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The Strong Arm in Egypt

The Spectator

The claim of a two million membership for the Muslim Brotherhood, even if exaggerated, gives some idea of the determination required to lay it low. It was officially dissolved...


The Spectator

ip RESIDENT Eisenhower's high conception of his office as implying an aloofness from the hack-work of party politics—illustrated by his recent withdrawal into the mountains for...

No. 6593 FRIDAY, N.OVEMBER 5, 1954 PRICE 7d.

The Spectator

Page 4

Which Way for Japan ? '

The Spectator

Mr. Yoshida's sustained determination to make his present world tour, and the opposition which he had to surmount at home in order to do so, should suggest what is indeed the...


The Spectator

I T would have taken very little more to make the House of Commons explode on Monday when Sir Walter Monckton made his statement on the dock strike. The restraint to which both...

Persian Oil Flows Again

The Spectator

The 135,000 tons of Persian oil which ten tankers—British, American, French and Dutch—loaded in the first three days of the reopening at Abadan is only an initial trickle. But...

Uncertainty at the Docks

The Spectator

It is not to be imagined that the dockers were much chastened by the court of inquiry's interim report last week, which put the blame fair and square on the Amalgamated...

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The Spectator

I T is, or should be, obvious that the dockers should earn more and have a higher standard of living. That state- ment arises from the very nature of the problem of production...

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Occupational Hazard

The Spectator

Sheer sloth, rather than the deliberation proper to the confection of jewelled prose, has hitherto saved me from the ravages of writer's cramp. I had indeed, in so far as I...

The Loiti Arm of the Law

The Spectator

The following paragraph appeared in a recent issue of the Kentish Express: ' KEY PRESENTED TO HEAD GIRL—New teak entrance doors presented by the School Parents' Association to...

The Lady Vanishes

The Spectator

relate the simpler of the two. A young couple took with them on a motor tour in Spain an elderly and prosperous aunt, partly out of kindness and partly because she agreed to pay...

Royal Flush

The Spectator

The Times on Wednesday quoted a Redter report of the death in California of Mr. Otto de Bourbon Hapsburg, a pretender to the throne of France, 'who claimed that he was, a...

Household Hint

The Spectator

The postman, gliding out of the mist-wreathed woods behind my house, dismounted with a certain asperity from his bicycle: be could almost have been said to flounce. It was, he...

The Ruses of Peace

The Spectator

It seems to me a good thing that Germany is not going to rearm from under the counter. I have been reading the tran- script of the Nuremberg Trials and such documents as were...


The Spectator

T HE Germans are prepared, not altogether without reason, to take the British seriously. To them the failure, dur- ing one month, of our Government and our people (for once...

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More Work from Trade Unionists

The Spectator

By PETER WILES This is the first of a series of articles in which a number of economists, sociologists and journalists will consider the problem posed to the British by trade...

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The Sins of Bureaucracy

The Spectator

By T. E. UTLEY T HE fact that the centenary of the Trevelyan-Northcote reforms, which are conventionally regarded as marking the birth of the Civil Service, coincided with...

Page 9

Bonjour Trieste!

The Spectator

B Y JENNY NICHOLSON 0 CTOBER 26, 1954, was the day of Trieste's return to Italy. The Bora wind was bending the trees along the magnificent sea-front, tearing from the walls the...

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City and Suburban

The Spectator

T HE restoration of the medimval Guildhall of the City of London is a great success. Sir Giles Gilbert Scott, like his father and grandfather before him, is at heart a Gothic...

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The Spectator

FRANK DOBSON is holding his eighth exhibi- tion of sculpture and drawings at the Leicester Galleries. His first was in 1921. 'Advanced' then, his work today has a vaguely un-...


The Spectator

OPERA CONGRATULATIONS to Covent Garden on their new Tales of Hoffmann, the first there for seventeen years, are deserved, not so Much for their going back to the original...


The Spectator

WILFRED PICKLES in Walter Greenwood's The Cure for Love gave his stock imitation of the simple lovable two-fisted Northerner, bah-gooming his way into the heart of Miss Valerie...

Page 12

Letters to the Editor

The Spectator

TRUE CONSERVATISM SIR,—At least my article seems to have- achieved its first object, which was to provoke. To be compared in one issue of the Spectator with Carlyle, Hitler and...


The Spectator

The Happiness of Three Women. (Warner, Nov. 11)—White Christmas. (Plaza.) How oddly infectious are ideas! No sooner have we finished with three Americans tossing coins into the...

Page 14

$m,—'VVhatever the attributes of Conservatism, your contributor, Mr. Henry Fairlie,

The Spectator

is surely incorrect in specially omitting Nationalism from them. English Toryism, past and present, is Nationalist if anything. How else can one account for its loyalty to the...

ROAD PROBLEMS Sta,—Your contributor, Mr. John Arlott, has indeed summed

The Spectator

up 'the collection of hardened arteries which the British call a road system,' and his suggestions for improve- ment obey the sound principle of not letting one road-user cross...

GAMBLING IN THE CHURCHES SIR, —The recent policy of the Church

The Spectator

Com- missioners of investing in British Industrials raises grave moral issues which the clergy (though not the working public) have allowed to go by default. There is nothing...


The Spectator

S1R,—The Public Relations Officer of British Railways (LMR) now discloses that it ig normal for four seats on main line trains to bear bogus reservation labels. But he avoids...

St*. — As a side-issue in the vexed question of reserved seating

The Spectator

in trains may I make a plea to British Railways that on special expresses such as boat-trains there may be provided at least one coach of unreserved seats and the fact stated on...

Page 15

• Apology for Lions

The Spectator

The man who keeps a lion in his house Never lacks company, visitors Call daily, provided of course The beast is tame, house-trained, Willing to shake hands And purr when...


The Spectator

End of the Season See this evening the marvellous hawk amazes The screaming sparrow, the petulant, grounded boy: From where he hangs still in the measured sky Regards the...

• Baie des Anges

The Spectator

For once a simple image: moonlight on A strip of gently moving water. Love Makes it a system of comparison. The clear unchanging tone and lustre of The light is emblem for the...

Wounded Soldiers

The Spectator

It was always a dwarf pine they asked for, Before cigarettes. Was it themselves they saw— crippled and bound? Or their squat country, twisted and pruned, Contained in a tipsy...

The Crabs

The Spectator

Fishermen waking into a morning haze That holds in solution the crystalline heat of the day Yawn in disgust. For the crabs on the seabed laze When the water is clear: to torpor...

Page 19

Rich, Beautiful, Renowned

The Spectator

By T. F. REDDAWAY HE :lost Spacious, Populous, Rich, Beautiful, Renowned and Noble' city in the land, the seat of fades into obscurity. Probably life continued within the Roman...

A Message from the Lord Mayor

The Spectator

How much the City of _London means to Britain, to the Commonwealth and to the world. Its people were the pioneers of liberty, of religious tolerance and of civic government....

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Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens

The Spectator

By CHRISTOPHER SMALL T HE Corporation of the City of London is a great treasure of constitutional, judicial, and social palaeon- tology. - -rgble than Parliament, coeval with...

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Guilds and Companies

The Spectator

By ADAM FOX T HE City of London is famous the woad over for its activity in commerce, and this activity is practised almost entirely through what are called companies. There are...

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London Burning

The Spectator

By MAURICE RICHARDSON L OOKING back now, after fourteen years, my prevailing impression is still what it was then : that, so far as I personally was concerned, the 1940 blitz on...

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Rebuilding the City

The Spectator

By GERARD FAY T HERE has been such an increase in the speed of reconstruction in the City that the visitor can now really see something going on within the imaginary walls. East...

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London's River

The Spectator

By E. W. KING T HE first London Bridge acted at the beginning of the thirteenth century as a barrier to inward bound shipping and, in consequence, the focal point of the Port...

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World Commercial Centre

The Spectator

By OSCAR HOBSON The shipping figures speak eloquently of the tremendous present importance of the Port of London. The tonnage of shipping which used the port last year exceeded...

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The Growth of British Insurance

The Spectator

13,y A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE City lets you know that, whatever else it is, it is thoroughly reliable. So one is interested, but not surprised, to learn that it does the...

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Banking Foreign and Domestic

The Spectator

By P. E. SMART T HE country's banking system, its centre and heart in the City of London, evolved from its primitive begin- nings to meet purely local needs. In that it...

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Fleet Street 1954

The Spectator

By JOHN BEAVAN F - LEET STREET, that westerly outpost of the City, has lost much of its old gaiety, its Bohemian raffishness, its street-of-adventure romanticism. Paper...

Page 45

Anatomy or a Jobber DOUGLASS ETON LITTLE patient searching will

The Spectator

convince anyone that almost everything was invented by the Chinese. b, & Research into the nature of stock-jobbing, which is b ucflY attempted here, brings us to a full stop,...

Page 47

The City Churches

The Spectator

BY JOHN BETJEMAN I N the London Museum, when it was at Lancaster House, there used to be a delightful dark tunnel of models of old London, including one of the Great Fire...

Page 51

A Train Journey

The Spectator

Just before the train was due to leave the station, the compartment door was opened and in climbed three ladies and a man I took to be a cattle-dealer. I returned to my' book...

Caro of Vines Vines growing under glass should be rubbed

The Spectator

to remove loose bark when the rods are bate of leaves. They should also be brushed with methylated spirit to counteract mealy bug. In the cold months before new growth begins,...

Potted Biographies

The Spectator

recent volume of brief biographies described Byron as 'The "Perfect Lover," who chewed acco, bit his finger-nails and drank wine out of human skulls,' while the chapter on...

Cultivated Blackberries

The Spectator

Writing from Worksop, Notts., Mr. A. Middleton remarks, 'Your fruitless journey in search of blackberries is a great contrast to my experience this year and as I live in north...

Country Life How quickly the windfall apples are set upon

The Spectator

by the creatures that lurk in the soil or among the straggling grass beneath the trees! Slugs make a meal when they can, but their attack is much slower than the woodlice who do...

'SPECTATOR COMPETITION No. 247 Set by Allan M. Laing The

The Spectator

month of November is generally assumed to have the least to recommend it of any month in the year—hence Tons Hood's well-known 'No' verses. But has November no good side? For a...

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Compton Mackenzie

The Spectator

T HAT tribute to Oscar Wilde's talk from Sir Max Beerbohm printed in last week's ` Sidelight ' set me thinking about that well-loved figure now in his eighty- third year. I...

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The Spectator

The Local Derby 8 Y JOHN ARLOTT A. LTHOUGH my boyhood affection for the United was strong, I cannot pretend that they were an exceptional football team. Indeed, I cannot say...

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The Spectator

Brogan on the Constitution By RIq1ARD H. ROVERE IWISH publishers wouldn't tinker so with titles. I take It that the book referred to on the jacket of D. W. Brogan's „ new...

Page 56

Over Land and Sea

The Spectator

Log Hut. By Thomas Firbank. (Harrap. 10s. 6d.) In the Wake of a Wish. By Goran Schildt. (Staples. 12s. 6d.) Boom about the country always quicken the Englishman's tall' palsied...

A Poet's Life

The Spectator

An Autobiography. By Edwin Muir. (The Hogarth Press. 18s.) CANNOT bring life into a neat pattern. If there is a development In my life—and that seems an idle supposition—then it...

Page 58

Japanese Theatre

The Spectator

Japanese Theatre. By Faubion Bowers. (Peter Owen. 30s.) JAPANESE theatre will probably be considered by most people in this country as something completely outside the possible...

Whitehead's Table Talk

The Spectator

Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead. By Lucien Price. (Mit ir A Reinhardt. 25s.) LUCIEN PRICE 15 an American journalist who had the idea of recording Professor Whitehead's...

Page 60

A Literary Review

The Spectator

The New Partisan Reader. Edited by William Phillips and Philip P .ahY. (Andre Deutsch. 30s.) THIS is a significant book. The selection of seventy-odd contribution' covers...

Owing to the very large entry for the Spectator's second

The Spectator

Review competition (Lord M. by David Cecil), it will not be possible to announce the result until November 19, when the winning entry will be printed.

. New Novels The Flower Girls. By Clemence Dane. (Michael

The Spectator

Joseph. 21s.) IN one way at least, human beings resemble photographic plates. Expose us to too much light, and our world is darkened. Give us too little, or light of the wrong...

Page 62

Company Notes

The Spectator

By CUSTOS As the stock markets were not badly affected by the dock strike they were not greatly moved by its settlement and were inclined to go easier on balance. The week has...


The Spectator

By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT PROFESSIONAL investors always pretend to be ashamed if, with the funds they manage, they do not do better than The Financial Times indices. But I doubt...

Page 63


The Spectator

ACROSS: I Hindmost. 5 Sea-pig. 9 Magellan. 10 Enonee. 12 Estate. 13 Harridan. 15 Fortune of war. 18 Paying-in slim 23 Lucullus. 24 Agenda. 26 Guitar. 27 'Wellhead 28 Crease. 29...


The Spectator

Two prize, am awarded each week - /1 con of the Eh, Luxe edition of Chamber?, Twentieth Cos. nay Dictionare and a book token for one g u fn est. These will be awarded to the...