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essay on The Slum and the Emergency House " (Spectator, November 22nd, 1024) you do not suggest the use of existing empty houses as quarters for slum-dwellers while the slums...

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SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I was much interested in the account recently given in your correspondence columns of the London University Courses in Journalism. I think, however, that the...

INDIA AND OPIUM [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,

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—In your issue of November 15th. in the article entitled " Unionist Foreign Policy," there are two statements which appear to us to call for comment. The first is that " India...

EMINENT NEGROES (To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Referring to

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your article on the Negro Problem, may I be allowed to quote at least one instance of a " pure black " rising to eminence, in Sir Edward Reeves, Chief Justice of Barbados, about...

WARNING SHADOWS [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia.—I am

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astonished at Sir John Heaton's letter in your issue of last week, in which, after showing that he has a clear appreciation of the merits of the film Warning Shadows, he ends by...

THE JEWS IN WORLD HISTORY [To the Editor of the

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SPECTATOR.] quite agree with Mr. Alan Porter that a sensible English Jew ought to be as other Englishmen, in everything except his religious creed—he seems to grudge the...


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Sia,—In the Spectator of November 29th you say " Twenty years ago it would have been inconceivable that Churchmen would spontaneously suggest that their schools should be taken...

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DR. BARNARDO'S HOMES [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—At

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this season of the year may I ask the indulgence of your columns to plead the cause of the 7,300 boys and girls and babies in. Dr. Barnardo's Homes—the largest family in the...

A CRY FROM THE FAR WEST [To the Editor of

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the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—I write from the banks of the mighty Athabasca River, in the Far West, where I am living and farming with my family amid primeval forests. I rarely see men...


The Spectator

BETRAYED THE Question came : " Not guilty ! " I replied, And would have pleaded Cause and Circumstance : But I was silenced by a voice that cried : " Forgive my client this...


The Spectator

SPECTATORd Sin,—The subjects " Ilomecroft Policy " and " Domestic Service " are intimately connected. We need to learn how to use food as well as how to produce it. In Finland...

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THE SUPERMAN OF PLEASURE [COPYRIGHT IN THE UNITED STATES OE AMERICA BY THE New York Times.] Nell Gwynne. By Arthur Dasent. (Macmillan. 18s. net.) The Works of George Savile...

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Pert/100am Veneris. Latin and in English. Edited and translated by R. W. Postgate. (Grant. Richards. 15s. net.) NOT a -scholar can tell-us when the Pervig,ilium Veneris was...


The Spectator

THIS WEEK'S BOOKS FOR two months and more there has been a secret to keep : it would have been cheerless and untimely, I think, to mention earlier in the year that Christmas...

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I SUPPOSE that most people assume that " nursery classics " are classics only in the loose sense in which the word is often used in English, when it hardly means more than " old...


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Tram and again in Mr. Masters' book we are given exciting instances of human ingenuity, backed by vast mechanical resources, battling with natural difficulties. Could any-...

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Tuts is an excellent and exhaustive account of the develop-

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ment of the locomotive ; it is more profusely illustrated than any book of the kind we remember seeing. It is perhaps rather too full of detail to make exciting reading. Mr....


The Spectator

WICKEDNESS AND HORROR THE main road to Cold Harbour ran blank up against a hedge of holly, so dense and deep that nothing further could be seen. You turned to the left (surely...


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TEE Daily Mail Year Book is as useful as ever. Nowhere is so much information packed in so small a compass. The bio- graphies are excellent and well selected, and the...

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THE GOLD STANDARD. [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The question of a return by Great Britain to the Gold Standard and what is known as the free market in gold has become...