31 JULY 1875

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Mr. Plimsoll made, on Thursday, a manly and straightforward apology

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for the violence of his language on the Thursday previ- ous. It had not taken him the whole week so generously accorded to him, he said, to perceive that it would be impossible...

The Agricultural Holdings Bill has dragged along through the week,

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everybody who can trying to kill it, but nobody quite suc- ceeding. Every amendment carried slightly decreases the burden on the landlord, who, for example, must have six weeks'...

At all events, Mr. Disraeli, with his usual insight on

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any sub- ject to which his attention has been awakened, at once accepted the apology as sufficient, and even stated that had he known a week ago the kind of excitement under...

Mr. Disraeli last week declined to withdraw any Government Bills

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except the Merchant Shipping Bill. This week the country has compelled him to find a substitute for that, and his lieutenants have taken advantage of their opportunity to...

The Kenealy bubble seems to have burst. Dr. Kenealy tried

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to obtain the seat for the Hartlepools, vacant by the retirement of Mr. Richardson, for his son, Mr. Ahmed Kenealy, and put the usual machinery in motion. He spoke often, and to...


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M R. PLIMSOLL'S loss of self-command last week has proved a serious matter for the Government. From every quarter of the kingdom resolutions of sympathy have poured in upon Mr....

The Lord Mayor on Thursday gave a dinner to the

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Pre- fect of the Seine, to which he had invited the heads of the most conspicuous municipalities in the world, includ- ing the Mayors, Syndics, or Municipal Presidents of Rome,...

*„,* The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

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A public meeting was held at the Mansion House on

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Wed- nesday, for the purpose of establishing a Society, to be registered under the Companies Act of 1867, called " The London Society for the Extension of University Teaching."...

The British Government has lost the services of Mr. F.

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I. Scudamore. He has accepted an appointment in Turkey, and has gone to settle the method of working the international postal system agreed to at Berne. He is a real loss to the...

On- Monday night, Lord Stratheden took Lord Derby to task

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for not having more efficiently snubbed the three empires of Germany, Austria, and Russia, when they recently backed up Roumania in maintaining her right to sign a particular...

Lord Salisbury distributed the annual honours to the students of

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the Cooper's Hill College of Indian Engineers yesterday week, and afterwards delivered a very clever and amusing address, of one portion of which,—the hints as to the manners to...

The French Government has evidently taken a reactionary turn. Not

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content with advocating a Recess to November 4, and announcing through M. Dufaure that the Government holds itself absolutely free with respect to the Dissolution, AI. Buffet...

The revolt in the Herzegovina has become more serious during

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the week. The Turkish tax-collectors have been robbing the peasants in the usual way, and the peasants, wearied out, have attacked them and shut them up in the towns. All that...

The first meeting of Messrs. Collie's creditors was held on

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Wednesday, and a terrible condition-of affairs was laid before them. Messrs. Turquand, Youngs, and Co. informed thena that the total liabilities of the firm amounted to...

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The Bank-rate has been reduced to 2) per cent., pretty

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good evidence that the Directors do not share the anticipations of disaster which are current in the City, and seem to be due mainly to the slow crumbling of houses in the India...

The Home Secretary said, in the conversation on Sarah Chandler

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a fortnight since, that he had rebuked Mr. Moore. Mr. Moore, having gathered that he would not be dismissed, said Mr. Cross had not rebuked him, and ought to be interrogated for...

Yesterday week a murder case of some interest was heard

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be- fore Mr. Justice Brett, the accused man being George Blampied, a shipwright in the docks at Chatham, who had, as no one attempted to deny, killed a brother workman, James...

Lord Bletchford, better known as Sir F. Rogers, and permanent

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head of the Colonial Office for eleven years, on Friday week raised the question of the policy pursued in Natal. He would have pre- ferred direct government by the Crown to...

The Rev. A. H. Mackonochie, the recent!y-suspeuded incumbent of St.

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Alban's, Holborn, returned to his duty last Sunday, after his suspension, and a copy of a very severe lecture or philippic, ad- dressed by him to his Bishop (Dr. Jackson) on...

The Lord Chancellor has recast what is called the "

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rattening " and " besetting " clause of the " Conspiracy and Protection of Property Bill," so as apparently greatly to improve it. The eighth clause now provides that every...

A correspondent of Thursday's Times, Mr. Ledru Reynolds, • disputes

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Lord Gifford's statement in the Edinburgh Court, referred to in the "News of the Week" of our last issue, that a new ship should cost from £20 to £30 a ton, and even a sound old...

Consols were at the latest date 941-f.

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T HE remarkable change in the policy of the French Govern- ment which has occurred within the last fortnight has again aroused the suspicion that it may be acting under pres-...


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MR. PLIMSOLL AND THP. GOVERNMENT. W E were evidently right last week in anticipating that Mr. Plimsoll's loss of self-control in the House of Commons would be likely to gain...

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B ISHOP THIRLWALL has not long survived his retire- ment from his episcopal duties. He died at Bath on Tuesday last. We doubt whether the English Bench of Bishops has included a...

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P EOPLE are not half as much interested in Northern Africa as in Central Africa, and it is rather stupid of them. No book about Morocco, or Algeria, or Tunis, or even Tim-...

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T HE semi-official telegrams from Constantinople leave little unsaid to convey the impression that the troubles in the Herzegovina resolve themselves into simple reluctance on...

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T HE discussion as to the kinti of evidence of Insanity which ought to exempt from legal responsibility for crime, would be more instructive than it is, if either the medical...

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I T was evident, even before he had.corrected it, that. the Times had given an inaccurate report of Lord Salisbury's speech of Friday week at Cooper's Hill. The Secretary for...

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T HE intrinsic value of the services rendered to economic science by the late Professor Cairnes deserves a more detailed appreciation than we gave three weeks since, in our...

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PIGEON-RACING.—IL [TO THE EDITOR OF TIDE " SPECTATOR...) • Six,—Fifty years ago, when a pigeon accomplished the journey from Paris or from London to any part of Belgium, the...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I think the author of the tract on " The Second Death " must have read my long letter, and written his short reply, rather hurriedly....

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] have lately heard a story that I hope you may think worthy of a place among your illustrations of the thoughtful intelligence of "...


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1603. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—There will be a stranger and perhaps more extensive con- sequence than that which your correspondents have foreshadowed flowing...


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WHEN Colonel Sherman joined head-quarters at Washington, in June, 1861, he found a prevailing sentiment that the war would be "short and decisive," and that as soon as the...

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WE are glad that Major Butler takes up the narrative of his event- ful life,—which his two preceeding works had brought to the mo- ment at which he learned, being then in...

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learn from the preface to this volume) "the profession decries, but the public approves," must commend itself very strongly to a doctor who happens to have chosen for his...

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MR. FRESIIFIELD has probably been right in thinking that the time has come for giving to the public more information than can be found in mere guide-books concerning that...

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Poetical and Dramatic Works of Thomas Randolph. Edited by W. Carew Hazlitt. (Reeves and Turner.)—We may allow, without attach- ing much weight to, Mr. Hazlitt's plea for...

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The Greatest of the Prophets. By the Author of "

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Essays on the Church." (Seeleys.)—Much pains have been spent on this book, which is not unworthy of the author's reputation. For our taste, it is too con- troversial. That the...

The Prophet : a Tragedy. By Bayard Taylor. (Boston, U.S.:

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Osgood. London : Triibner.)—Mr. Taylor represents the career of an enthusiast, whose genuine but unbalanced soul is perverted by the in- fluence of meaner natures. There is...

The Harbour Bar : a Tale of Scottish Life. 2

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vols. (Macmillan.)— The interest of the Harbour Bar is weakened by its being dispersed. The love affairs of Captain Main's son are only incidentally connected with the main...

Jilted; or, My Uncle's Scheme. 3 vols. (Sampson Low.)--This is

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a very old story, indeed. Two young people are destined by the counsels of their elders to love one another. Of course, their feelings are per- verse. Tho young man falls in...

Scientific London. By Bernard H. Becker. (Henry S. King and

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Co.)— This is an interesting and useful volume, giving, as it does, an account of all the scientific societies which hold their meetings in London. It begins with the venerable...

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An Elementary Grammar and Reading - book of the Assyrian Language. By

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the Rev. A. H. Sayce, M.A. (Samuel Bagster and Sons.)—In his pre- face, Mr. Sayce says that " Assyrian has become a popular subject, and the world of scholars 'Which once looked...