29 AUGUST 1874

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The Paris Correspondent of the Times affirms that one of

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the reasons why Marshal MacMahon maintains the Septennate so strongly, is that he has no predilection for any form of govern- ment, and no antipathy except to "demagogy." He is...

We have always suggested, as the basis of compromise between

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farmer and labourer, a grant of an acre of land to each effective man, in addition to the silver wages. Messrs. Davison, of Andover; farm agents, recently wrote to say they...

War seems likely to kill Slavery in Cuba, as it

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did in the Southern States of the Union. The Volunteers, who have recently ruled the island, are dying fast; and General Concha, besides raising 12,0_00 men in Spain, for whom...


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f ARSHAL MACMAHON concluded his tour in Brittany on in Wednesday. Upon the whole, it has not been a success. The Bishops and priests everywhere received him with speeches...

The Local Government of the Province of Quebec has been

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compelled to send in its resignation, owing to the discovery of certain "administrative irregularities." A transaction connected with the sale of public lands, locally known as...

The Brussels Conference has broken up, having accomplished none of

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its great ends. A few Rules have been drawn up, which will probably be the subject of negotiations, but the main objects of the assemblage—the destruction of maritime power in...

*** The Editors cannot undertake to return - Manuscript in any case.

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The race-hatred that is growing so fierce in the Southern

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States has broken out again this week, 111 a savage collision between the whites and the negroes at Trenton, in the State of Tennes- see. The origin of the trouble appears to...

We are now in a position to see what Lord

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Lyttelton really said in the House of Lords, a few weeks ago, upon the privileges of Founders. His doctrine, as explained in an Appendix just published to his speech on the...

Sir George Campbell IS safe for the first vacant Scotch

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county. In a paper read before the British Association, he has proposed to turn English and Scotch landlords into Zemindars, by confirm- ing some of their existing "privileges...

A correspondent of the Pall Mall Gazette, writing from Santander,

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states positively that the Carlist leader Saballs shot 185 men of the brigade under General Nouvilaa, which had surrendered to him. He first ordered that all should be shot, and...

Mr. Deacon, a Liverpool engineer, has, it is- said, invented

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a machine called a Waste-water Meter, which will enable any Water Company to keep up a constant service. The objection to that scheme hitherto has been waste, which in Liverpool...

Dr. Hooker gave a most valuable lecture at Belfast on

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those wonderful organisms, the carnivorous plants. There are plants, like the diontea and drosera, which are able to eat and digest flies and little morsels of beef exactly as...

Another brutal murder has been perpetrated in the South of

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Ireland, near Clonmel, in Tipperary, not very far from the scene of the strangely frequent crimes which we lately noticed. In this last case, again, the motive seems to have...

The Times' Famine Correspondent telegraphs (August 24), on the authority

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of a telegram from Sir Richard Temple, that the rainfall everywhere" has been short, except in Orissa, and that in Tirhoot and Burdwan it has been so small that the harvest must...

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Professor Huxley on Tuesday delivered a lecture before the British

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Association on biological science. His subject was Descartes' theory that animals were automata, who only ap- peared to feel pleasure or suffer pain, a theory which, he said,...

The Tilton-Beecher affair still absorbs public attention in the United

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States, and seems likely to do so for a long time to come. The full text of Mr. Beecher's defensive statement adds nothing to the strength of his denial of the leading charges...

A ease of some importance to Insurers was decided by

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Baron Amphlett at Birmingham on Tuesday. The plaintiff, Dr. Jay, married a Mrs. Lupton, who possessed an annuity of £1,000 a year. To protect himself, he insured her life in...

The 7Vmes of Friday publishes an immense letter from a

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corre- spondent who, inJuly, was in the Kraton of Acheen, giving a full ac- count of the position of the Dutch. It is not, on the whole, favour- able. The Acheenese, he says,...

"At one of the late meetings of the British Medical

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Association at Norwich, a Dr. Magnan, of Paris, performed the following experi- ments. Two live dogs were introduced, and firmly strapped down, in spread-eagle fashion, by means...

The suns of the late Dr. Sunnier and the brother

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of Mrs. Sum- ner indignantly deny that the son of the Marquis of Conyngham -was attached to Macllle. Maunoir, or that the Bishop married her to prevent his pupil from forming a...

The Bank of England on Thursday reduced its rate of

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discount to 3 per cent., and as its Reserves amount to 50 per cent of its liabilities, the rate may yet be lowered farther. Indeed, it is lower in open market, and we have thus,...

Sir Wilfrid Lawson, on Wednesday, received 10,000 Good Templars in

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his grounds, and made them a speech whiph, if not wise, was, at all events, amusing. The Templars' "Regalia," he said, which were so much laughed at, amounted to nothing but a...

Consols were on Friday 924-92t.

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ROYAL EXCURSIONISTS. THE Royal people of Europe have lately discovered England, and have apparently decided that it is quite a pleasant place. There is sea here, and sand, and...

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S HORTLY after the late general election to the Reichstag, instructions were issued from the Imperial Chancery to all the local authorities throughout the Empire to prepare and...

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T HE Brussels Conference, we are told, has not been a success, and Europe may be fairly congratulated on its failure. Granting that the emancipator of the Serfs, if he were the...


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THE progress of the Canadian Dominion is so rapid and so great, that it is difficult at first sight to know what Lord Dufferin wants with a Reciprocity Treaty, or why Mr. G....

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O NE of the mysteries of the London Commissariat has never yet been properly explained. Year after year, on every recurring "12th," do we find the windows of our poultry and...

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I T was Lord Westbury, if we are not mistaken, who once complained that England was "a lawyer-ridden country." There was much truth in the complaint. Lawyers have made so large...

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MR. HUXLEY'S Lecture before the British Association, like in. Mr. Tyndall's, has at least this one merit,—it proves the paramount value of metaphysical inquiry in its broadest...

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N ORTII-EAST of the extreme north of the Scottish mainland, a boundary-line between the Atlantic Ocean, which rolls against their western, and the North Sea, which lashes their...

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T HE Report of the Committee on the Food-Adulteration Act of 1872 is in some respects a cheering document. Both it and the evidence on which it is based are in favourable...

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PROFESSOR TYNDALL ON SCIENCE AND RELIGION. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR-1 Sun,—If atomic evolution can produce man, what should hinder it from producing, not, indeed, God,...

[To THE EDITOR OF Tall SPECTATOR:1 Sta,—I cannot help asking

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you to turn to Locke on the "Human Understanding," book iv., c. iii., sec. 6. A careful reading of this paragraph will show, at least, this much,—that a man may believe in the...


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Sin,—In your article on Professor Tyndall's address, you remark incidentallythat "thought evolved from matter is thought without responsibility." May I ask on what basis your...


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have read Professor Tyndall's address at Belfast, as reported in the daily papers, and also your article on the subject, with great interest. May I ask if you can give me...

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[TO THE EDTTOZ OF THE "SPECTATOR:) SIR,—Religion has often lately

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been peremptorily, not to say sometimes rudely, warned off the domain of " Science " (as one single branch of human science now assumes exclusively to de- scribe itself). Is it...


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Szn,--Professor Tyndall has, it seems to me, scarcely sufficiently acknowledged, in his courageous address before the British Association at Belfast, hii3 great obligations to...

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THE' GRENADTER GUARDS.* A REGIMENT 18 a military corporation, having a continuous life, and receiving accretions of honour from century to century. The great actions performed...


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IT was in the evening sky Of a bright day in July, When Rads. and Bishops marshall'd to form their godless line. And the Primate Tait was there, With his Presbyterian glare...


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[TO MB EDITOR OF THB •• seserkrou:] Sts.,—I see that you welcome all notes of interest upon our fellow- beings, the dogs. Here is one that seems to prove they have a sense of...

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MRS. Ournalcr's range of subjects in her works of fiction is not considerable, and she is never more at fault than when she relies for her readers' interest on startling...

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OUR NORMAN FAMILIES.* IT is the object of this volume

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to slow that the English nation is less Anglo-Saxon than is commonly supposed, and that, instead of receiving at the Conquest a slight infusion of noble Norman blood, which was...

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whose lives are worthy of being recorded from the sharpness with which they stand out of the ordinary mass of mankind. It may be said of these, especially if they be great...

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Aileen Ferrer& By Susan Morley. (London : Henry S. King

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and Co.)—To those who covet a library of pure and innocent fiction for the amusement and interest of young friends,—tales that they can lend, father. She is firm, however, in...


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Tramps in the Tyrol. By H. Baden Pritchard. (Tinsley Brothers.)— If Mr. Baden Pritchard had only been less resolutely funny, he might have given us a charming book to be...

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A Voice from Another World. By W. S. L. S.

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(James Parker and Co.)—A person who hides a pair of wings, "larger far than wings of condor or of albatross—glorious wings, richly adorned in bars of many glowing lines, like...