29 NOVEMBER 1845

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The Spectator

LORD JOHN Russnu, has declared for total repeal of the Corn- laws, and Lord Morpeth has joined the Anti-Corn-law League. The Anti-Corn-law movement has absorbed the Whig party ;...

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Mr. O'Connell has replied to the Times Commissioner ; who

The Spectator

accused him, as a "middleman," of living by the system which makes the Irish population redundant and destitute. Mr. O'Connell replies, that he has created the town of...

lEbt Afftetropolts.

The Spectator

Lord John Russell's letter to his constituents was turned to immediate account in the City. The following requisition to the Lord Mayor is going round for signature— "We, the...

A sound like the jangle of arms preparing in our

The Spectator

arsenals goes on : the ear is still kept alive with rumours of warlike tendency— marshalling of the Militia, measuring of merchant-steamers by naval officers, and the like. The...

Zbt (Sourt.

The Spectator

'WINDSOR is once more shorn of its Royal company. The Prince and Princess Augustus of Saxe Coburg, taking their leave df the Queen and Prince Albert, left the Castle before...

An Irish patriot—one, we believe, of the most earnest and

The Spectator

sin- cere—has discovered a popular use for Irish railways. We quote a good part of his essay among our news. When the iron and wood are laid down in England, English...

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Zbe 1Probinces.

The Spectator

The Anti-Corn-law League held a meeting in Preston on Thursday last week, "for the promotion of free trade, and the extention of the electoral franchise through the purchase of...

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The Spectator

The Maynooth College Board recently applied to Sir Robert Peel for an increase of the grant of 30,000/. for building and repairs; the plans and es- timates of the architect, Mr....

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goreign anV FRANCE.—The principal event in Paris this week has

The Spectator

been the adjudi- cation of the Paris and Strasbourg Railway, by the Minister of Commerce, to united companies represented by General Cuvieres, on a lease of forty three years...

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The Spectator

Cabinet Councils have been held this week on Tuesday and Wednesday. On the latter day it sat for three hours. Parliament met on Thursday in its skeleton form, for the purpose...

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The Spectator

SATURDAY NIGHT. There is not much that can be called political news today; but there is scarcely a paper that does not teem with evidences of the approaching fall of the...


The Spectator

On the 19th November, at Thicket Priory, Yorkshire, the Lady of the Rev. Joseph Dunnington Jefferson, of a son. On the 19th, at the Vicarage, Godalming, the Wife of the Rev....

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The Prince and Princess Augustus of Saxe Coburg Gotha arrived

The Spectator

at the Palace of St. Cloud, from England, on Tuesday evening. The latest accounts of the Lord Chancellor are very favourable: he now takes carriage airings, and even begins to...

The agitation of the Paris Bourse is still the subject

The Spectator

of Thursday's papers. The .124forme states that eight bankruptcies were declared at the Tribunal of Com- merce of Paris on Monday last; the engagements of the bankrupts...

The Penguin packet brings mails from Rio de Janeiro of

The Spectator

the 12th October. The Journal of Commerce states that Senhor Galvao had been appointed by the Bra- zilian Government to confer with Mr. Hamilton for the purpose of arranging a...

Last night's Gazette formally announces some clerical appointments, known be-

The Spectator

fore,—the Venerable William Rowe Lyall, M.A., to be Dean of Canterbury; the Reverend William Buckland, D.D., to be Dean of Westminster; the Reverend Thomas Walpole, M.A., to be...

In the Court of Queen's Bench, yesterday, the Duke of

The Spectator

Brunswick obtained a farthing damages against the Satirist newspaper, for a continuance of the libellous attacks on his character.


The Spectator

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The market 'has been in a feverish state, and much fluctuation has occurred. Prices rallied slightly in the early part of the week; to fall...


The Spectator

The Achilles, Thomson, from Leith to Calcutta, Put Into Simon's Bay, Cape of Good Hope, with coals on fire, and was scuttled, 16th September but has since been raised. The...

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At the French Plays, novelties and old favourites alternate in

The Spectator

such quick - succession that we can only chronicle the changes that have taken place. The versatility of AL Lafont, and the extent of his range of parts, have been more...


The Spectator

• THE tides obey not the laws of planetary attraction more regularly than the stream of popularity is influenced by the movements of the " stars " of the theatrical world. Mr....

The Princess's might still be, "without o'erflowing, full," were Wallack

The Spectator

able to do justice to the principal part which he performs in a pretty little piece called The Violet. It is an indifferent version of Blanche et Blanchette, a sentimental...


The Spectator

WAR-SIGNS. Iir the strength of motives alone were regarded, it would not be easy to imagine an immediate or early war possible. But with nations, as with individuals, there are...

A version of the French vaudeville Les Petites Misires has

The Spectator

been pro- .siuced this week at the Haymarket. The petty Miseries of Human Life - are intensely exemplified by Mr. Webster, as Ally Croaker, a peevish, irri- table old bachelor,...

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The Spectator

THE management of an army, at all times a task of great deli- cacy, becomes more difficult with the advance of general society in civilization. The soldier is required to be...


The Spectator

British troops in New Zealand, of which we had some accounts last week and more this, will not surprise the readers of the Spectator : such disasters have been foretold at every...

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The Spectator

A CORRESPONDENT contrasts the splendid testimonial about to be offered to Mr. George Hudson, earned by his success in busi- ness, with the neglect shown to the memory of Sidney...


The Spectator

IT has been recently intimated that the Railway Gauge Com- missioners have closed the evidence bearing on what is called the "narrow gauge," and availed themselves of Mr....

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The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF TI1E SPECTATOR. London, 24th November 1845. Sin—I beg permission to add something to what you have stated in the Spectator of the 15th instant on the...


The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF TI1E SPECTATOR. Sin—As an oldest subscriber, permit me to observe that the thanks of every true Englishman are due to you for your excellent article on our...


The Spectator

TO T/IE EDITOR OF TI1E SPECTATOR. Stn—in a year of scarcity, some years ago, many influential, charitable, and well - disiaseci persons in the parish of St. 5Iarylebone...


The Spectator

AMONG the honours conferred upon Lord John Russell in Edin- burgh, is the honorary membership of the Speculative Society. This incident leads the mind back to the origin of that...

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The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. SIR—While you were penning and publishing your remarks on the Money- Order Department of the Post-office, one of your regular constituents was...


The Spectator

VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, Adventures in the Pacific; with Observations on the Natural Productions, Manners, and Customs, of the Ni 'ea of the various Islands ; together with Remarks...

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The Spectator

TEN years ago, Mr. Chorley appeared in the field of philosophical fiction, and in Conti the Discarded urged the claims of musical and theatrical " artists " against gentlemen...

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The Spectator

object of the editor of this World of Wonders is to take a cursory - of various popular prejudices and refute them. The subjects he are numerous enough, for his book contains...

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The Spectator

FREDERICK DOUGLASS appears as a Maryland slave, who escaped from his master in 1838, and, after working as a free labourer in the North- eastern States till 1841, was engaged by...


The Spectator

From November 21st to November 27th. Booss. Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches; with Elucidations. By Thomas Carlyle. In two volumes. A Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature....

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The Spectator

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Paternoster Row, November 24, 1845. Sin—My attention has been drawn to the letter of "A London Bookseller," in. the Spectator of Saturday last;...


The Spectator

Tuesday, November 25. roarrimasates rassoromn. Macfarlane and Burt, Manchester, sharebrokers--Barclay and Frost, Birkenhead, confectioners—Musgrave and Brown, Leeds,...


The Spectator

WAR-OFFICE, Nov. 25.-2d Regt. of Foot—Lieut. 0. Nicol's, from the 65th Foot, to be Paymaster, vice Anthony Waishe, who reverts to his former half-pay. 10th Foot— Major C. L....

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The Spectator

B It I T I S H FUNDS. (Closing Prices 1 Battled. 3 per Cent Consols 959 Ditto for Account . 95/ 3 per Cents Reduced ..... ... ... 943 3} per Cents 961 Long...