30 JANUARY 1886

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The debate on the Address was commeaced yesterday week by

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Mr. Sexton, who laughed at Lord Randolph Churchill for wishing to have the debate closed directly his own speech was completed ; declared that the passage in the Queen's Speech...

There is little doubt that Mr. Gladstone, by swaying a

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little to the Radical side, can form an efficient Ministry. His col- leagues in the Peers adhere to him, and in the Commons there are plenty of able men ready to take office. It...

The chief interest of the speech of the Irish Attorney-

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General, delivered in reply to Mr. Sexton, was in the informa- tion it afforded as to the virtual suspension of the law in Ireland, and the substitution of the rule of the...

* * The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in

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any case.


The Spectator

T HE Salisbury Government has resigned. It was under- stood throughout the debate of Tuesday, described below, that the Ministry would treat Mr. Collage's success as a vote of...


The Spectator

D is our intention occasionally to issue gratis with the SPECTATOR Special Literary Supplements, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. The Fifteenth of...

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Mr. Barclay's amendment to the Address, representing to the Queen

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"the pressing necessity for securing without delay to the cultivators of the soil such conditions of tenure as will aid and encourage them to meet the new and trying...

Mr. Jesse Collings on Tuesday moved his promised amend- ment

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to the Address, in the shape of a motion that—" This House regrets that no measures are announced by her Majesty for the present relief of these classes [agriculturalists], and...

In the decisive division, 255 Liberals and 74 Parnellites voted

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for Mr. Jesse Collings, while 18 Liberals voted against him, and 55 were absent, several, no doubt, from causes not in any way political Only 10 Conservatives were absent. Both...

Mr. Hunter made a clever speech on Tuesday against the

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expenditure of Indian revenue on the conquest of Burmah, but it made little impression. Parliament cares little about technicalities, and Mr. Gladstone thought the motion,...

Considerable feeling has been excited in England among the friends

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of Greece by this action of the British Government ; but it is not quite reasonable. In view of the condition of Mace- donia and Epirus, Greece has always cause of war with...

The Government entrusted its defence to Mr. Chaplin, who was

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aggravating and injudicious. He sneered at his opponents as aldermen, grew tedious in denouncing small oulture—which had little to do with the matter in hand—and then declared...

The Great Powers have acted with more decision than we

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expected. They have communicated a collective Note to M. Delyannis, stating that, in the absence of any just cause of war with Turkey, a naval attack on that Power will not be...

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There are a certain number of Liberals who seem exceedingly

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desirous to get cheap credit for being better patriots than they are Liberals. Sir Herewald Wake, who writes to the Tines to expose the iniquity of the National Liberal Club for...

M. de Freycinet has published in the Gazette his scheme

The Spectator

for the administration of Anam and Tonquin. He proposes to place a Resident, M. Paul Bert, at the capital, Hu6, and to appoint two Assistant Residents, one at Had and the other...

Mr. Sydney Buxton has not succeeded at Croydon, but he

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has 4ucceeded in greatly reducing the Conservative majority, and that without any further help, so far as we can judge, from the Irish vote (which be does not estimate as much...

Prince Bismarck deals with his Ireland in a different way

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from us. On Thursday he delivered a speech of two hours to the Prussian Chamber, in which he justified the recent expulsions of 35,000 Poles from East Prussia, declared that he...

The Archbishop of York throws cold water on the plan

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of Church Reform which the Bishop of Worcester bad suggested. He is very anxious that a short way of dealing with criminous clerks should be made legal, but be evidently does...

Bank Rate, 3 per cent.

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Consols were on Friday 1004 to 100.

If the Land Reformers want all their schemes to fail,

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they will go on preparing Bills like the monstrous scheme called the "Land Cultivation Bill," proposed by Messrs. Arch, Burt, Bradlaugh, and Labouchere. Under this Bill, any...

The vacant Deaneries are filled up,—both of them by very

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good men ; the Deanery of Chester by the appointment of the Archdeacon of Chester, the Rev. John Lionel Darby, and the Deanery of Worcester by the appointment of Dr. Gott, the...

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T HOUGH we heartily wish that Mr. Gladstone had adhered to the old lines by asking Parliament to do justice to Ireland, instead of indicating his willingness to enter on the...


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THE FALL OF THE GOVERNMENT. T, ORD SALISBURY'S Government fell, in the first place, because it wished to fall. In saying this, we do not mean to imply that it was wrong or weak...

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T HE formation of a Moderate Liberal Party in Parliament, if it becomes necessary to form one, will be very delicate work ; and it is fortunate that its leadership, should...


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A PART altogether from the political consequences of the vote of Tuesday, though they may be most serious, we deplore the vote itself. The great majority of the Liberal Party,...

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O ANON MACCOLL would have done better if he had not given to his able argument for Home-rule, just published by Messrs. Routledge, the false appearance of impartiality which is...

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N OTHING is more curious in contemporary politics than the disuse of the formulas which a generation ago were supposed to express the permanent convictions of men imbued with...

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M R. GALTON'S curious paper at the Anthropological Society on Tuesday presents at least an interesting proposal for the creation of a future aristocracy, if ever the Demos...

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W E wonder whether a "family compact" now exists any- where in Europe, whether, that is, any two dynasties are allied by private agreements of which their subjects know nothing,...

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[TO TEE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE,—Le an Irishman who is convinced that Home-rule, as de- manded by Mr. Parnell and his followers, would complete the ruin of Ireland, I...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SlEt,-Why should the Daily News think it impossible that the Queen should send for Lord Hartington ? Mr. Gladstone impressively told all...


The Spectator

THE IRISH QUESTION. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." J SIR, —In yoar issue of January 16th you well describe the chaos that exists in the public mind on the Irish Question...


The Spectator

OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,-I thank you for the editorial note to my letter in the Spectator of January 23rd. My reply would be,—Yes, truly the Irish voters have since the Union...

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OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 SIE,—So many attempts are being made to attribute part of the reduction in the Conservative majority at Croydon to the transference of the "Irish vote,"...


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"SPECTATOR." J Sra,—Your review on Mr. Saintsbury's " Gulliver" indicates an opinion that Swift's great book has never been adequately illus- trated, Have you ever met with...


The Spectator

[TO THE EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTAT01‘ . 1 SIR,-I am obliged for my sins to farm 175 acres of land at Sharnbrook, in Bedfordshire. I employ on the farm per- manently three adult...


The Spectator

1:r0 THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] S114 —Mr. Chamberlain's statement, referred to in your article in the Spectator of January 16th, that fifty millions sterling have been...


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THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.".1 Slit,—I have just read your article on "Irish Judicial Rents." I recognise fully your desire now, as always, to be impartial, but I also see...

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SYRACUSAN DESPOTS. I.—DION. [Dion, after bringing his friend Plato to Syracuse, was banished by his nephew, Dionysius the younger, but returned and expelled him from Ortygia....


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LORD BEACONSFIELD'S CORRESPONDENCE WITH HIS SISTER.* Tuis volume is very inferior to the Home Letters. The fascination of the little volume published last year was the sparkle...

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Ix is one of the irremovable grievances of Ireland, although one never touched upon by agitators, and of which her most sensitive sons are unconscious, that among all the gifts...

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MR. ROBERT BUCHANAN'S NEW POEM.* READERS of Mr. Buchanan's poetry,

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whose affections were won by the Undertones, by some of the London Poems, and by more recent works, will not wholly enjoy the present volume. It attempts too much or achieves...

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PROFESSOR SEELEY'S "NAPOLEON."* A " suorr history of Napoleon," in

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which "everything is subordinated to clearness and unity," prefixed to an "Essay" on Napoleon which makes no "attempt either to analyse his character or estimate his genius," is...

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MR. FROUDE'S " OCEA.NA." 0 WHETHER Byron would have "disdained to

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write an Atlantis," after reading Mr. Froude's practical commentary upon Sir James Harrington's Oceana—a title Mr. Fronde has so happily given to his account of a recent visit...

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WE cannot see much promise in A Cardinal Sin, said to have been "Hugh Conway's" first novel. It is a fair sensational story, quite readable when you have nothing better to do,...

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Tars is a book of shreds and patches, paste-and-scissors work essentially, if not actually ; but we can give it a hearty welcome. For Mr. Ashton sails under no false colours,...

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Anglican Hymnology. By the Rev. James King. (Hatchards.)— This is

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an ingenious and interesting book. Mr. King has collated fifty-two . hymnals, all of them belonging to churches in the Anglican communion. From this he deduces an ,order of...

What is a Girl to Do r By H. Sutherland

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Edwards. 3 vols. (Chapman and Hall.)—This is a conundrum which is often asked, and which is best answered, perhaps, in the conclusion to which Mr. Edwards brings his story. But...


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Dad's Parliamentary Companion for 1886 (Whittaker and Co)— It. is no wonder that this most valuable manual was not ready by the opening of Parliament. It was necessary to...

Tales in the Speech-House. By Charles Grindrod. (T. Fisher Unwin.)—Two

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travellers meet together in the "Speech-House," in the Forest of Dean. They are snowed up, and to wile away the time they tell each other stories, the landlord of the inn...

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Letters and Journals of Jonathan Swift. Selected and Edited, with

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a Commentary and Notes, by Stanley Lane-Poole. (Kegan Paul.)— Mr. Lane-Poole, as our readers may be aware, has already published in the "Parchment Library" "Selections from the...

The Dawn of the Nineteenth Century in England. By John

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Ashton. 2 vols. (Fisher Unwin.)—This work is mainly a compilation from the chronicle of the Annual Register, and a good many, if not moat, of the illustrations of the habits of...

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Davy and the Goblin. By Charles E. Carryl. (Ticknor and

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Co., Boston, 17.8 A.)—The second title of this book, "What Followed Reading 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,'" sufficiently indicates its character. Perhaps the illustrations...

The Land of Greece Described and Illustrated. By Charles Henry

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Hanson. (Nelson and Sons.)—We naturally compare this book with Bishop Wordsworth's, and do not find the comparison to its advan- tage. The illustrations are distinctly inferior...

We have received from Messrs. Nelson three tales. Two of

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them bear no author's name, and have a considerable resemblance in manner and style. If, as we conjecture, they come from the same pen, there will be no offence in saying that...