29 JUNE 1889

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As to the historical European examples of Home-rule, Mr. Goschen

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maintained that there is not one of them which bears any analogy to the proposal of an Irish Parliament which is to be subject in all Imperial matters to an Imperial Parliament....

The Emperor of Austria received the Delegations on the 23rd

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inst., and made an unexpected speech. After describing the situation in Europe as one " which has not ceased to be uncertain," he spoke of King Milan's "regrettable resolution...

The conversations of Count Kalnoky with the Delegations in explanation

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of the speech are but indifferently reported; but the drift of all that gets into print is always the same. The Austrian Government intends to protect the independence of the...

Mr. Goschen made a great speech in the Potteries on

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Wednesday, in the Victoria Hall, Hanley. He recognised the milder tone which Mr. Gladstone had assumed in his Western tour, and hoped that Mr. Gladstone's lieutenants would...


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I T is officially announced that the Princess Louise of Wales, who will one day be Princess Royal, and who at present, after her father, stands third in the succession, has been...

*** The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript, in any

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The air in the French Chamber is getting charged with

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electricity. Nobody has been killed yet ; but on Tuesday four Deputies, the Republicans M. Arene and M. Etienne, and the Reactionaries M. de l'Aigle and M. Duchesne, came to...

But then Mr. Morley went on to snub the Government

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for not promoting a discussion on the subjects on which they are determined not to give way. He took the eccentric line of holding that the Government should authorise its...

The French Government is, it is said, in great doubt

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as to the proper date for the new elections. They must be held before the end of October, but there is much reluctance to delay them to the last, as they may then occur under...

Mr. Chamberlain has written a sharp letter on Mr. Glad-

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stone's adhesion to the proposal for disestablishing the Welsh and Scotch Churches, which, he says, is so obviously dictated by his desire to receive the support of the Welsh...

At the annual meeting of the Midlothian Liberal Asaoeia- tion,

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held on Wednesday, a letter was read from Mr. Glad- stone, in which he laments that in consequence of the mistake made by the constituencies in 1886, the country will have to...

A carious debate arose in the House of Commons on

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Tues- day, when Mr. Cunninghame Graham moved the adjournment of the House to discuss a matter of " urgent " public im- portance, the " urgent " matter being that the Government...

An unexpected event occurred in the Upper House on Monday

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night. Lord Halsbury's Bill for further facilitating the transfers of land had passed safely through Committee, and would, it was supposed, be sent down to the Commons stamped...

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As to the assertion that Ireland is suffering materially and

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commercially from the results of the Union, Lord Derby said that it was physically impossible, since, in the first place, Ireland had improved more rapidly in these respects in...

The Scotch Universities Bill is making good progress, and it

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is pretty clear that it will pass. The Government have yielded on the point of giving local representation to the Municipalities of St. Andrews and Dundee in the University...

Lord Derby made an excellent speech on Thursday to the

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Women's Liberal Unionist Association at the Town Hall, Westminster. He remarked that it was now admitted that whatever was to be done towards the relaxation of the Union with...

The Cronin case continues to excite strong interest in America,

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where apparently the very existence of associations with dangerous secret committees im bedded in them, appears to be matter of surprise. The clergy are, it is stated, begin-...

The ceremony of Commemoration took place at Orford on Wednesday,

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the interest of the day being centred in the Public Orator's speech, which was more than usually success- ful. Dr. Merry seems to justify his name ; and to succeed in justifying...

The British proposal to convert the Privileged Debt of Egypt,

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£27,000,000, now bearing interest at 5 per cent., into a 4 per cent. loan-, has been vetoed by M. Spuller, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Rothschilds had assented...

The Portuguese Government is presuming, as usual, upon its weakness.

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The contractors for an extension of the rail- way from Delagoa Bay to the Transvaal having, on the plea of physical impossibility, exceeded the time allowed them, the Portuguese...

Bank Rate, 21 per cent. New Consols (21) were on

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Friday 98 to 981.

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I T is an odd moment to make the remark, when Nihilism and Clan-na-Gaelism are so much before the world, but we suspect that the political power of Secret Societies is a good...

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rpHERE is something so pitifully mean about the action 1 of the French. Government in the matter of the Egyptian " Conversion," that one looks round with a cer- tain eagerness...


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M R. GOSCHEN, in his powerful speech at Hanley, referred again to the amazing language which Mr. Gladstone has set the example of using as to the captivity of Ireland, as to...

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T revolt " of the Tory Lords on Tuesday was as _L foolish as it was unexpected. They presumably wish the Unionist Government to remain in power, but they have done their best to...

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T F the Socialists' premisses were true, it would be difficult, indeed, to withstand the conclusion that only by a complete reorganisation of society could the condition of...

THE LAMBETH MURDER. T HE Letine murder is a striking example

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of more than one characteristic of contemporary sentiment. It illustrates the cost at which emotion is roused, the lengths to which it will go, its instinctive desire to express...

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(11HE special popular attraction of betting on horses, which JL_ just now exercises the minds of all the more observant philanthropists is not very hard to understand. All easy...

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T HE increasing use of a fuller ritual and higher art and finer music in our churches, and especially in our East-End churches, and not in the churches of the Roman Catholic and...

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TT is rather surprising that no one in this era of excessive --I- conscientiousness has inquired why men who would rather rut their right hand off than kill any creature by...

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[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—When Lord Beaconsfield

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was interred, Queen Victoria contributed a large wreath of primroses, to which were appended two cards, bearing inscriptions in her Majesty's hand. One of the inscriptions was...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. ") Sin, I have read with great interest, in the Spectator of June 22nd, an article on " Progress among the Negroes." May I be permitted to say...


The Spectator

LORD BEACONSFIELD AND THE PRIMROSE. [To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sirt,—I am much interested in the account given in the Spectator of the origin of Lord Beaconsfield's...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—In your review of my book, " Lux Benigna : the History of Orange Street Chapel," in the Spectator for June 22nd, you refer to the...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Six,—While perusing the last paragraph of your very in- structive and—may I say it ?—suggestive article under the above heading in the...


The Spectator

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your extremely interesting article on the Empress Dowager of China, there is one sentence on which you will, I am sure, be glad to...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—A propos to your interesting article on this subject, trust you will kindly permit me to express a hope that we shall be spared a...

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THE ROYAL ACADEMY. [CONCLUDING NOTICE.] THE sculpture in the present Academy reaches, but does not surpass, the usual average. The only thing we have in the way of monumental...


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SIE,—In your interesting article on Pasteur's anti-rabietic treatment, you have, I think, overlooked one fact of great im- portance. It would appear that Pasteur, after...

[iy , Mr. J. A. Irwin, of New York, who performed

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the autopsy on the body of the late Mr. Washington Irving Bishop, sends us a long letter in vindication of his course in performing the autopsy, which it is impossible for us to...

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THE KINGDOM OF FEZ.* HERE we have a remarkable book on that partially explored north-west corner of Africa which still exhibits all the phenomena of low barbaric government. In...

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RECENT NOVELS.* A FIRST novel which achieves a popular success

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may be com- pared to the one swallow which proverbially does not make a. summer. There may be something as purely accidental an& fortuitous in the triumphant floating of a new...

Page 19

MR. TRINDER'S SERMONS.* IN Bishop Alexander's interesting preface to this

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volume, he sketches the character of the late Vicar of Highgate, as it was known not only to him but to many other friends, including the present writer, with great simplicity...

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Tars name will probably carry with it few associations to any of our readers, save those who are Scotch, and those who may have made Robertson's acquaintance during his frequent...

Page 21

LIFE AND SPORT IN INDIA.* Tins is absolutely the best

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book on sport, and one of the beat books on life in India, which we have yet seen. The only sporting books to compare with it are those of the " Old Shekarry," and they are...

Page 22

Mr. Charles Bradlaugh, M.P., has reprinted from the Universal Review,

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in a neat and handy volume, a useful paper on The Rules, Customs, and Procedure of the House of Commons. (Swan Sonnen- schein and Co.)—Mr. Bradlaugh, though not possessing any...

Derrick Vaughan, Novelist. By Edna Lyall. (Methuen.)—This is an interesting

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little sketch of the growth of a writer's mind, not drawn, we can easily believe, without some hints from the writer's own experiences, though purposely made very different in...

Early Days of Mormonism. By J. H. Kennedy. (Reeves and

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Turner.)—This book tells the story of Mormonism from its beginning down to the time when Joseph Smith and his brother were murdered in the jail at Carthage. And it also gives an...

We have received the half-yearly volume of Little Folks :

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a Magazine for the Young (Cassell and Co.), containing, among other attractions, a tale, " Mother Bunch," by Mrs. Molesworth.

The Land of the Vikings : a Popular Guide to

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Norway. By C. Jurgenson. (Walter Scott.)—This is a new edition, furnished with time-tables, routes, and sundry other information, corrected. up to date. The work first appeared...

A Crown of Shame. By Florence Marryat. 3 vols. (F.

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V. White and Co.)—Though there is much that is well written, and the delineation- of character is occasionally lifelike and vivid, the plot embodied in A Crown of Shame is...


The Spectator

The Girl's Own Outdoor Book, edited by Charles Peters (Religious Tract Society), -is a volume addressed to the useful object of com- bating what the editor rightly calls the...

English Associations of Working Men. By J. M. Baernreither. Translated

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by Alice Taylor. (Swan Sonnenschein.)—The original of this book was reviewed in the Spectator of May 21st, 1887. We welcome it in its English form, commended as it is to the...

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The Industries of Japan. By J. J. Rein. With 44

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Mustrations. (Hodder and Stoughton.)—This fine volume of Professor Rein's may be taken as the second and supplementary volume to his "Japan," wherein the physiography of the...

Juvenile Literature as It Is. By Edward Salmon. (H. J.

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Drane.) —Mr. Salmon has here welded together various articles on the subject published by him in the Fortnightly, Nineteenth Century, &c. Altogether, he gives a satisfactorily...