30 NOVEMBER 1867

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The Duke of Edinburgh, or Prince Alfred, as people like

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better to call him, has been killing an elephant in the Knysna, a district of the Cape, and the world is delighted, and reads an account of the feat in two long columns. It...

Sir Stafford Northcote proposed on Thursday that the salaries of

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the Indian troops should be paid by India, in a speech addressed rather to India than to England. He explained, for the benefit of Calcutta rather than London, as indeed he...

Two meetings of Fenians, or men sympathizing with Fenianism, were

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held in London on Sunday, one on Clerkenwell Greeo, and one in Hyde Park, at both of which speeches were made denounc- ing the aristocracy, exonerating the Manchester victims,...

Three French regiments have already left Rome for Civita Vecchia,

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and it is reported that the remainder are to follow, and the city be left entirely to the Papal Zouaves. The object of this movement appears to be to relieve Victor Emanuel's...

The execution of Allen, Gould, and Larkin, this day week,

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for the attack on the Manchester prisoners' van and the murder of the policeman Brett, was carried out without either resistance on the part of the Irish or, we are happy to...

The Austrian fundamental laws have been passed by the Lower

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House, but much resistance is expected in the Chamber of Peers. That House is composed of hereditary magnates, great ecclesi- astics, and life peers, and the two former classes...

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NEWS OF THE. WEEK THE debate on the Abyssinian Expedition came off on Tuesday, I. as expected. We have characterized it elsewhere, but may here state that its form was a vote...

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A woman's vote,—a certain Miss or Mrs. Lily Maxwell's,—was tendered,

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and (necessarily) accepted, for Mr. Jacob Bright at the poll. Her name had somehow been put on the register by mistake, probably for a man's, and the polling clerk had no choice...

Mr. Jacob Bright has been elected at Manchester by a

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very large majority over his Conservative opponent, Mr. Alderman Bennett. Mr. Jacob Bright received 8,260 votes, Mr. Alderman Bennett 6,499, and Mr. Henry (who does not appear...

The Times and Telegraph alike demand a large increase to

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the Metropolitan Police, which now numbers only 7,000 men, scat- tered over 700 square miles of thickly populated ground. Not more than half of these men can be on duty at once...

The demi-official papers of Paris repeat with wearisome per- sistency

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that the Conference on Rome is to come off, and affirm that Italy and the Papacy have both consented to enter it. We dare say they have, as either must for the moment obey the...

We hope Sir R. Mayne does not hate costermongers, for

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they have been delivered wholly into his hands. Instead of repealing the 6th Clause of the Metropolitan Streets' Act, Mr. Hardy has repealed only the last proviso, thus allowing...

Lord Portman presented yesterday week in the House of Lords

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a petition from certain persons in the diocese of Salisbury, com- plaining that the Bishop of Salisbury had embodied in his late Charge doctrines as to the real objective...

The struggle of • Thursday in South Leicestershire is the

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most important one of the autumn. The Tory candidate, Mr. Pell, though the grandson of a peer and a man of property, is a tenant- farmer, and would, it was thought, receive many...

We would call attention to a letter from our well

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known corre- spondent "J. M. L." We do not endorse all his opinions, but there can be no doubt whatever that the winter will be a terrible one for the English poor, already...

So afraid are President Johnson's friends of the effect of

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his untutored rhetoric, that they have induced him to answer a "serenade," given him by the Military and Naval Conservative . Society, by reading a written paper, an act which...

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We omitted to mention last week that the University of

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London has asked for, and accepted, a new charter, empowering it to test the education of girls. At present the test is to be applied only to what may be called the school...

The discussion in the House of Lords on Thursday night

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with respect to these workhouse-hospital horrors was anything but satisfactory. Lord Devon was certainly apologetic, and in moving for returns of some of Dr. Edward Smith's...

Mr. Sclater-Booth, in reply to Mr. Goschen last Tuesday, in-

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timated that the Clifton and Bedminster Union Workhouses needed no inquiry,—at least, " as at present advised," the Poor Law Board did not intend to institute any special...

The closing prices of the leading Foreign Securities yesterday and

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on Friday week are subjoined :- Friday, Nov. 22. Friday, Nov. 29. Spanish Passives ... 211 2 41 D o. Certificates ............... 171 ... 19 Turkish 6 per Cents., 1818 ......

Oxford, the pot-boy who shot at the Queen twenty-seven years

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ago, and who was locked up as a lunatic in Broadtnoor, has been released, on condition that he leaves the country. He was pro- bably sane, though with a brain diseased by a...

The Apothecaries' Hall have withdrawn,—we do not know how •

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they make out their legal power to withdraw,—from examining women for their diploma. Mrs. Thome wrote recently to the Church Daily News to state that she had applied in vain for...

Archdeacon Wordsworth preached last Sunday in Westminster Abbey in favour

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of " the punishment of death for wilful mur- der," but he took as his text, " 1Vhoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed," which certainly, in its context, does...

Yesterday and on Friday- week the leading British Railways left

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off at the annexed quotations :- Groat Eastern... Great Northern ... Great Western ... Lancashire and Yorkshire London and Brighton London and North-Western London and...

The Consol Market has been rather active this week, and

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prices have steadily advanced. On Monday, Consols, for money, were done at 94k, t, and 93k, f, ex div. for the account ; yesterday they closed at 941, -1 r , and 931, I...

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THE ABYSSINIAN DEBATE. D REARIER debate than that of Tuesday upon the Abyssinian War there will, we hope, never be. There was, as one commentator remarks, a total absence of "...

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i I T is not to be wondered at,—indeed, it is great reason for satisfaction,—that everybody who has any political thoughts or convictions at all should now be trying to turn...

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E NGLISH Liberals are very fond, as we think, very unwisely fond, of ridiculing the value of " prestige " in foreign affairs. It is, in fact, a very cheap, efficient, and kindly...

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\ ATE are perhaps a little too much disposed in England to T a certain political Pharisaism in treating the consti- tutional efforts of foreign assemblies. We are too apt to...

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E i .ARL RUSSELL intends on Monday to bring forward a series of resolutions on Education. We suppose he intends them to be excuses for a great speech, or at best texts for a...

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most eminent physiologists of the day, tells us in the first number of the new series of the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology that the Cat, though domesticated in Egypt, was...

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W E never remember to have seen the investing classes of Great Britain so seriously puzzled as they seem at this moment to be. They have bankers and brokers and City editors to...

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B EFORE proceeding with our outline of the events in the

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Civic History of London, it may be perhaps well to say a word or two on some of the characteristics of the every-day life of the citizens during the Plantagenet period, not...

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" SPECTATOR."] SIR,—It seems to be considered on all hands that the Abyssinian Expedition is to be the main object of the Autumn Session. Yet there are home questions of very...

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suffer most. The number of members in such societies has been SIR,—The language to which I was moved by your suggestion of late and is greatly falling off. But let no one...

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[TO TILE EDITOR OF TILE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, —The letter of Mr. Joseph John Murphy on the st de of Ireland in your paper of the 16th inst. contains much valuable truth. He is,...

"Rochdale, November 11, 1867.

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"Mr DEAR have read your Russia and Ireland with much in- terest, and, as far as you go, I agree with you, but I think more requires to be done. Your plan is to help tenants to...

[LETTER TO JOHN BRIGHT, ESQ "Dublin, 10 Ifountjoy Street, November

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12, 1867. " MY DEAR have received your letter, and feel obliged by your kind expression of interest in my Prussia and Ireland and equally so for your statement of your own...

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To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—If your reviewer will kindly give me an opportunity of orally explaining to him the system of " Visible Speech," I pledge myself to...


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SIR H. BULWER ON SOME HISTORICAL CHARACTERS.* A VERY able man of cosmopolitan experience, familiar with politicians in all countries, accustomed to watch and weigh men as only...


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LION-HEARTS of young Italy ! Field where none died in vain ! Beardless boys and famine-gaunt Corpses along the plain, — Did not enough of ye die On the field where none died in...

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Off the Stage ,is a wonderful novel — wonderful in plot, style, dialogue, characters, situations, incidents ; wonderful, iu fact, in everything. The . hero of it is Captain...

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THAT Friedrich von Gentz was a genius who for clearness of thought and quite Demosthenic powers of writing deserves to rank amongst the greatest stars of the German firmament,...

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Mn. ELus's small edition of Catullus, containing the text only, which appeared last year, has now been followed by an edition provided with an exhaustive critical apparatus, a...