3 JANUARY 1835

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INDEX 1835.

The Spectator

NEWS. FOREIGN COUNTRIES. America-Opening of Congress: the Pre- sident's hostility to the Bank ; claims upon France, 49. P g tion of ('on- gress. 339. Seizure of a Slave ship...

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The Spectator

THE King held a Council at Brighton on Monday, and dissolved the First Reformed Parliament. The proclamation for the disso- lution and the calling of another Parliament appeared...

There are rumours of changes in the French Ministry. Mar-

The Spectator

shal MORTIER is not an efficient Minister, nor a favourite of Louis 'PHILIP, who wishes for the return of SOULT. If the Chamber can be persuaded to sanction his enormous war...

Page 6

frbe abIrtrupOltS.

The Spectator

The address of the City Tories expressing in very moderate terms a clesire to support the King's lawful prerogative, and a hope that the late selection of new Ministers would...

An arrival from Jamaica brings accounts to the 8th December.

The Spectator

The Negroes, in many parts of the island, still refused to work. The Marquis of SLIGO, in a reply to an address from the House Ass,lubly °tithe state of the island, laments and...

The papers of Tuesday morning supplied an instance of almost

The Spectator

in- credible cruelty on the part of a Policeman and of a Magistrate at Hatton Garden. The circumstances, as we find theta r pored in the Times tiro briefly these. A poor...

The Queen Regent of Portugal prorogued the Cortes, on the

The Spectator

18th of December, to the 21 January. There is nothing remark- able iu her Majesty's speech.

The Belgian Chamber of Deputies adopted the War Budget on

The Spectator

Saturday. Its total amount is 1,594,000/. The carrespundent or the Chronicle says- d! With this stun, which includes every brunch and item of military expsnli- tom even to the...

Chr Court.

The Spectator

TIM King held a Privy Council at the Brighton Palace on Monday afewsseen, which was attended by the principal Cabinet Ministers. The proclamation for dissolving Parliament...

MINA'S victories in Navarre are confirmed. It is rumoured in

The Spectator

Madrid that ',LAUDER, the new War Minister, is intriguleg against MARTINEZ DE LA RosA and TOREN°. A pet sena' alterca- tion between DE LA ROSA and Count N AV AS terminated...

Page 7

I illSOAND. The Anti-Tory. finals need title considerable atitlitionss. &Connel l

The Spectator

has gone on an elections:ming tour, whiele is eqesteteall.th have gr.fatt effect oa the approaching eunteets. Mr. Illitekburne has hetet reappointed Attorney a General, and;...


The Spectator

St. ALBAN'S. Mr. Ward has a large tnejerity-of 'promises- over..Mtc,;. Beresford; and even ;Mowing for the effect,: of.' money and: eithniAlte, then, his return may be...

Vit. Country.

The Spectator

On the 26th eltimo, a, number of Diseeeting deputits assembled in the Ebenezer Chapel, Birmineliam, and pease& a string of resolutions strongly condemnatory of the principles of...

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Lord Roden is not to be Lord Steward. It appears

The Spectator

that the ap- pointinent was either cancelled, or declined by his Lordship. Minis- ters, however, showed their decided Orange partialities, by making the offer, though the...

Colonel the Earl de Grey has issued a regimental order

The Spectator

to the mem. hers of the Yorkshire Hussars, in which he begs to assure them that he has not accepted the office of First Lord of the Admiralty without deeply considering how it...

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The Spectator

any account of their freaks and gambols from our own impressions. brain yet whirling with the incessant gyrations of Harlequin and mime made their annual advent too late in the...


The Spectator

TICE East wing of the new building at Charing Cross, which forms• that portion of the edifice appropriated for the National Picture-Gal- lery, is now externally completed; and,...

Besides our own papers on Fine Aria and other lighter

The Spectator

subjects, many Comrnunica_ time; from Correspondents are unavoidably excluded from columns tecujed to overflow ..vith the um! Great Question or these stirring times. We do all...

It is understood that the differences between the Bank of

The Spectator

Eng- land and the Joint-Stock Banks in the North of England have been amicably terminated. The latter have agreed to abstain from the cir- culation of their own notes, on the...


The Spectator

Oil Dover. Jan. 2.—Charles Carter. Chested, from the Cape, Arrived at the Cape, Oct. 22. II. M. S. Flphinstone, Richardson. from Bengal; and Elizabeth. Kelso. from Liverpool....

The nomination of candidates for London and Southwark will take

The Spectator

place on Monday; for Westminster and Lambeth, on Tuesday; Tower Hamlets, on Wednesday ; and Middlesex on Monday week.


The Spectator

" The accounts from the City yesterday would countenance the belief that the Conservative inteiest was not bestirring itself with a vigour proportioned to that of its...


The Spectator

STOCK 17. X (MAMIE, Fat °Ay AFTERNOON. The English Funds have been steady, and the transactions in them very few : the prices continue at nearly our last quotations, and...

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The Spectator

THE result of the approaching contest for the representation of the City of London will be decisive as to the strength of the op- posing parties. At the last General Election...


The Spectator

Ir has been represented to us, on authority which outweighs all opposing assertions, that Mr. WAKLEY has no chance of being returned for Finsbury. The Dissenters, or the great...


The Spectator

THE REFORMERS RALLY TO THE HUSTINGS. peceocaTivE has done its worst, or its best. The People's Re- prese ,atatives are dissolved. The black flag of Toryism is again unfurleal :...

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The Spectator

THE Morning Chronicle began the New Year with a paper con- siderably enlarged: it is now nearly twice the size that we re- member it in the palmy days of PERRY. But our...


The Spectator

THE Reformers of the United Kingdom have now once more the power in their own hands, not merely to strike down the Tory faction, but to keep it down. If they are so minded, they...

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The Spectator

ft Pants, 24th December 1834. Neserait-ce pas on despotisme, one to gonvernement on Is Roi polo.rait dire : Voila la volunte de mon people, mais la mientte lui est coutraire, et...

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The Spectator

They knew that I was poor, And they thought that I was base; And would readily endure To he covered with disgrace ;— They judged me of their tribe, Who on dirty mammon dote,...

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The Spectator

THE first r olume landed our blind traveller at Rio Janeiro, and left him when he had just completed a trip to the gold mines, in company with Captain LYost, The second opens...


The Spectator

TOAVELI. A Voyage round the Woild includiek Travels in Africa, An kildralia. and America. &c. &e.; from Ai, to 1z.32. By tames Iliihr.an, tZ C.R.s. ace. &e. (Vol. 114 — s . ....

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The Spectator

Is a collection of average verses, in many metres, on many suds jects. The author is alternately serious and gay, grave and face- tious, with occasional trials at philosophic...


The Spectator

Asseetteto at the outset the truth of re; elation, Dr.WARDLAW aims at rendering the science of Moral Philoophy altogether de- pendent upon Christianity. The reasons by which...

CLARKE ' S RICHES or CSAticatit.• Ire our fallen state, as Dr.

The Spectator

W ARDLAW would say, we can have nothing perfect : therefore the wise in their generation will take the best they can get. If they cannot read an author in the originei, they...

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The Spectator

LIT no gentleman whose classical aspirations centre in himself, or who has happily transferred his hopes to his heir, be deluded by advertising-pledges of popular roads to...


The Spectator

Tug New Year has opened with little of literary novelty. The moat important works which start with 1835, are two Dictionaries ; Que by Mr. CHARLES RICHARDSON, the other by Mr....

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We bare received u Letter from Mr. Mentz; by which

The Spectator

it will be perceived, that we were arguing against his opinions on Instruction,. when they were in reality the same as mu . own. Our readers vill re- member, that at the time,...