3 OCTOBER 1941

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The Spectator

E ULOGY of the Prime Minister's public utterances must be monotonous even to himself. His survey of the war- situation in the House of Commons on Tuesday was as balanced, as...

The Eastern Front

The Spectator

In at least three sectors of the eastern front fighting is going on under conditions similar to those which prevailed in the last war. That is because an actual siege obviously...

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Allied Conference in Moscow

The Spectator

The Three-Power Conference at Moscow opened on Monday and ended on Wednesday not, only with complete agreement, but with a declaration that practically all Russia's requirements...

The Case of Italy, • The situation in Italy deserves

The Spectator

attention from several po i of view. Attention was drawn to it rather impressively Monday by the R.A.F., which raided no fewer than se‘ Italian towns in one night. The attack...

Subscription 3os. a year to any part of the world.

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Postage on 1 10 issue : Inland rid., Foreign ana Imperial ad., Canada ad.

Fascist Camp Disorders

The Spectator

Mr. Morrison cannot afford to show any weakness in clearing with the British Fascist rioters at Peel internment camp- British Fascists cannot be allowed to play the hooligan...

Comradeship with China

The Spectator

The Prime Minister's timely reference on Tuesday to struggle being waged by "the patient masses of China" one of many indications that the Government is giving effect to our...

From Terror to Massacre

The Spectator

The fear which the Germans have of the rising spirit of the oppressed populations may be judged by the brutality of their repressive measures. Undoubtedly organised sabotage has...

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SCIENCE IN WAR AND PEACE HOUGH no ordinary meeting of

The Spectator

the British Associa- tion could be held this year, or perhaps in any year B ing a world-war, the conference which was held last r iday, Saturday and Sunday had a unique...

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My scepticism about the explanation officially given me of the

The Spectator

name E-boats was well founded. A number of correspon - dents, to all of whom I am indebted, write to say the E stands for Ell—speed. Eil-boote are therefore speed-boats. That

I feel, needless to say, the warmest sympathy with Mr.

The Spectator

Stanley Unwin's plea for more paper for books, the more so since every argument he puts forward in his.letter to The Times applies with equal force to the case of the weekly...

As a person with a prejudice for news without propaganda

The Spectator

I am rather concerned to know in what capacity Gaumont-British News is setting up a propagandist business. News at the ordinary cinema is always a popular feature, and it is a...

Sir Walter Monckton's visit to Moscow to co-ordinate propa- ganda,

The Spectator

if that is the proper phrase, is very timely. There is no question that the Russians have much to teach us in this field, though we are learning a good deal of it already. But...


The Spectator

T AM very glad to see the appeal of the retiring Vice- .1 Chancellor of Cambridge for the establishment of a Chair of American History at Cambridge. A historian himself, Mr....

So officers of the Royal Air Force must not smoke

The Spectator

pipes in public—and public, within the meaning of the regulation, includes railway-carriages and cinemas. Lord Baldwin, as Prime Minister, could smoke a pipe wherever he liked,...

There are optimists who always expect to get everyone on

The Spectator

the telephone, and pessimists who never expect to get anyone. Among the former, I judge, are Messrs. A. and C. Black, the publishers of the latest issue of Who Was Who, that...

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1w War Surveyed

The Spectator

THE ALLIED STRATEGY By STRATEGICUS 0 much attention is concentrated upon " superiority at the decisive point " as the soundest prescription for ctory that we fail to recognise...

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The Spectator

By J. R. GLORNEY BOLTON E XECUTIONS in Prague last Sunday and Monday marked the Deputy-Protector's observance of St. Wenceslas' Day and the third anniversary of the signing of...

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The Spectator

By PROFESSOR A. V. HILL, M.P. HE British Association Conference on " Science and World Order " last week-end had been arranged by the Division for the Social and International...

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The Spectator

By AN AMERICAN JOURNALIST IN LONDON F some months now American correspondents in London have been busy dodging luncheon-dates and cocktail- parties with people who want to "...

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The Spectator

By MARK BENNEY T HE L.C.C. Rest-Centre Service is now entering its second year of existence. There are two good reasons for celebrating its anniversary in print. Not only is it...

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The best of them all was the gipsy story, which

The Spectator

I regret to see is now dying down. It had many variations. The more reckless among us told the story as having happened to a man we knew down in Wiltshire. The more cautious...


The Spectator

By HAROLD NICOLSON - FORD BALDWIN OF BEWDLEY (owing perhaps to the I speed with which the Conservative Party forgets its idols) has not remained a focus of controversy and has...

I am not quite sure whether I have followed Lord

The Spectator

Baldwin's third principle and " steeled myself against the attribution of false motive." Lord Baldwin himself has suffered cruelly from such false attribution, and has in fact...

How sagacious also was Lord Baldwin's second principle, " never

The Spectator

laugh at the Opposition if they make a mistake." It may indeed occur that some retired satrap, who has spent responsible years in the administration of Empire, may be tempted to...

I trust that Mr. Tom Harrisson, or some other Gustave

The Spectator

Le Bon, is keeping a careful chart of public credulity and noting the life-story of the several rumours which arise. It is com- forting to feel that the British public have a...

Nor was Lord Baldwin's advice under this heading dictated solely

The Spectator

by his knowledge of the special technique of self- preservation which any effective politician must acquire. It was dictated by a keen understanding of the true function- ing of...

* Mr. William James, in his Principles of Psychology, has

The Spectator

devoted many admirable lines to the relief experienced by a person who suddenly rids his conscience of unnecessary pre- occupations. The instance which he furnishes is that of...

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The Spectator

"The Big Store." At the Regal.—" Unfinished Business." At the Leicester Square. — Tight Shoes." At the London Pavilion. The Big Store is rumoured to be the final Marx Brothers'...


The Spectator

ALL creatures, passionate for grace quest their desire through groves and seas that flesh may win a human face, and pain be crowned with holiness. And lovers, between present...


The Spectator

THE BALLET , 6 Le Lac des Cygnes ' THE Sadler's Wells Ballet have returned to the Lyric Theatre w ith an orchestra conducted by Constant Lambert and a pro- gra mme that...


The Spectator

Subscribers wishing to have THE SPECTATOR forwarded to a new address are asked to post their notification on the Friday preceding the week in which the change is to operate, as...

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The Spectator

Slit,—I am sorry that Mr. Davies thought my letter " spiteful." " Janus " seemed to be giving the Independent Liberals good marks for opposing appeasement. I mildly suggested (I...

SIR,—I should like, if I may, to reply in a

The Spectator

few words to Mr. Davies and Mr. Bidmead. Mr. Davies may perhaps recall Mr. Churchill's observation that " the use of recriminating about the past is to enforce effective action...


The Spectator

THE EDITOR GERMANS AND HITLER SIR, —Amidst the many criticisms and suggestions which have been made in the recent widespread discussion of Russian and British propaganda to...

Snt,—The effect of whatever " An Anti-Nazi Refugee " says

The Spectator

in his letter (September 26th) in favour of the German people is very much reduced in value, if not reduced to nothing, by his statement in the last paragraph, which explicitly...

Sta,—I have no desire to intervene in a dispute between

The Spectator

the National Liberals and the Independent Liberals, and I write only to correct a mis-statement of fact contained in Lady Violet Bonham Carter's letter. She states that German...

SIR,—On P. tot of his latest book, Make and Break

The Spectator

with the Nazis, Hermann Rauschning says, " I was certainly in favour of German rearmament." The only reason he gives for this is " because the healthy flesh of the fruit will...

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FACTS AS FOUNDATIONS sot,—" Stick to Facts, Sir! " It

The Spectator

is fun to find Clough Williams- Ellis posing as Gradgrind. But if he really thinks it is Facts that are in short supply in town-planning circles he must use his W.P.B. eery...

Sm,—Mr Clough Williams-Ellis has stated a very important prin- ciple;

The Spectator

it is that the theories of reformers should be tested on a small scale before the whoie nation is committed to hazardous experiments. All progress is based upon research, and...


The Spectator

Sik—I was relieved to see the letter from " A Factory Hand in The Spectator of September 19th, as I have heard the same story from several sources and was afraid that there must...


The Spectator

" A Spectator's Notebook " of your issue of September 26th the writer mentioned that the Polish Government proposes to issue a set of postage stamps, but that he imagined these...


The Spectator

Slav,—It Mr. Kempson will re-read Mr. Spaight's article, he will see that strategic bombing of which Mr. Spaight says night bombing constitutes the main part, is a British "...

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Country Clergy The Church is often accused of taking little

The Spectator

more than a abstract interest in the education and general affairs of the country side; but does the countryside take any more interest in the affairs the Church? The more I...

In the Garden It is always rather puzzling that pears

The Spectator

are ▪ not more grown in En land. In France there has always been a much finer appreciation their aristocratic virtues. There are few rites in gastronomy that s pass the...


The Spectator

Summer's Lease The meadows are very green and where the flax was laid out in spring broad lines of lighter green have sprung up and are now blue lines of flower. On the hedges...

Country Education A well-known writer has been saying that country

The Spectator

education should be designed to fit the country child for a country life. This seems to be such a general idea among certain rural reformers that it may sound heresy to call it...


The Spectator

Sm,—Mr. Griffin forgets that in 1935 we gave India provincial autonomy. In 1937, Congress obtained majorities in seven provinces out of the eleven, but they were bare...


The Spectator

SIR,—In reply to Mr. Silvey's letter in your issue of September 26th, I should like to state that I was not misled by Mr. Rowntree's own figures, but by those of " Janus." I...


The Spectator

Sts,—As the winter of my discontent has not yet been made glorious summer by the sun of York, or any other sun, I should like to beg the hospitality of your columns for the...

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The Spectator

The War From Berlin A rlin Diary. By William L Shirer. tHamish Hamilton. 12s. 6d.) FEw weeks ago a New York friend wrote to me that all America s reading Shirer's Berlin...

Uniting the Churches

The Spectator

Christian Reunion : A Plea for Action. By Hugh Martin. (Student Christian Movement Press. 6s.) MR. MARTIN'S thorough and fair-minded survey both of the progress which the...

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Towards a Federal Germany

The Spectator

Tins book seems to be (though we are nowhere told so), revised English version of Europa and die deutsche Frage whi, Professor Foerster, a distinguished educationist and libel...

Adhesive and Non-Adhesive

The Spectator

As practically all English-speaking philatelists take an interest 4 the stamps of Great Britain, this book will appeal to a considt : able section of the stamp-collecting...

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Six Crimes

The Spectator

THE new Simenon is made up of a very good • Maigret story yoked to an extremely bad story about a retired master criminal whose patent absurdity drags the affair into the Sexton...

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The Spectator

The Sun Is My Undoing, by Miss Marguerite Steen, is the Book Society's choice this month, is eight hundred and eighty-four pages long and weighs about four pounds. It is, as its...

Shortvr Notices

The Spectator

The Northern Garrisons : the Army at War. By Eric Linklater (His Majesty's Stationery Office. 6d.) The Northern Garrisons : the Army at War. By Eric Linklater (His Majesty's...

IT is a delightful idea delightfully carried out, this notion

The Spectator

of making a composite of English country life by using essays, natural history and extracts from novels. But we could have done with twice as much material and with some of it a...

No one now is likely to confuse the two great

The Spectator

Rousseaus and few remember that Jean-Baptiste ever existed. The beau desordre of his verse, which was so admired around r2o, is merely tedious today. The odes are dead and the...

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The Spectator

By TERENTIUS STOCK Exchange activity is still on a smaller scale. Sentitne m was helped by the Premier's encouraging statement, but it is st i ll notable that special interest...

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The Spectator

p-sze of a Book Token for one guinea will be given to the sender of the first graci solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be o feked with the...


The Spectator

!Alz. 0■R I L LIS A R P P L. I BIL U L. K g R 011IN C E IR E EIX IE K T C AIMS D H LER N ilNITIHIEIFIllelLf U 0 S AMR NI IS N R e 'A,RIP L.E L o'z 1 Vi a CMANIC D _5_ ' 14:EP...