4 JULY 1863

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On Wednesday a somewhat remarkable division took place in the

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Lower House of Convocation. Dr. M'Caurs resolution of last session, "That it is not expedient to relax the rule of subscription to the Act of Uniformity," came on again for...


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T HE Kensington job was burked on Thursday amidst a 1 most unusual scene. There was barely a chance for Messrs. Kelk and Lucas when the Chancellor of the Exchequer rose, but...

Mr. Walpole as Commandant, and always with Lord Robert Cecil

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as Adjutant; are 'utterly dissatisfied with Mr.. Disraeli's re ;dinss to tuidAnniglen: any Nolitical principle, Yet he telt . ; them , 4 /ilivietiptWil a great,perty ii9int3t...


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interest will appear in the SPECTX-ron, and be continued, either weekly or at short intervals, giving an Account of the Great Governing Families of England, , Cfounly by County,...

by a Southern guarantee for Cuba, is half inclined to

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accede. The step would show a decided appreciation of the fitness of things. The only State in Europe which repudiates debts, and holds slaves, and breaks the anti-slave trade...

Mr. Roebuck on Tuesday said that the Emperor of the

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French stated to him that His Majesty had "instructed Baron Oros to ask the British Government whether they would be willing to join in recognizing the Confederate States."...

The debate on Mr. Roebuck's motion for the recognition of

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the South brought out by far the strongest show of anti- Southern feeling, or at least of feeling hostile to the English advocates of the South, that has yet been seen in the...

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A wonderful crystal ball, formerly belonging to Lady Blessington, and

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now to the proprietor of Zadkiel's Abnanack, has been the occasion this week of a very amusing law-suit. Sir Edward Belcher spoke of the proprietor of the Crystal Ball in the...

• The papers of Saturday were full of accounts of

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the magni- ficent fete given by the officers of the Guards to the Prince and Princess of Wales. The gallery of the Great Exhibition was splendidly fitted up for the ballroom ;...

Mr. Villiers - on Monday night made some satisfactory state- ments as

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to the position of Lancashire. He still believed that there would be work enough under his Bill for every unem- ployed operative, Blackburn done - proposine.p to spend 104,000/....

The Emperor of the French has addressed a letter to

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M. Rotther, complaining of over-centralization. He says that mere communal matters of secondary importance require references to eleven authorities, and an investigation some-...

A rumour was current early in the week that a

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reply to the Six Points had been received from Russia. It has, however, been denied, and as yet nothing is known as to its probable character, except that the Czar will refuse...

A telegram from Alexandria announces that a revolution occurred in

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Madagascar on 12th May. Radama II. has been assassinated, his Ministers hanged, mourning prohibited, the European treaties suspended, and Radama's widow pro- claimed Sovereign,...

On Wednesday the Lord Mayor, by a breach of a

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recognized etiquette, gave a grand Conservative party dinner to Lord Derby. The chief of the Opposition, who had not been at Willis's Rooms, took care to give Mr. Disraeli a...

The Duke of Newcastle explained on Thursday the objects for

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which the rights of the Hudson's Bay Company, ex- tending over a territory '400,000 miles larger than Europe within the Vistula, have been transferred like a private estate. The...

A correspondent in the Times calls attention to the way

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in which Crown leases are granted. The Commissioners, it ap- pears, grant leases without competition, and recently granted some land near Carlton Terrace, the best site in...

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The debate on the Irish Church, revived by Mr. Osborne

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on Friday with a motion for a Commission, and continued on Tuesday, ended with an adjournment sine die. It was marked by one singular incident—a declaration by the Secretary for...

The Queen's Advocate, Sir R. Phillimore, has replied on the

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"Essays and Reviews" appeal, and his tone seems to have been a little despondent. The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, he judiciously observed, would decide according to...

The annual dinner of the Acclimatisation Society was held at

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St. James's Hall on Wednesday. Our modern explorers and wild hunters were well represented, Captains Speke and Grant, M. du Chaillu and Mr. Grantley Berkely all being present....

The more we hear of the removal of the Ionian

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judges the more discreditable it seems. On Tuesday Lord Chelmsford brought forward the subject again in the House of Lords, but instead of limiting himself to a statement of the...

The case of Colonel Dickson v. Lord Combermere and Lord

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Wilton at length came to a conclusion in the Court of Queen's Bench on Saturday. The Lord Chief Justice, in summing up, warned the jury against being led to regard the case as...

A ship ease, of which we have as yet only

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an ex parte account, seems to imply that the Federal navy-commanders are not even yet quite brought into habits of discipline to their Government at Washington. The Confederate...

The annual meeting of the Working Men's Club and Insti-

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tute Union, the admirable purpose and excellent results of which we have more than once endeavoured to place before our readers, is to be held this day week at 3 p.m. in...

Rather to the surprise of its friends, Mr. Ewart's Bill

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for the introduction of a decimal system of weights and measures, based on French standards, passed its second reading in the Lower House by 110 to 75. The object of the Bill,...

Our intelligence from America is simple, though overloaded with guesses.

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General Lee has not invaded the North, but he has traversed the Shenando.th Valley, and turned eastward through Thoroughfare Gap, looking towards Washington. North of him his...

Consols are 92 92k for money, and 92k 92k- for

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the account. India five per Cents. 108k 1081; ditto, Five ier Cent. linfaccd Paper, 107 1071 ; and ditto, 5i per Cent., 116f. Turk eh Six per Cents., 1862, are 67f 68; ditto,...

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MR. DISRAELI'S TWO IDEAS. T HOSE who dislike Mr. Disraeli, and they are neither few 1 nor silent, are apt to say that he has not only no poli- tical principles but no political...

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M R. ROEBUCK'S motion for the recognition of the South has not yet received its coy cle grtice, and it is likely to linger, we see, in its present hopeless state of living death...


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lUiR. ROEBUCK on Tuesday night paid an unexpected in compliment to his countrymen. He announced—and by acts, not words—his belief that the national character is greatly changed....

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THE INVASION OF THE NORTH. tv all the telegrams which

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daily stream into London, —and which are as like news as bricks are like Somerset House, —the worst are those from New York. The mails arrive quickly, and so there are seldom...

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4 rirT is unfortunate," said Lord Derby on Wednesday at the Mansion House, in the rhetorical speech with which he endeavoured to console his party for being without either...

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M ADEMOISELLE COLAS is just now a theme of vehement controversy, and no doubt there is much to be said both for and against her impersonation of Juliet ; but of her great power...

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M R. EWART'S Bill for enforcing the decimal system of weights and measures contains three separate principles— first, that the national annotation shall be the decimal one ;...

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ADKIEL TAO SZE, Zadkiel the Doctor of Reason—whom, LI on the faith of an article on the "Doctrines of Foe, the son of In-fan Yang," in last year's almanack, we had always...

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yiTH_ETIIER all people are aware of it or not, true it is that; for the last month England has been experiencing the effects of a Tartar invasion. The usually sensitive...

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London, 1, 1863. Ir is at once saddening and laughable

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to see to what extent Napoleon is eulogized by some English papers for having under- stood the significance of the late elections, that is, for having com- prehended what no...

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[FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.] New York, June 17, 1863. IT is not to Grant before Vicksburg, not to Hooker on the Rap- pahannock, that you are to look for the actual...

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To THE EDITOR OF TE:E "SPECTATOR." Stn,—Among several other inaccuracies contained in the criticism on my work in your paper of to-day, there is one which, in my opinion, is so...


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RECENT MUSICAL EVENTS: TH E concert season is decidedly on the wane. The great orchestral societies have all completed their series. The last Monday Popular Concert of the...

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M. RENAN'S LIFE OF JESUS.* Tuts is no common book. To us, indeed, it seems the attempt to create, by the aid of great learning and greater imagination, a mighty phantom in the...

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" ECIAIREZ lea dupes ; il n'aura pas des fripons," is the motto on the title-page of the volume before us, and the practice/ adoption of Montesquieu's simple method for the...

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THE Egyptian Revolution might be better described as the history of Egypt since 1798. Fairly master of Arabic, though com- pelled to translate from dictation, Mr. Paton has read...

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"G. H. L." writes in the Cornhill a subtle defence of Nero, whose character he holds to have been caluminated for some eighteen hundred years. The evidence of the Emperor's...

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Life and Work in Newfoundlancl By Rev. J. Moreton. (Rivingtons.)

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—In this small volume Mr. Moreton has given us a modest and inter- esting account of his experiences of thirteen years' missionary labour on the coast of Newfoundland. The...

Tea Cultivation in India. By W. N. Lees, LL.D. (Allen

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and Co.)— The object of this volume is to present a summary view of the history and results of the attempts that have been made within the last few years to introduce the tea...

A Hebrew Grammar, with Exercises. By M. M. Kalisch, Ph.D.,

The Spectator

MA. In two parts. London. (Longmans.) —This is a new and very valuable work, the result of many years' conscientious labour, and one which supplies an old want—that of a Hebrew...

The History of Modern Europe. By Thomas Bullock. (Simpkin and

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Marshall.)—Mr. Bullock, who is already well known as the author of several educational works, has in the present instance undertaken the rather serious task of compressing into...

Registration of Title to Land. By Robert Wilson. (Longmans.)— Mr.

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Wilson's object is not, as might be expected, to advocate the im- provements that have lately been made in the machinery for the transfer of land ; but to put forward a scheme...

The Phantom Bouquet. By Edward Parrish. (A. Bennet.)—Under this rather

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fanciful title, a member of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia has condescended to oblige the public with a popular treatise on a certain pleasing drawing-room...

Who to Consult ? (Aylott and Son.)—The publishers of this

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work, being frequently asked by invalids to recommend them a doctor, have at last hit upon the plan of issuing an annual volume, in which all the information needed by this...

A History of Baptism and the Eucharist. By John Rawlings.

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(Bennett.)—Mr. Rawlings takes his stand upon the broad principle that all ceremonial observances of any kind whatsoever are alien to the spirit of the Christian dispensation....

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successfully pursues his system of applying photography to the illus-

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tration of books connected with local scenery. One of his latest pro- ductions, however, is an elegantly got up album, precisely similar to those ordinarily used for cartes de...

Versiculi — Verselets. By John Hoskyns-Abrahall, jun., MA. (J. H. and J.

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Parker.) Evenings with the Muses. By Frank Stephens. (Ewins and Co.)—The first of these two small volumes, which is the work of a gentleman who has held for the last few years...

Eikr and He/mg. A Danish Legend. By Mrs. George Lenox-Conyng-

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ham. (Chapman and Hall.)—It is, we think, more than probable that, but for the marriage of the Prince of Wales, we should not have had the advantage of perusing this small poem,...

awsterfort4 and Some of Its People. By the author of

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"A Bad Begin- ning." Three vols. (Smith, Elder, and (lo.)—This is a work which belongs to the straitest sect of the domestic class of novels. It consists, as its name imports,...

Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain. By W. Chaffers

The Spectator

F.S.A. (Davy and Sons.)—This volume contains an illustrated cata- logue of the various marks and monograms by which porcelain mann- factarers of all countries have been in the...

My Mother's Meetings. By Elizabeth Bennett. (A. W. Bennett.)— Mrs.

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Bennett appears to be in the habit of holding occasional meetings of the poor married women in her neighbourhood, at which she con- verses with, rather than discourses to, her...