30 NOVEMBER 1912

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Though what we have just written may appear pessimistic, we

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must not really be counted among the pessimists, for we are still convinced that a general European war will be avoided. If, as we presume is the case, the rumours published in...

• *4* The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in

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an case.

The battle news this week is meagre, or rather non-exis-

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tent. The original armistice has been succeeded by another between the Bulgarian and the Turkish armies in front of Constantinople, and since then peace negotiations have been...

On the motion of the Attorney-General a Select Committee of

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the House to inquire into the question of Sir S. Samuel's seat, composed of five members of the Coalition and four Unionists, was appointed after a debate in which the balance...


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T HE tension between Austria-Hungary and Servia, and con- sequently between Russia and Austria-Hungary, con- tinues to cause grave anxiety. It is true, no doubt, that none of...

The position is one of tragi-comedy. As we have tried

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to show elsewhere, the situation cannot be solved or dismissed by those who say light-heartedly that this country at any rate is not going to be involved in the appalling evils...

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On Wednesday in the Commons the debate was on the

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Exchequer Board proposed in the Home Rule Bill. In answer to Unionist criticisms the Attorney-General denied that the Board would determine questions of policy. It would consist...

The election in Bow and Bromley has resulted in the

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gain of a seat by the Unionists, the figures, announced on Tuesday night, being : Mr. R. Blair (Unionist) 4,042, Mr. G. Lansbury (Socialist) 3,291, or a Unionist majority of...

Monday in the Commons was spent in a financial debate

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on the Home Rule Bill, and was notable for the admissions made by the Government as to the necessity of prevent- ing the Irish Parliament from reducing Customs duties and...

The Liberals have retained the seat at Bolton vacated by

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the death of Mr. Harwood. The figures announced on Satur- day night were as follows : Mr. T. Taylor (L.), 10,011. Mr. A. Brooks (U.), 8,835. Liberal majority, 1,176. In December...

On Tuesday in the Commons the discussion of the finance

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of the Home Rule Bill was continued, though there was really no discussion worthy the name owing to the repeated fall of the guillotine. We can only select a point or two from...

In the Lords on Monday Lord Herschell made a statement

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as to the condition of the Territorial Force. On October 1st the strength was 9,236 officers and 252,152 non-commissioned officers and men. The number who were present in camp...

Mr. W. F. Monypenny, the second volume of whose "Life

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of Lord Beaconsfield" was published on November 14th, died on Saturday last, after a short illness, at the age of forty- six. Apart from the tragic aspect of his premature death...

The Attorney-General having explained that he expressed no opinion, but

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merely advised, after examining the precedents, that this was not a question for the Law Officers but for a Select Committee, Lord Balcarres observed that if the Law Officers...

We note with a deep sense of satisfaction that in

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the Howie of Lords on Thursday the Second Reading of the Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill was passed without a division. In the course of the debate the Chancellor and the...

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The Times of last Saturday published an excellent letter from

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Sir Thomas Pittar on the possibilities of Protection under the Home Rule Bill. He shows how Protection might be introduced by a disparity (écart) between the Customs import duty...

We desire to congratulate Lord Newton upon the "Betting Inducements"

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Bill, which has this week been introduced by him in the House of Lords. We understand that the Bill provides that any person who in the United Kingdom writes, prints,...

We publish in our issue of to-day a criticism of

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Disraeli, as re- vealed in Mr. Monypenny's volumes, by Lord Cromer which, we feel sure our readers will agree, is one of the ablest, sanest, and most illuminating appreciations...

The present writer may be pardoned for recalling the fact

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that it was his goad fortune to receive and secure acceptance for Mr. Monypeany's first contribution to the London press— an article sent to the Spectator in the early...

Lord Roberts made another remarkable speech at the dinner of

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the Kentish Men and Men of Kent Territorial Association on Wednesday. He was glad of the opportunity to explain his Manchester speech, which had been misinterpreted as an attack...

At the Marconi Inquiry on Monday evidence was given by

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Mr. H. A. Madge, a naval expert in wireless telegraphy. He said that in his opinion the Poulsen system "could do the work to a certainty." He was "rather surprised" that when...

A daring but fortunately unsuccessful attempt to murder Sir Edward

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Henry, the Commissioner of Police, was made on Wednesday evening. As Sir Edward was entering his house on Campden Hill a man fired three shots at him with a revolver—one of...

Bank Rate, 5 per cent., changed from 4 per cent.

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October 17th, Consols (2i) were on Friday 75-1—Friday week 75.

Mr. Carnegie has offered, through the trustees of the Carnegie

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Corporation, to provide a pension of 25,000 for ex-Presidents and the widows of Presidents and ex-Presidents In a statement issued last week he makes it clear that the...

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NATIONAL SERVICE BY CONSENT. W HY should not the two great political parties settle the problem of national service and universal training by agreement between themselves as is...

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THE EUROPEAN SITUATION. L AST summer we ventured to suggest that

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a definite and specific alliance with France, and also in the end with Russia, would, be not more likely, but very much less likely, to lead to foreign entanglements, ending in...

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O UR readers are no doubt familiar with the facts which have been published in the newspapers as to the purchases of silver by the India Office. Here we have an Under-Secretary...

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I N the Times of Tuesday last Mrs. Pember Reeves published what she described as two typical family budgets. Her figures were intended to show the im- possibility of maintaining...

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lived much in the East can, in reading Mr. Monypenny's volumes, fail to be struck with the fact that Disraeli was a thorough Oriental. The taste for tawdry finery, the habit of...

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I T is a pleasure to come across such a paper as Mr. J. H. Schofield read before the Lancashire section of the British Association of Managers of Textile Works last Saturday,...

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T HE war correspondent had arrived from Peking too late to go to the front. The front, however, seemed to be making its way as fast as it could to the war correspondent. It was...

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T HE poet has sung of the sportsman who violated all laws, human and divine, in the course of his excursions with a gun :— "I well remember. 'Twas a Sunday morn, He shot hen...

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PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION: AN ILLUSTRATIVE ELECTION. [To THZ EDITOR OT THE " SPECTATOR."] SER,—A few years ago the advocates of proportional repre- sentation were still...

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[To MI EDITOL OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 Sin, — It 18 most satisfactory to learn that others of your correspondents are advocating a uniform for the National Reserve in time of peace....


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LORD ROBERTS'S WARNING. [To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOB:1 SIR,—The warning solemnly given to the nation by the great Field-Marshal is surely a very serious and impressive...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:] SIR, —You will be interested to know that on October 1st the number of National Reservists in this county was two thousand six hundred and...


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[To rlin EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:] SIR,—Lord Lansdowne and Mr. Bonar Law, in their recent speeches delivered at the Albert Hall, definitely repudiated Mr. Balfour's pledge to...


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[To THE EDITOR OF TKs " SrEcTAToR."] SIR, — Mr. John Mackay's letter, which appeared in your issue of November 9th, is an excellent example of the lack of reason- ing power and...

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SIR,—One London newspaper, at least, states that the deter- mination of the Government to press on the Welsh Church Bill is due to the result of the Bolton election. If the...

(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SFECTATOR."] SIR, - Will you allow an

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old-fashioned Conservative to express his entire concurrence with the admirable letter from Mr. Oliver which appeared in your issue of the 23rd November ? Lord Lansdowne and Mr....


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."3 SIR, - It is with somewhat of a feeling of dismay that I have read the articles in the Spectator upon the Marconi contract. One had come to...

[To THE EDITOR 07 THR "SPECTLTOR."] SIR,—You see what Bolton

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has done, and I venture to say that at the General Election Lancashire will follow suit. Protection, you may make up your mind, the County Palatine will not have. Free Traders...

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[To rag EDITOR OF TILE "Srsorarox."] SIR,—In a leading article in your last issue, upon Agriculture and Politics in Ireland, you deal with the controversy pro- voked by the...


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THY "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I am 'told—I do not know with what justification—that the Labour Party are dead opposed to the Turks, and will not tolerate even the association of...


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[To Tas EDITOR OF THE " SrEcriava."1 SIR,—In your issue of last week with reference to slave- trading and slave-owning in Portuguese West Africa you The appeal to facts we...

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[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sut,—The judgment in the case of Vacher and Son v. The London Society of Compositors, deciding that no action for libel against a Trade...


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[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIn„—While not for a moment defending the tone of Mr. Norman's remarks about the bishops, I think your editorial comment on his letter begs...


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[TO THU EDITOR OF THR " SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—Mr. Ormsby-Gore has perhaps been sufficiently refuted, but there is one objection to his ingenuous proposal which I am surprised that...


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[To TAN EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—I do not think that your critic has quite understood Michel Angelo's indignation with the bad writing of his nephew. That great man,...

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[TO THE EDITOR OP THZ "EPRCTATOR.'1 SIR,—May I appeal to Englishmen who send their children abroad to give them the opportunity of learning horsemanship after the Continental...


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[To TIM EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Ever since the "Pied Piper" classed "the toad and mole and newt" among "creatures that do people harm," I suppose animals have been...


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[To TH1 EDITOR OF THE "EFICTATOR."1 SIR,—Mr. Tollemache's quotation of Lord Macaulay's invective against Swift in the Spectator of November 16th reminds me of another invective...


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[To THE EDITOR OF T'HE SPECTATOR:] SIR,—I admit unreservedly that I did an injustice to the British cavalry officer in my casual reference to the International jumping...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.".1 Sin,—Are not you and Mr. Price Collier speaking of different birds ? I have not been in the United States, but in Canada and Labrador...


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOII:9 SIR,—It is neither Persius nor Horace but Juvenal in his "Satires" who warns his rich friend against taking "crudum in balnea . . ....


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[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:9 SIR,—I enclose copy of a letter which I have written to the Chairman of the Marconi Committee in reply to the state- ment of the...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF TEN " SPECTATOR:9 SIR, — In your last issue you printed an answer of mine to a question in the House of Commons, in which I said that certain statements with...

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THE NEW ENGLISH ART CLUB. AFTER a generation of impressionism, which has largely meant a preoccupation with the external side of nature, a heighten- ing of tone and brightening...

Ws are requested to state that a biography of the

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late Victoria Lady Weiby is in course of preparation. It is hoped that her friends and correspondents may be willing to assist by placing such letters as they may possess at the...


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NOVEMBER 1912. THE long, sad centuries at length are past— Ride in ! Ride in, oh Christian armies ; freed at last By your brave strife, your kindred folk, distressed, From the...


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GERMANY AND THE NEXT WAR.* THIS singular book is a very wholesome study for English readers, for in it they will be able to examine the German point of view with a vengeance....

NOTICE. — TV - hen "Correspondence" or Articles are signed with The writer's name

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or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Comniunicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein erpressed or with the mode of...

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THE GIRLHOOD OF QUEEN VICTORIA.* THE selection from Queen Victoria's

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early diaries, which Lord Esher has edited with so much sympathy and care, is, as he tells us, in all likelihood the last glimpse anyone living will get into the inner history...

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MR. KLE'LING'S POEMS. * IT is delightful to have Mr. Kipling's

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poems in a single volume—all that "realm of gold " within two boards. That is as it should be with a poet. If you want to read a poem you want to read it at once, and nothing...


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Dn. MisoN has done a great service to the Church by this sympathetic biography of his friend and pupil, and no less a service to the nation ; because the nation is very much...

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RIGHTS OF CITIZENSHIP.* THIS book is far easier to read

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than to review, but this is not due to any defect but rather to its merits. It consists of eight Essays, and taken as a whole their contents are thoroughly sound from the point...

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IT is remarkable in this age, when mankind lives for futurity as it has never done before, with what ardour and assiduity we continue our researches into the past. Among those...

A SANE ECONOMIST.f AMONG contemporary economists there are few who

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to the same extent as Professor Cannan combine a sane political outlook with the happy faculty of being able to express economic propositions in popular language. Many...


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THE ROUGH WAY.* READERS of the Spectator are not unfamiliar with Miss Letts's poetry. In The Rough. Way they will, we believe, recognize in her a prose writer who combines...

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Essays and Studies. By Members of the English Association. Vol.

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iii. Collected by W. P. Ker. (Oxford University Press. Ss. net.) —The paper in this new collection of English Association Essays which is likely to attract most notice is...

1Paustula. By John Ayscough. (Chatto and Windus. 6s.)— Mr. Ayscough

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writes again of Italy. His story is laid in the fourth century of our era, when the Empire was held by the Con- stantine family and the Julian persecutions cast a brief gloom...


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[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not teem reserved for Tarim in other forms.] Aurelian Townshend's Poems and Masks. Edited by E. K. Chambers. (Oxford...

RRADAELB NOVEL9.—Honey, My Honey. By Katharine Tynan. (Smith, Elder and

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Co. 6s.)—A story of refined and charming people well designed to delight Mrs. Ilinkson's many admirers. — Lynette. By John Overton. (Methuen and Co. 6s.)—An exciting tale of...

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Two new volumes have been added to " Harper's Library

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of Living Thought," namely, Rough Stone Monuments and their Builders, by T. Eric Peet, and Elements and Electrons, by Sir William Ramsay, K.C.B., F.B.S. (Harper and Brothers....

Margaret Ethel MacDonald. By J. Ramsay MacDonald. (Hod- der and

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Stoughton. 3s. 641. net.)—Mr. Ramsay MacDonald has written a most sympathetic memoir of his wife. He has given for -hose who knew her a portrait that they will welcome and keep...

Greek Thinkers : a History of Ancient Philosophy. By Theodor

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Gomperz. Vol. IV. Translated by G. G. Berry. (John Murray. 14e. net.)—Professor Gomperz's death makes this the last volume of his history of Greek philosophy. It is concerned...

Louis IVH. and other Papers. By Philip Treherne. (Fisher Unwin.

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3s. 6d. net.)—Talf a dozen rather slight historical sketches make up this volume. The mysteries connected with Louis XVI.'s son are discussed in the first of them, while of the...