4 AUGUST 1939

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The Spectator

R ECENT developments at Danzig lend themselves to either of two interpretations. Since it is of the essence of Herr Hitler's policy to keep his potential opponents always...

The Anglo-Japanese Conference The Anglo-Japanese conference continues under condi- tions

The Spectator

which can hardly be considered very favourable for negotiations. Indignities are still being inflicted on British subjects in various parts of China. Mass meetings are being...

Staff Talks at Moscow While the political discussions at Moscow

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make little visible progress, M. Molotov appears to have hinted that the immediate initiation of staff talks, for which he has always pressed, would be sufficient reassurance to...

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The Renaissance of France " It is a veritable renaissance,

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not just a simple recovery," said M. Paul Reynaud, the French Finance Minister, speaking of the position of France in a broadcast speech last Satur- day. All who know the change...

Civil Defence and A.R.P.

The Spectator

Tuesday's debate on Civil Defence and A.R.P. was con- spicuous for the genuine desire for information shown by Members on both sides of the House. A.R.P. is essentially a...

The Railway Dispute The offer which the railway companies have

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made to the railway trade unions to raise the minimum rates of pay from 43s. to 45s. falls far short of the demands put forward by the men, but follows the recommendations of...

President Roosevelt Acts In a sphere in which Congress temporised

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the United States Executive has not hesitated to press forward where its constitutional powers permitted. In serving Japan with six months' notice of the termination of the 1911...

The I.R.A. Deportations Swift measures were taken immediately after the

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Royal Assent had been given to the Prevention of Violence Bill to round up the suspects, and within a day or two it was believed that the real leaders of the so-called I.R.A. in...

Unemployment Figures A reduction in unemployment figures of more than

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93,000 during the last month was announced in the Ministry of Labour's returns issued on Monday night. The total of 1,256,424 is 516,692 less than for the same period last year....

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By contrast, Monday's debate was a quiet affair. Sir Archibald

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Sinclair seemed to be studiously moderate in a speech of great competence, but Mr. Dalton was unnecessarily offensive in presenting his case ; and the Prime Minister seemed to...

Mr. Colville's ten-minute reply on Tuesday to questions on development

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of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland naturally tried the patience of most Members, while the impossibility of many supplementaries being put to the Minister suggested that...

Petrol in War -time On Tuesday Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd announced

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the Govern- ment's plans for the maintenance of petrol and oil supplies in the event of war. It is welcome news that we now have suffi- cient stored reserves of these...

The Week in Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes : The

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debate of the week turned out to be not Monday's debate on foreign affairs, but Wednesday's on the motion for the Adjournment. It became dear before Wednesday that the Govern-...

Hope for the Highlands The statement made by the Secretary

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for Scotland in answer to questions in the House of Commons on Tuesday is welcome evidence that the plight of the Highlands and Islands is not being completely disregarded in...

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The Spectator

IT is inevitable that in this fi rst week of August the minds of men and women in every country should range back to that August week a quarter of a century ago that saw the...

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The Spectator

IR SAMUEL HOARE made a full, frank and satis- factory statement last Friday on the present work of the Foreign Office publicity department and on the preparations for the...

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A week or two ago the Zoo had in its

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possession two Black Widow spiders, the bite of which is fatal to human beings. Since then, I understand, the pair have had issue to the number of about fifty, and the young are...

It is being said in aeronautical circles which ought to

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be well-informed that Italian aircraft production is almost at a standstill. Shortage of metals has caused a change-over to wooden frames, but apparently the Government is...

One of the attractions at the Liberal Summer School at

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Cambridge this week is stated in the daily Press to be " an expedition to Grantchester." This is very disturbing. In- trepidity is always admirable, but Liberal life and limb...

The publication of photographs showing the Bishop of Chester playing

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a barrel-organ in the chief city of his diocese (for the benefit of local hospital funds) does not seem quite the happiest prelude to the translation of Dr. Fisher to the See of...

Book Clubs and their ways are an absorbing subject of

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study. They may be said to consist of Mr. Gollancz's Left Book Club and the rest—most, though not all, the rest owing origin and harbourage to the well-known booksellers...

So Brecon and Radnor adds one more to the relatively

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short list of seats lost by the Government since the last General Election, and again it is a drop in the Government poll, much more than the rise in the Opposition candidate's,...


The Spectator

T HERE would be little profit in trying to nail down consistently the numberless mis-statements of German propagandists—such an assertion, for example, as this, from a booklet...

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The Spectator

By AMICUS GERMANORUM IR EVELYN WRENCH'S article in last week's Spectator gave an account of the official German point of view. am going to outline the reverse side of the...

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The Spectator

By RICHARD BIRLEY [" The Pope is understood to be devoting much of his time at Castel Gandolfo to the composition of his first Encyclical, which may be published on August...

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The Spectator

By JAN MASARYK T HE other day an Englishman said to me at luncheon: " I know how you must feel, but believe me when I tell you that the occupation of Bohemia and Moravia or a...

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The Spectator

By MRS. CECIL CHESTERTON Moscow, 7:413, W HEN Stalin in '934 informed the Soviet world that " the writer is the engineer of the soul " the literary profession had no further...

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By ERWIN D. CANHAM [The United States Congress is expected to adjourn on August 5th till January] Washington. T HE first session of President Roosevelt's fourth Congress is...

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By OUR MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT T HE question of malnutrition in this country—as apart from the wider and much more complex problem in this respect in India and some of the...

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By CLELAND SCOTT eIN E of the advantages of living in Kenya is that one V can keep as pets animals that would either be too expensive or too dangerous to have loose half the...

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It was blind mouths such as these who misled the

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German Government in 1914 and who exposed us to the accusation that by such private assurances we had inveigled Germany into an ambush which proved her destruction. No German...

We are told by Mr. Chamberlain's newspapers that to propose

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the reassembly of Parliament is " only another form of criticism of the Prime Minister." Surely such a statement is both dangerous and unfair. Dangerous, because it implies a...

loomed over Southwark ; below throbbed the fierce red eye

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of Mars.

It would be too early, as yet, to proclaim our

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terms of peace. Any such pronouncement (and it should be made pragmatically, perhaps even unilaterally) should follow and not precede a water-tight agreement with Russia. It...

The only hope of maintaining peace lies in our being

The Spectator

able to convince Herr Hitler that a German victory is not a physical possibility, but that a general peace, honourable to Germany, can be made a physical possibility. We must...


The Spectator

By HAROLD NICOLSON U NLESS some thunderbolt intervenes, the House of Commons will adjourn this week for the summer recess. The hilarity which usually enlivens the last day of...

In the foreground of the controversy stands the Prime Minister's

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assertion that he sees no reason to anticipate another crisis in the near future. His critics, on the other hand, are of the opinion that Herr Hitler will almost cer- tainly...

There are those also who contend that the slightest indi-

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cation of lack of confidence in the present Government will encourage the militant Powers to believe that British opinion is divided on the issue of resistance. Such an argument...

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Commonwealth and Foreign

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THE DUTCH INDIES AND JAPAN By ALAN HOUGHTON BRODRICK IT is estimated that, as far as fields at present prospected are concerned, there is not, at the present rate of...

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BALLET Hindu Dancing SOME time ago I attempted to define in this column the pic- torial, as distinct from the musical and the dramatic, element in ballet. The point was that,...


The Spectator

" The Rich Bride." At the Forum. So they still dream in Russia of going to Moscow ; Revolu- tion hasn't altered that ; again and again in this bouncing boisterous musical...

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The Spectator

[Von einem deutschen Korrespondenten] WER ihn kannte, hat ihn geliebt. Wer ihn liebte, wird ihn Hie vergessen, den Vater Zille, den Pinselheinrich, der heute vor zehn Jahren...


The Spectator

A Partner for Hutton THE recent death of that great opening batsman, Tom Hay- ward, serves to emphasise the problem agitating many good people: that of. a partner for Hutton....

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One of the writers of the charming tale of the

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birds (in- cluding even the sandpiper and the jay) in Hyde Park is surely in error in reporting " flocks " of long-tailed tits. These tiny birds are not great travellers and...

The Best Settlers The best of all forms of Empire

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migration or of the return to the land is found in the Fairbridge Schools which have just published the record of the year's advances. There are now four of these schools. A...

In the Garden

The Spectator

The most plutocratic garden in England has been opened to the public once a week until the end of July, and as there is much apprehension that the treat may not be repeated next...


The Spectator

The Harvest Month Harvest has begun, but the bulk of it is late, not early, and still awaits hot sunshine to set the flourish on it. The immense yield of English grain crops,...

London Birds— One of common phenomena of the date is

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the return of the gulls to town after their three months' absence in the nurseries; and it becomes more notable. At one time they were confined almost entirely to the small,...

Urban Influences

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London, which is so congenial to birds, is strangely hostile to most butterflies and to a good many plants. The cocoons of the butterflies are apt to be all eaten out by an...

—And Nests

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The gulls are in London only out of the breeding season. What most astonishes, in this really wonderful record, is the number of birds that breed in the Royal Parks. Kew...

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[Correspondents are requested to keep their letters as brief as is reasonably possible. Signed letters are given a preference over those bearing a pseudonym, and the latter must...


The Spectator

Sm,—Your leading article last week set out three choices before us in regard to Japan's demands—complete capitula- tion, resistance by means of retaliatory measures, and "to...

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The Spectator

SIR,—I have read with interest the article of Sir Evelyn Wrench on his visit to Germany. He says we must stick to Mr. Chamberlain in his efforts for peace. I, too, believe...


The Spectator

SIR, —The warning raised by Mr. J. A. Spender in last week's issue—namely, not to mistake the present partnerships for " collective security "—seems to me to be of the...


The Spectator

SIR,—There are four points in your July 28th issue which, brought together, seem to me of great importance in inter- preting the present mood of the country. The first and...

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SPANISH CONSERVATIVES SIR,—The mercurial General Queipo de Llano will doubtless

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be amused to find himself counted in your columns (should these reach him) among the " Conservatives of the traditional type," a Saul among the prophets, indeed! Those of your...

THE GOSPELS RE-READ SIR,—In these days of crossword and jig-saw

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puzzles, one can hardly read any considerable portion of the Gospels continu- ously, as recommended by Doctor L. P. Jacks, without being tempted to try " Sherlock Holmes "...

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The Spectator

SIR,—Miss Rathbone in her letter in your issue of July 28th hails with joy what she describes as " a revolt within the Conservative ranks at last," and, using that as a...


The Spectator

SIR,—In your issue of July 28th, " Janus" expresses the view that in recommending foreign students to read P. G. Wodehouse as a means of perfecting their English I have been...


The Spectator

SIR,—Your contributor, Dr. Happold, has been thinking with his blood. He wishes to arouse among schoolboys a religious fervour for something, he knows not what. His " plan "...


The Spectator

SIR,—I think it is very regrettable that so much publicity has been given to the recent decision of the British Medical Asso- ciation, objecting to midwives carrying out the...


The Spectator

SIR,—During the last fortnight many thousand copies of a pamphlet entitled "Danzig—What Is It All About? " have been received by people in Great Britain. Needless to say...

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The Spectator

SIR,—Mr. Stephen Spender, in his review of my book The Poet and Society, says that I can only offer a " mousey solu- tion" for the difficulties that confront the poet today....

CHILEREN FROM GERMANY sut,—Wiii you give us the hospitality of

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your columns for an appeal which we are under the necessity of making for further public help in the work of rescuing the many thousand child sufferers in Greater Germany? In...

THE WELSH LANGUAGE SI11,—I have been much interested in reading

The Spectator

the letter of the Secretary of the Welsh Language petition. It is one of the best examples I have ever seen of the ambiguous use of figures and percentages in order to bolster...


The Spectator

Sta,—I am not in favour of authors joining issue with their reviewers except in cases of extreme provocation. Mr. Carr's review of my Russia, Friend or Foe? however, demands a...

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The Spectator

SIR, — May I, as a member of the Films Council representing persons employed by makers of British films, make two comments on your article dealing with that body's first...


The Spectator

Sta,—In a leading article on prohibition in India, published on July 31st, the Daily Telegraph points out—quite reason- ably, if we accept the existing monetary system and...


The Spectator

SIR, — In the interesting article contained in your July 2rst issue, " Animal Light and the Moon," reference is made incidentally to the landfall of Columbus on " one of the...


The Spectator

SIR,—I am mildly surprised at the law enunciated by your correspondent " Barrister-at-Law." He says: " After signing the bill the payee can quite properly say, ' There's your...

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The Spectator

PAGE The Fate of Homo Sapiens (The Dean of St. Paul's) . 189 W. B. Yeats (Frederic Prokosch) 190 The Defence of France (D. R. Gillie) . 190 Workers of the World (Honor...

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The Spectator

Last Poems and Two Plays. By William Butler Yeats. (Cuala Press. 125. 6d.) THE importance of this last collection of Yeats's poems (aside from its quite peculiar flavour—the...

M. DALADIER'S SPEECHES THIS book is a collection of M.

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Daladier's principal speeches and statements of policy since he formed his Government in April, 5938. The idea of putting these important documents at the disposal of the...

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The Spectator

Organised Labour in Four Continents. By H. A. Marquand and Others. (Longmans. iss.) AN up-to-date general comparative survey of the rise and vicissitudes of the organised...

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The Spectator

Introductions to English Literature. Edited by Bonamy Dobree.—I. The Beginnings of English Literature to Skelton, 1509. By Professor W. L. Renwick and Harold Orton; II. The...


The Spectator

Beware of the English l Compiled by W. G. Knop. (Hamish Hamilton. 8s. 6d.) AMERICAN visitors to England are often puzzled by the fact that, although Englishmen differ in their...

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The Spectator

Hammer, Sickle and Baton. By Heinz Unger. (Cresset Press. 8s. 6d.) Tills is the slightly disjointed story of a German conductor's experiences with Russian orchestras from 1924...

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The Spectator

By KATE O'BRIEN Jonathan North. By J. L. Hodson. (Gollancz. 8s. 6d.) 7s. 6d.) Family Ties. By Marguerite Steen. (Collins. 8s. 6d.) Their Chimneys Into Spires. By Kathleen...

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The Spectator

OF all holiday-makers at all times the motorist is naturally the luckiest, the best-equipped for that sometimes doubtful adventure. He has no transport worries. Not only can he...

Silence and Comfort That quietness is almost absolute. I have

The Spectator

never driven any engine that made less noise. In ordinary circumstances you cannot hear it because it is inaudible at low speeds and at high speeds any noise it makes is drowned...

A Very High Standard As a matter of fact, there

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has seldom been anything very " news " startling to say about any of the new issues of Rolls-Royces for the past few years. They always improve steadily under the very sound...

Some of her Towns Farther north lie the Cotswolds, where

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if you take a little trouble you can discover solitude, beautiful old things, heart- stirring, the spirit of ancient England. North and west of these lies Warwickshire, perhaps...

Rover Brakes By an obvious slip of the pen I

The Spectator

wrote the word " yards " instead of " feet " in giving the dead-stop distance of the 12 Rover at 3o miles an hour in my report on the car last month. The sentence should read "...

In England Now In its perfect form escape can be

The Spectator

found in many places in Great Britain, oftener in England than anywhere else, and that in spite of the crawling cars, the bursting hotels, the suffocated beauty-spots. You have...

The " Wraith " Rolls-Royce The lesser Rolls-Royce is one

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of those cars with a history, a career which it is an education in motoring to follow. When it put in a first appearance, somewhere about 1923 or 1924, it had a 3-litre zo h.p....

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The Spectator

Step by step the Royal Bank of Scotland continues its peaceful penetration of banking south of the Border. This latest move — the acquisition of Glyn, Mills and Co., one of...


The Spectator

There is no more able advocate of tin restriction than Captain Oliver Lyttelton and he seized the opportunity at the Southern Kinta Consolidated meeting to launch a broad- side...


The Spectator

IT says a good deal for the recent improvement in invest- ment morale that markets have entered the politically dan- gerous August-October period without a tremor. Indeed, there...


The Spectator

At long last Mr. Nash's mission has been completed, and, after a lot of hard bargaining, a compromise has evolved. Altogether, the New Zealand Finance Minister has not done...


The Spectator

SOUTHERN KINTA CONSOLIDATED, LIMITED SUCCESS OF BUFFER STOCK SCHEME THE fifth ordinary general meeting of Southern Kinta Consoli- dated, Limited, was held, on the 27th...

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The Spectator

Alpha plus for the L.M.S. and the L.N.E.R.; beta minus for Great Western and delta for Southern is my verdict on the home rail interim figures. As I should have expected, the...


The Spectator

If these estimates are realised—and I do not see why they should prove unduly optimistic—yields on what may be called the border-line stocks will be pretty generous at...

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The Spectator

INT the Nineteenth Century Mr. M. Wolf describei "The European Situation " as essentially unchanged, since the dicta- tors do not grasp the significance of the resistance that...


The Spectator

FILM COMPANIES' PROFITS By a curious coincidence two of our leading cinema groups, Mr. Maxwell's Associated British Picture Corpora- tion and Mr. Ostrer's Gaumont-British, have...

Venturers' Corner Since I drew attention, a few weeks ago,

The Spectator

to the merits of Richardsons, Westgarth convertible debenture stock, the price has risen by stages from 93 to 101. At this level it is fairly valued for the present in relation...

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The Spectator

RFor luau, E N TI '1) 1 5- - Bi- II eDwAR'0 AU Ulz • fa E N C V 1. N. o q'S N a CT • 0 n1 !-1114•S 5 R 5 - d A 5 11 E Vi r•A C . O : A....'TD kill 41 MR 1...


The Spectator

prize of a Book Token for one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle w be opened. Envelopes should be marked "Crossword...