5 JUNE 1852

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A kind of ovation has been awarded to Sir Harry

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Smith at his landing on his native shores. An address was presented to him at Portsmouth, and already his name is put forth as an eligible can- didate for Parliamentary honours....

Electioneering spreads and - grows more keen; but scarcely so much

The Spectator

as might have been expected in the Parliamentary recess. Most sitting Members appear to have Made holyilay instead of avail- ing themselves of the intermission in their in-door...

The capture of Martaban and Rangoon is creditable to the

The Spectator

British commanders and the soldiers and sailors they lead. The Burmese, however, appear to have improved materially in military skill and efficiency since the last war....


The Spectator

'Tim most curious feature of the proceedings in the House of Com- mons when it reopened after the Whitsun recess, was the assump- tion Of the functions of Opposition leader by...

Turning to France, we find the number of refusals "to

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take the oath" increasing. The courts of law maintain their independent bearing. Prosecutions against two provincial journals, for pub- lishing false news, instituted by the...

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thatto aul( natthiugo iu Vartiamtut.

The Spectator

PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OP THE WEEX. HOUR OP LORDS. Thursday, June 8. No business of interest. Friday. June 4. No business of interest. House or Commons. Thursday, June 3. Public...

The most recent accounts from the 'United States speak of

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a like- lihood that Mr. Fillmore will withdraw his claims to the Presideney, in favour of Mr. Webster. This still leaves another Whig candi- date, General Scott, in the field. I...

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The Spectator

THE Royal Family returned to London at the end of last week, and re- main at Buckingham Palace. The Duke and Duchess of lifontpensier had an audience of her Majesty on Tuesday...

bt gttrupolio.

The Spectator

The Whitsuntide holydays have been well enjoyed by the workers of the great Metropolis. Fine weather tempted to the usual resorts in the suburbs unusual myriads of the labouring...

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tht Vrouittrts.

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Sir Harry Smith was warmly welcomed by the authorities of Ports- mouth when he landed there on Sunday. On Monday morning the Town-Council met and resolved on a complimentary...


The Spectator

By surprise, and at the end of operations conducted with some mystery, the electric telegraph was successfully carried across the Irish Channel, from Holyhead to the Hill of...

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The Spectator

The General Assembly of the Established Church concluded its session on Monday evening, and separated till the 19th of May 1853. The General Assembly of the Free Church...


The Spectator

ENGLAND. BEWDLEY. The present Member, Lord Mandeville, has offered himself as a candidate for Huntingdonshire, vacant by the death of Mr. Thornhill. The candidates to succeed...

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"atrial! Ina tnituial.

The Spectator

FRANCE.—The report that the Council of State had "shown itself hos- tile to the Government on the question of the Orleans property" has been contradicted by the Patrie, which...

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The Spectator

Colonel Sir J. Gaspard Le Merchant, the present Governor of New- f ou ndland, is to succeed Sir John Harvey, deceased, as Lieutenant- governor of Nova Scotia. William...


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SATURDAY. Presenting petitions from persons connected with the colony of New Zealand, before the House went into Committee on the New Zealand Go- vernment Bill, Sir Joule...

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The news was received in Dublin yesterday that Dr. Cullen

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has received the Pope's brief appointing him Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin. An elementary school in connexion with the Metropolitan School of Ornamental Art was...

The Times states that "a conference of the Plenipotentiaries of

The Spectator

the five Great Powers was held at the Foreign Office on the 24th May, at which Lord Malmesbury, on behalf of her Majesty's Government, and the Prus- sian Envoy at this Court,...


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. A purchase to the extent of nearly 500,000/. Consols occurred on Monday, said to be on account of the Scotch Banks. The effect of this...

ttratrtg ant Zuoir.

The Spectator

Just as the Crystal Palace, which was to symbolize the brotherhood of all nations, is about to be removed from its Western site, Mr. Mitchell begins to organize a cosmopolitan...

Mr. James Goulston, of Old Kent Road, London, wati killed

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in his balloon, while descending on the Stone Breaks Hill, Yorkshire, on Wednesday even- ing, after an ascent from the Belle Vue Gardens at Manchester. The Australia, the first...

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The new French prima donna, Madame de la Grange, has

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appeared at Her Majesty's Theatre with distinguished success in La Prove d' un Opera Sena and in Don Pasquale. In Lucia her acting was the conventional tra- gedy of the stage,...

Another first-rate violinist performed on Tuesday at the concert of

The Spectator

tho Musical Union,—Herr Laub, a young Bohemian. In a quartet of Men. deleaohn, a quintet of Mozart, and one of Beethoven's sonatas for the pianoforte and violin, (which be...

A little farce called Taking by Storm, produced at the

The Spectator

Lyceum, teaches the art of winning a lady's hand in half-an-hour, by keeping up a rapid fire of smart speeches, bouquets, and porcelain presents ; and Mr. Charles Mathews, by...

The Philharmonic concert of Monday last was of average quality,

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and remarkable chiefly for the 'performance of Joachim, the young violinist whose first appearance, as a boy, some seven years sinoe, created a sensa- tion in our musical world....


The Spectator

A young lady from Toulouse, Miss Vandermeersch, visited London the year before last with a " troupe " of birds of more than birdlike sagacity and penetration. She has now...

We regret that Mr. Wigan's benefit at the Princess's Theatre

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had the character of a farewell. He was a good member of a good company, and had brought certain departments of acting to a degree of perfection by no means common. His...


The Spectator

The Commissioners are of opinion- " 1. That the University should receive an indemnification in case it hes exceeded its power in altering the Laudian Code, and should...

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The Spectator

AN OFFER FOR TILE ADERSHIP. TILE compressed but still very long bill of indictment which Sir James Graham preferred against the House of Commons, and the Executive Ministers...


The Spectator

OXFORD Urrnmasrrr, as a Parliamentary constituency, is divided by the two parties whose sole union lies in the desire to unseat Mr. Gladstone,-the Ultra-Tories, working in their...

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The Spectator

A Pumacanox which devotes itself in the broadest sense to the interests of construction, develops a curious and painful incident in the history of sanitary. improvement. It...


The Spectator

Acconnum to Sir Harry Smith's own account, the policy of which he has been both the instigator and the instrument towards the Aboriginal tribes of the Cape of Good Hope has not...

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The Spectator

IN a late debate, after vindicating Maynooth against " untrue " me- thods of assault, Mr. Henry Drummond astonished all and sundry by turning round to have a fling at the...


The Spectator

WHEN Bean, ambitious idiot, was tried for shooting at Queen Vic- toria, it was stated, as it had been stated before in the case of Ox- ford, that the lad had long been labouring...


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AN English philosopher narrates a story of a bear, whose perpetual existence was deemed necessary for the -safety of a certain Swiss village. As soon as the bear for the time...

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ad June 1852.

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Sin—Agreeing with your remarks on the conduct of the Liberals at Oxford in withdrawing their support from Mr. Gladstone, I would gladly strengthen your argument by a reference...

London, 3d Tune 1852.

The Spectator

Bra—I am one of those Oxford men who believe that a great reformation is needed in the University . ; who desire light as to the way in which it may be most effectually...

rttttra ta thr Mtn.

The Spectator

Mn. GLA.DSTONE AND THE OXFORD REFORMERS. Rugby, 2d Tune 1852. Sus—Your paper of Saturday last comments somewhat severely on the neutrality of the Oxford Reformers with regard to...

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The Spectator

FILIA DOLOROSA—MEMOIRS OF THE DUCHESS OF ANGOITLEME.. MISFORTUNES are so common in the world, that to attract the general attention of mankind they require all the force that...

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Tins volume contains the results of its author's observations and reflections during nearly thirty years of medical service in various quarters of the globe, three-and-twenty...


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Tun characteristic of the third volume of Dr. Chalmers's biography i s continued in the fourth and last. The subjects relate rather to the public career than the private life of...

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The Spectator

HAD not Miss Mitford written Our Village, Miss Fourdrinier's New Parish would have been praised for novelty of design. It is probable ' indeed, that imitation was rather forced....

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The Spectator

THE ROYAL ACADEMY EXHIBITION. Illustrative Pictures. " The devout Childhood of St. Elizabeth of Hungary," by Mr. Collins, is a good example of Pre-Raphaelite industry ; the...


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Boone. The week's publications are peculiar. With the exception of books re- served for further consideration, they almost wholly consist of reprints or serial continuations,...

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The Spectator

Appreciative criticism of Turner is no easy thing. In the first place, the artist, in poetic insight and creativeness, is greatly above what his critic is likely to be. Then...


The Spectator

Oa the 26th May, at Harewood. Cornwall, the Wife of the Rev. Reginald Hob- house. Rector of St. Ire, of a daughter, which survived only four days. On the 27th, at Ickleford...

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The Spectator

Tuesday, June 1. PARTNERSHIPS DissoEvED.-Crestrick and Co. Craven Street, Strand, silversmiths; as far as regards T. and J. G. A. Creswick-R. and B. Ricards, Bath,...


The Spectator

&third. Monday. Tweroray. per Cent Consols 1001 1001 1001 Ditto for Account 1001 1001 1004 3 per Cents Reduced 091 991 51 per Cents 99 1 101 1021 102 Long Annuities 6...