28 JUNE 1873

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The news from Spain is slight this week. The Cortes

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has refused to repudiate either debt or interest, has voted the aboli- tion of the Spanish Legation at Rome as contrary to religious freedom,"—a stupid blunder, when Rome...

Alliance with the Shah is now most important, and it

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is probably a rumour that such alliance has been completed that makes the Russians so angry. The Mir tells "proud Albion "that her reception of the Shah is all selfish ; that he...

In Windsor Park on TuesdaY the Shah attended a review

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of the Household Troops, with four regiments of Cavalry, four batta- lions of Infantry, and three battalions of Artillery added, 7,000 men in all. The day was fine, the...

The French Assembly has had a great excitement. It appears

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that the majority, to gratify their clerical supporters, have decided to make a marked difference between the funerals of men who reject clerical assistance at death and of...

The Shah has been very hardly worked this week, and

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must be looking forward to Thursday, when he starts for Paris, where the municipality have refused to vote anything for his reception, and where, if he dies, he must go...


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T HE fall of Khiva is at last confirmed. In spite of the horrible weather under which one column succumbed, and retreated after 60 deaths from sunstroke, General Kauffman pushed...

* The Editors cannot undertake to return Manuscript in any

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Every one admits that the Review was a success as

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an assem- blage of fine units of different arms ; and in this sense it may perhaps compare fairly with any other that the Shah has wit- nessed. Yet it seems impossible for the...

The Italian Ministry have resigned, ostensibly because they never form

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"a House," really because they have lost many - of their Left supporters, who condemn the Religious Corporations. Bill as too mild, and have made the heat an excuse for staying-...

Lord Carnarvon has lost his Bill for granting greater facilities:

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to public worship. It had passed the Commons, but though supported by both Archbishops, it was thrown out in the Peers. by68 to 52. With a little amendment it would have...

On Thursday the Shah visited Liverpool ; on Thursday next

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he leaves England, and we suppose on some Thursday next Session we shall know what he came for. Our political hope is expressed elsewhere, but we are not sure we would not...

It was supposed that the suppression of nomination days and

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the introduction of the Ballot had put an end to the brutal element in elections, but the case of Bath destroys this pleasant illusion. At the Guildhall yesterday week, Mr. Cox,...

Mr. Stansfeld presses on with his Rating Bill, fighting boldly,.

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but not winning very much. On Friday week he carried his. clausefor rating stock-in-trade—we wonder what the Commis- sioners will tax our brains at—but on Thursday he was...

The Committee on the Zanzibar Contract was nominated on Thursday

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night, after an attempt by Mr. Ward Hunt to substi- tute a nomination of five members by the Committee of Selec- tion, with two to be added by the House, for the list submitted...

It is suggested that the Shah should be seriously pressed

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to grant religious toleration in Persia, or at least put in abeyance- the law which punishes Mohammedan apostacy with death. We fear the petitioners, right as they are, must...

Mr. Lowe is certainly not as favourable to literary interests

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as he- is to commercial. While he was anxious to give the Union Steam- ship Company 211,000 a year more, apparently, than was needful for the purpose, he has sent a most curt...

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The second reading of the Canada Loan Guarantee Bill was

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carried on Monday night in the House of Commons by a majority of 102 (117 to 15), Sir Charles Dilke having moved its rejection. The BM was opposed on the double ground that it...

The Select Committee on the Endowed Schools' Act (1869) have

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agreed to their Report, which has been presented to Par- liament. The Committee recommend that the powers of the Act about to expire be renewed, with certain modifications. The...

Mr. Forster, in moving the Education vote on Thursday night,

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made a very cheering statement as to the increase of the attend- ances at school since the Education Act was passed. In the last year previous to the Act, namely, 1869, the...

The Archbishop of Posen, the Bishop of Fulda, and the

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Bishop of Paderborn have intimated to the Prussian authorities that they will not submit the programme of ecclesiastical instruc- tion in their seminaries for the approval of...

Prince Bismarck is apparently not so much in favour with

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his 'master as he has been, and certainly not so much with the Liberals of Germany. With the former he is out of favour apparently because he has not got the Military...

An organ of the German Conservatives, the Weekly Journal, while

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congratulating England on the appointment of Count Munster as Ambassador, remarks, "With regard to the great freedom existing in England, we never hesitate to charac- terise...

Consols were on Friday 92i to 92f.

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• THE FRENCH ASSEMBLY ON CORPSES. T HE Right have made another terrible blunder, one which will not only deepen to rancour the hatred of -their enemies, but annoy and perplex...

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T HE Birmingham Education League seem to have determined on a policy. So far as they can, they intend to divide the Liberal party in all places where the Liberal candidate does...

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T HE Shah quits England on Thursday, and as soon as he has gone the public will be very anxious to know why he came, why he seemed so satisfied—that gift at Windsor of his own...


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frillE notion generally entertained in England as to the perse- cution of the Catholics in some of the cantons of Switzer- land is, we believe, one of contemptuous disbelief....

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W E have before us a rather curious plate, forbidden, we see, to copyists, and at the present moment of some interest to mankind. It contains the photographs of every member of...


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T HE Tories were getting quite cock-a-hoop about Scotland, but the division of Wednesday about Hypothec will, we doubt not, convince them that their old allegiance was the true...

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T HE love of pageantry is one of the commonest forms of human idealism. It is strange enough, that when a great visitor like the Shah comes from the lands of Pageant to those of...

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() NE of the most tragical figures in history is Marie Antoinette. Her life traversed the whole range of human emotion and all the possibilities of contrast ; around the...

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OUR MERCHANT SHIPS. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR . ] Sin,—Finding that my letter, kindly inserted in the Times of the- 17th inst. (referring to the " rat " and other...

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SIR,—When "every parishioner who pays to the Church-rate, or scot and lot, and no other" (Burn), is a member of the parish vestry, and eligible to its every office, from...


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COUNCILS. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTAT011.1 is quite true that the Sheffield scheme for the federation -of parishes to which Mr. Fremantle alludes in this last letter has no...

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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOIC1 Sm.,—If Mr. Seebohm knew well the rural districts of the Midland Counties, he would not, I venture to think, regret so deeply the Bishop of...


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M. RERAN'S ANTECHRIST."* WE read M. Renan with more satisfaction, it must be confessed, the further his subject removes him from the central figure of the his tory of...


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[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] SIR, —In a notice of Mr. Percival's pamphlet on the" Universities. and Great Towns," in the Spectator of June 21, you draw atten- tion...

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THERE is a great dearth among English novelists of any school which combines the delineation of practical with that sentimental interests. 1Ve call ourselves realists, and no...

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IT is, or at least used to be, required of all candidates for licence to the Ministry in the Kirk of Scotland that they should, along with other proofs of due qualification,...

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ALTAIR OF BLUE EYES.* WE have on two previous occasions

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noticed Mr. Hardy's stories, and we scarcely know whether we are now most impressed by our unexpected good:fortune in his valuable accession to the higher ranks of modern...

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has been for many years a distinguished professor of theology at Strasbourg. In his preface to the volumes before as be says that he was himself "the first in France 'to apply...

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LONDON'S HEART.* A NOVEL written with what is commonly known

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as "a purpose" challenges criticism on more points than upon merely its artistic correctness, and Mr. Farjeon has so very distinct a purpose in the story before us, we are bound...

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Slave-Catching in the Indian Ocean. By Captain Colomb, R.N. (Longmans.)—Captain Colomb's book, though much better written, more lucid, and more skillfully arranged than Captain...

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"lie Cometh Not," She Said. By Annie Thomas (Mrs. Pander

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Cudlip). 3 vols. (Chapman and Hall.)—In general ton 3 at least, though scarcely in talent, this novel is an advance on " Denis Donne," the one of Mrs. Ponder Cudlip's works...

Adventures of a Protestant in Search of a Religion. By

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"Iota." (Washbourne.)—This is a satirical story, somewhat after the manner of Mr. Paget, but with a different aim. Mr. Paget ridiculed Low-Church- men, and sought to show that...

The Lion and the Elephant. By Charles John Andersson. Edited

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by - L. Lloyd. (Hurst and Blackett.)—Mr. Andersson, like many other African travellers who accomplished numerous feats of exploration and .of sport, and who made large additions...